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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. True. Ice Mirror could be physical AND ranged attack reduction. Like Aegis and Pavise combined. That would be pretty neat.
  2. The buffs to staves are actually pretty significant. Fear+ has Seal Atk and Atk Smoke built into it. Them having higher SP costs also salvages their usefulness in the arena. I just hope the updated Siegmund doesn't take it up another stage further than what Legendary weapons already do.
  3. OMG I will forever associate the two while playing Heroes now. I really do not like her voice. Mia is a toned down Ayra. Lute could be really good. And Dorcas is basically guaranteed to be top tier.
  4. Ok that's what I thought! I always kinda pictured him as having elephantitis and having a very low IQ in FE7...
  5. He's a good dude but come on. He isn't good looking in his FE7 portrait. Maybe some people whose sexual orientation is attracted to men can help clarify? As a straight male, I might not have the most qualified opinion.
  6. Holy shit that was a lot of great news. My wallet is in for some serious trouble. I'm glad I don't have to sacrifice Nephenee to my newly built Steady Breath +10 Lukas. I almost went ahead with it too... Hahaha, Dorcas got a major makeover. I expected him to be Arden levels of ugly. Lute and Joshua hype! More SS characters are always welcome, but why are all of the TT reward characters Swordies?? Seasonal units coming back is awesome. I just hope they are split into more than 1 banner. Or no more than 2 per color. I didn't get a good look at which ones were shown.
  7. For all of you people saying that Takumi got robbed. Did he really though? He had a lead and a larger team going into the final hour and got outscored by over 20% Team Takumi was 60% larger and yet in the last 20 hours he only scored about 10% more points on his multipliers than Shanna did on hers. Team Shanna earned this win by putting up seriously impressive numbers through the final three hours. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 1,157,401,820 points that Shann put up in the final hour is a record for the highest non-multiplier hour in any gauntlet. I'm with @Ice Dragon as far as the entertainment of this gauntlet goes. For me, this match-up outdid Chrom V Ephraim. Personnally I have warmed up to the 1% differnce for a multiplier. This is definitely the best it has ever been. There are so many bonus hours that you can use your flags when you are awake and able and you don't have to worry about them happening so few and far between that you miss them all. It is literally pick your favorite character and not just the favorite, because now the favorites aren't guaranteed to win.
  8. Let's go Team Shanna!! Brute force for the win! This would actually be really hype.
  9. I'm a little bit salty that Amelia lost. That makes it the first time that the largest team hasn't won the whole thing. I'm going over to Team Shanna. GBA for the win! Should probably change my lead to a Red? +5 Ike I chosse you!
  10. Exactly my point. You can only go all-out with 400 flags on one of the multipliers. I'm guessing the 7.4x multiplier will under-perform by a lot, and the 7.5x multiplier won't be enough to do it.
  11. Wow, Amelia V Shanna is going to be really close. Depending on how Amelia's multiplier performs to Shanna's last two hours of multipliers it could go either way. Hopefully Team Shanna has depleted most of their flags and one of the final two hours vastly under performs as people will choose one or the other.
  12. ironically, the only chance of Shanna getting the multiplier is if she hits hard enough this hour to give Amelia the multiplier. Otherwise the lead won't be large enough and Amelia can coast to victory.
  13. I have been in the top 1000 since around day 6. When I passed 100k I was rank 880ish. It was a pretty rapid jump.
  14. Amelia is my favorite of the girls and Ryoma is my favorite boy. I'm not sure what strategy to go with though. usually I try to pick the biggest round 1 underdog but that massively backfired on me last time. I slept through multipliers, and I saved too many flags too late and was unable to use them all. I'm thinking of just going with a favorite this time. Should be able to get 8k+ feathers pretty easily that way. It will probably be either Lobster or Pineapple on the boys side. The girls winner should be either Amelia or Hinoka? Obviously the 1% differential for the multiplier can easily lead to an upset though...
  15. Score of 167,065 is good for rank 227 right now. I'm definitely on pace to go over 200k and my rank is getting lower and lower every day. My score could easily be 4-5k higher, but I have been using an Eldigan horse team ever since Sigurd maxed his HM. The best part of the TT for me is getting to grind up so many character's HM. I've gotten well over 20k feathers so far just from HM. Since I recently pulled my ideal nature for Lukas (+Def/-Spd) and I have plenty of 4* copies lying around, I can now use the new influx of feathers to start working towards getting him to +10.
  16. The dessert is typically cleared in 6 or fewer turns. Knoll would be lucky to get more than 1 kill. He need at least 3 to gain just 1 Lv. Just because the game developers makes units like the trainees, it doesn't mean the players should alter long standing definitions of efficient play and tier list criteria. If there was an agreement among the players that trainees and other low-leveled units be allowed a certain amount of grinding than a list would reflect that. For drafts, trainees are allowed to be leveled to a 1st tier class, and Ewan even up to LV 5 sometimes. This rule certainly makes them quite usable. For the purposes of this list, however, no such rule was stated. Tethys is good because she saves at least 1 turn on every single map that she exists for. Knoll saves zero turns. He just makes phantom bait which only slightly improves the reliability of your units surviving an enemy phase. Syrene is only better than like the 6-8 worst units. She is more than capable of surviving a round or two of combat, killing gorgon eggs, and performing rescue drop strategies.
  17. Top 1000 isn't too far away if you want to shoot for that. I'm currently at about rank 400 with a score of 140k. When I hit 100k I was around rank 900. I definitely slowed down my pace since then and every day my rank has been getting lower and lower. There were points earlier today where I was in the 300's.
  18. Camus was instantly promoted twice to 5* and merged for a +1. I was going to do it with Xander as well but I got way too many good horses and didn't need to right away, but I plan to eventually promote him. Zephiel was promoted to 5* but the BK came along so I never got around to giving Zephiel any merges. The BK got the +1 treatment instead. Also Arden too, LOL. The likes of Legion, Michalis, Arvis, and Valter are also definite candidates to get the 5* treatment, but I just haven't been extremely motivated for them. The rest are unimpressive to me and have competition from units who are vastly superior to them so they will probably sit in my barracks and just take up space. I will possibly use some of they for Skill inheritance but I won't send them home.
  19. I'm super excited for this banner. All of these units should end up being really good. Henry and Jakob are probably the least impressive on their own, but they are going to add a ton of variety to Armor teams which is pretty awesome. And they will probably be great candidates for Close Counter. Sakura's dagger is going to be super good and the preferred weapon of choice for dagger wielders since it is effective against all mages regardless of movement type. Felicia is going to be the best counter to every single mage. Including the ones on horses. Nowi is my most wanted of the bunch and should be really ridiculous. She has a legendary weapon just like Axura so will will score well in the arena. I hope having 1 unit with a "Legendary" weapon becomes the new trend for these seasonal banners. That secondary effect on her weapon is going to be so much fun.
  20. All rewards gotten. Score of 101,882 is good for Rank 806. Went with a horse team lead by Sigurd to start out. Swapped out units when they hit 3k HM. Once Sigurd hit 3k HM I swapped him out for Eldigan. He only gets me a 20% bonus but I don't even care all that much.If I did I could just surrender on the last map and use a 40% unit. I have two more teams with 40% units waiting to go once Eldigan hits 3k HM. He has a long way to go because I just pulled him for the first time.
  21. Yup, Tiki-Adult and Fae look to have pretty good chances to pull off the upsets. Boy Corrin and Sophia are going to come on too strong too early.
  22. Judging by Sophia's huge score output this past hour, there is a pretty large group of people saving flags for the final few hours.
  23. It's actually possible to pick the underdog, get the benefits of constant multipliers and still get the win for the round if your team happens to get the multiplier in the final hour.
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