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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. What's even more infuriating is when you spend a bunch of time pulling for and training up Reinhardt counters and then you stop seeing Reinhardt altogether. Like, my team is so good at dealing with him that I actually want to see him as the enemies team leader. Bridelia and Bow Lyns are my new problem enemies. Luckily I have 3 units capable of dealing with them well. TA3 Cecilia is on my to do list. Firesweep bows are my least favorite thing to see.
  2. @Vaximillian I can't even tell you how many times I have seen TA 3 on Gem weapon units. Stuff like that is probably why people run it on their defense teams. Even with his boosted stats, Hector was disappointing for me. It might be because I always did the Lunatic 7 maps when I used him, but he didn't kill things as well as I would have liked. Probably because of his 1 move and lack of doubling on the player phase. Thankfully he maxed his HM out early on. Ninian has been a complete beast though. Her + one of my Falchion healers + TA 3 Sophia have been the core of all of my TT teams.
  3. OH YEAH. I joined the 5000 club. Added a merge to Ike, Brave Ike and Nowi, and finished filling in Brave Ike's skills and I got a score of 5008 which was more than enough to stay in Tier 20. AA was rank #9xx. 10,900 feathers per week is nice. Team of +8 Nowi, +1 B!Ike, +2 Julia, +4 Ike I have enough 4* Nowis and feathers to make her +10 but I have been holding off on it.
  4. I just merged it right away. The one I had already had all of the skills I want for TT runs and S/he gets plenty of SP from doing the TT runs anyways.
  5. Klein + 3 dancers clear. +Atk -Spd Klein put in the work in yet another GHB/BHB. TA Ninian was thrown up to the right of Eirika to trigger the enemies. Only Eirika could attack which left her HP in Escape Route range which allowed her to teleport to safety on the next turn. Klein can OHKO the mages and thief, and needs a Glacies proc to OHKO the cavalier. Eirika and Ephraim were easy pickings after the others were taken out.
  6. Wow, you've got those defense wins figured out, huh? What is your defense team?
  7. If he is +Atk -Spd a 4 cooldown would be better. Enemy attack (-1) -> Ike attack (-2) -> Enemy attack (-1) -> Ike activates his special So Aether would be best for him if you have the QP seal. Dragon Fang if you don't.
  8. I'm 99% sure Heavy Blade only activates when Ike attacks. When enemies attack it's only -1. And I've been using Ike for a pretty long time now. If I'm wrong, I must be a complete idiot.
  9. Seriously? That's like nothing. While talking about score, 1,286,660 is good for rank #317 on Team Camilla. and Rank #1865 overall
  10. Don't underestimate the 7.5x bonus. She would only need about 4.5 Billion, and saving 400 flags until the final hour is a common practice.
  11. Where are you getting 800% from? 1 Billion is 200% of his average and 750 million is only 150% of his average.
  12. There is no communication needed though. People are going to want to spend their flags instead of letting them go to waste. It doesn't need to be all timed at once. It is just a matter of whether they actually have that many flags remaining. Whether they do 1 billion for the next 6 hours or 700 million for the next 10 hours, either way, there is a chance to lose.
  13. Theoretically Team Ike can do over a Billion in a non-multiplier hour, so if they do have an absurd amount of flags left over there is a chance to fuck it up if everyone unloads their flags. I doubt that would actually happen though. But it is technically possible.
  14. Congrats! I'm telling you, it's that hour of the morning where she just overperforms for some strange reason. I'm so glad i'm going to be on the losing side. While I do like Camilla, I did not want to see her win again.
  15. I personally love Dart. Sure he destroys your funds rank, but his 60% Str and Spd growths are ridiculous, and Berzerker is my favorite GBA class. Since you already don't care about your funds rank when using him, you can also feed him your secret books to help out his poor Skl.
  16. You get 1510 per round. 4530 total. The most efficient way to spend the 4530 flags is to do 22 rounds of 200 + one of 100 + one of 20 + one of 10. All other battles can then obviously be the 1 flag for free.
  17. So apparently the only defense wins I get lately are against people with Xander as their lead. I finally got one late in this past season with like 1 day left. I swapped in Sharena for Amelia when the Arena was closed and I already have an Arena win this morning against someone with a Xander lead again. When Sharena is on my team the defense wins flood in. It has to be because I have Wings of Mercy on her.
  18. Camilla would have to underperform by about 3.5 Billion. Seeing as she just did 6.4 Billion, there is no way her score will be under 5 Billion for this one. This is in the bag for Ike. The prediction shows a narrow victory for Ike but that is only because it has Camilla's hourly gains extremely inflated at 400 million per hour. Seeing as she has only scored 400 million 1 time so far, I think it is safe to assume she will not be able to maintain that pace. For Team ike, you can all spend whatever flags you have left. If you are paranoid, save 400 for the final hour. Y'all should be good though.
  19. There needs to be a lead of 4 Billion at this point to give anyone a multiplier. Ike doesn't have that much firepower left in him.
  20. And Ike scored in the perfect sweet spot. Camilla will take a slight lead and Ike can cruise control to victory. Yeah, Team Ike can freely spend all of their flags now.
  21. Unfortunately, I don''t think Camilla will score enough, and that is the worst case scenario. Especially if she just barely falls short. I expect Ike to be able to out-muscle her, but it would be nearly 3 Billion to have to catch up. Shhhhh don't speak. They might hear you
  22. Things were not even close to the same as they are now. With only 14 hours to go there is very little room for any variance. These multipliers, whether 1 or 3, will be the last ones we see no matter what. Ike Would need to score like 13 Billion to give Camilla back to back multipliers, which isn't happening. And there aren't enough hours left for any chance of a last hour multiplier.
  23. It's two hours less, but a significantly smaller amount to make up. Either way, Ike should have this in the bag. The easiest path is the one with yo-yo multipliers. Yo-yo = guaranteed win No yo-yo = mad sprint to the finish going to whoever has the most flags left (most likely Ike).
  24. For example, If Camilla get one 6 billion hour. That is 6 Billion Ike has to make up. If Camilla gets two 6 Billion hours and Ike has an 8 Billion in between them, Ike only has to make up 4 Billion in the long run. Ike wants Camilla to trigger a multiplier for them. Assuming they show up for theirs that is.
  25. Alright, Let's go Team Titties!! We gotta give Ike that multiplier so we can boost our scores even more with a 2nd one! And ya know, cause I want Ike to win. Oh and Team Ike, Don't do anything for this hour. You want a low score to allow us to give you the bonus. edit - Oh, it was this hour yesterday (24 hours ago) that Camilla had that really weird multiplier where she massively over-performed! Let's go!!
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