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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I gotta say, this is the worst iteration of the multiplier yet. Almost any match will come down to whoever has the bonus in the final hour. And with the constant bonuses for the teams that are huge underdogs, it greatly rewards the people who are able to do 2 battles every single hour since even picking the 1x option will give lots of points over several hours of multipliers. Not to mention that if you are on a team that is heavily favored, you can kiss your cumulative rank goodbye.
  2. The badge requirements for upgrading seals to tier 3 are actually pretty high. I've been playing from the very beginning, and I can easily see myself running out of badges for some of the upgrades.
  3. 5058 is rank #764 Another week of staying in Tier 20 and being top 1000 for AA for me. I love it when Sophia puts in the work.
  4. I noticed earlier this morning that Corrin-F had the bonus, but the official site didn't show her damaged artwork.
  5. I see an 8% difference with Corrin-M having the bonus right now.
  6. I see an 8% difference with Corrin-M having the bonus right now.
  7. It's way too early. We still don't even know how low the lead difference to get the multiplier is yet. It could be as low as 1%.
  8. Can anyone post a link to the prediction spreadsheet thing? Is it up yet?
  9. So Ninian is going to be the overwhelming favorite here, right? Most people generally like her and she has been in a lot of banners lately. The only unit I don't have is Young Tiki so I have a lot of options for this gauntlet. I will probably go with an underdog who has actually has a decent shot of scoring an upset in round 1. I would have totally used the block A banner to finally get Young Tiki, but Male Corrin is also in the banner and I have had terrible luck with two units of the same color lately. 4 Oscars - zero Nephenees. 3 Inigos - 1 Axezura. I have also gotten 3 off-banner Male Corrins so I really don't want any more. Oh no, this could be really bad. If they lowered it to a 5% difference in score, the winners will be even more of a coin flip now. If they raised it, the multiplier would have a significantly smaller affect on the outcome. If they made the scores update more frequently, like every 30 mins, that could be really interesting. But it would screw over the larger teams in the end by making it almost impossible for the underdog to overshoot and give the larger team a multiplier.
  10. The lower scores are half of the normal defense wins and only started showing up after we were told that AA defense wins would start to be counted. I get the lower defense wins once in a while even though I keep my defense team the same throughout an entire season. It's the only explanation for the lower scores.
  11. 165,000 ish got me rank 1450 ish. Next time I will push harder earlier on. I'm kinda pissed that I didn't reach top 1000.
  12. Defense wins gotten from AA don't get doubled for having a bonus unit.
  13. 150,850 is good for rank #1505 I've been playing quite a bit but I haven't been gaining very quickly.
  14. He only needs specific natures if you want him to be able to counter them both in the same match. Any nature will do for being able to counter either Reinhardt or B!Lyn in any given match. Also you can give him the Summoner Support boosts, and I believe any nature will work for the double counter. Regardless, Inigo seems to have the most value for AA where you can build a perfect counter pick team based on what your opponent has. I don't think he will get too much use in the normal Arena with his low BST.
  15. No, 5194 is what you need for the top 100. Your score of 5078 will be good enough to stay in the top 1000 for a while. I have been in the top 1000 for a few weeks now with scores ranging from 5006-5030.
  16. I guess they fixed this and we are all getting some orbs because of it. I'm able to stay in Tier 20 every week and I get in the top 1000 for AA pretty consistently so that's 10,400 feathers per week. However I did have to do a 2nd deathless run for AA after I finished with only 5006 which had me at like Rank #1080ish. After adding 2 merges to Nowi to make her +10 and giving B!ike his beorcs blessing I was able to increase my score to about 5030ish which put me around Rank #890. I'm kinda worried about how the score threshold for top 1000 is increasing. Eventually, the top 1000 is going to be filled with everyone tied for 1st with a score of 5194.
  17. Nice, I get to put my 5* +1 Sophia to use. And she can take out the green dancers.
  18. This made me LOL. They've gotten $200 from me and I still need Azura...
  19. Yeah, top 1000 could only be 5000 - 10,000 points away from you.
  20. Kudos on killing the BK without a blue. That has happened to me several times so I know how tricky it can be to time your BK's Black Luna proc before his. Although, you should have forfeited before killing every enemy and finished it with a 40% bonus unit instead. I jumped 250 spots to rank #4790 after getting 504 points to put me at 100,100. So wherever you are right now in relation to me right now might give you a good idea. Personally I'm going to shoot hard for top 1000. If it is anything like the mini TT there will be a lot of people who drop off after hitting 100k. You should see your rank go up a considerable amount with every run.
  21. Yes. Just go to the first map of the paralogue on normal and put a unit who can't counter in range of the mage next to Azura. She will dance for him and you can see the boosted stats for yourself. Pulls as in you go into the summon session; summon from all the colors you want; and the back out = 1 pull? Or 1 pull = 1 character? Either way, how high did your pity rate get?
  22. Goddammit, I hate it when there are two of the same color!! I got Olivia (+Spd/-Res) and Shigure (+Spd/-Res) so I don't need to pull blue or colorless anymore. They have pretty decent Natures too. Then I have 3 Inigos (+Res/-Atk) x2 (+HP/-Def) and a Merric (+Spd/-Hp). I actually like the Merric I got, but Inigo can go to hell. I guess +Res/-Atk has good bulk for Reinhardt and B!Lyn checking but -Spd would have been so much better for that. Azura is my #1 most wanted from this banner.
  23. Did anyone else notice that Azura has a 0 Atk stat on the normal difficulty maps? It's 16 which is all from her weapon leaving her with a base Atk of 0. I thought that was really strange.
  24. I used Sharena a lot so I got very familiar with her Fortify Def and Rally Atk. Upon watching again, I noticed she is missing HP. Like 5-8. If her stat spread is similar to her normal version's just with a few points of HP taken away and distributed on other stats she could be really good.
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