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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Well Team Corrin only trailed once due to the 2nd hour multiplier that factor never came into play for us in round 1. I had an edit, the last hour completely changed the projections.
  2. @Ice Dragon- The projections currently show Robin winning, but the projected hourly gains seem really low for both sides. This time of day was slow for Corrin on both days in round 1, and I think that has to do with the low scores for the past few hours. Idk, those projections just seem really off. 207 million per hour from here on out? Corrin only has two hourly gains so far that are below 207 million. An average of 240-250 million seems much more likely. I'm not worried about Corrin losing due to not being able to retake the lead in time because those projected numbers definitely don't account for the "OH SHIT" factor. When Team Corrin realizes they are behind and running out of time they will start spending to catch up, and they should be able to easily do around 400 million per hour. edit - Oh wow, the last hour completely changed everything. Corrin's projected hourly gains have gone way up and Corrin is now projected to win. Hmmm, I wonder, will Leo make it out of the 2nd round? His first gauntlet had him lose in the 1st round. Then he was knocked out in the 2nd round. Maybe he is destined to lose in the Final this time? He will win it all for sure if he gets a 4th opportunity, right?
  3. I am well aware of that, but the total number of players doesn't change. The players stayed the same, but the total score quadrupled.
  4. No I didn't. I'm talking about the cumulative score of all teams remaining. Corrin's score in the 1st hour of Round 2 is almost 6 times larger than it was in Round 1. Robin's, Leo's, and Gaius's are all almost 5x larger as well. It is as if the total player base more than tripled. That tweet simply shows the scores of each team after the first hour. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bxAC7aTAl7ZmrM4dQX-5jMY1cihagCtieLquruI1bPs/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#
  5. Damn that 1st round was pretty crazy. In the beginning, Gaius was outscoring Freddy but then Freddy woke up and consistently outscored Gaius from hour 16 on. Holy shit Team Elise brought it within 70 million. Her score with that 7.5x bonus was way higher than any projections. Apparently quite a few people had some flags ready to go. Something isn't adding up. All 8 teams combined scores for the 1st hour in round 1 was about 110 million. And now in round 2, the 4 teams 1st hour combined scores are over 420 million. And it isn't just for the 1st hour. The hourly gains are all way higher than the were in round 1.
  6. Pretty sure that Elise is the only one who will get anything. The other Teams all have 0% chance for a multiplier. sowwy. Whoever the unlucky man is in the final will have a shit ton of bonuses and the scores will get way too high to even have a chance to catch up, let alone take any kind of lead. If it is actually 10:1 or more, Corrin's opponent could have as many as like 30 bonus hours...
  7. I got a +spd -def Delthea on my very first blue summon for the banner. Meanwhile when Ike was the focus banner I spent 200 orbs on it and got 3 or 4 non focus 5* reds, plus I reset my increased odds once when there were no red orbs because the 1 green I pulled before backing out ended up being a Soren. I later got Ike as a non focus pull so it all eventually evens out. Even though you might not get what you set out to get, you might just find that those "undesired" units become key contributors for you later on. When we had the mage banner, I was pulling for Linde and Julia. I never got either; I ended up getting 2 Nowis, both -Atk. I was really mad at first, but then I decided to promote a +Atk 4* Nowi I had to merge with the other two and Nowi has quickly become one of my MVPs. After 4 more promotions, I now have a +6 Nowi.
  8. Actually the past 2 Finals weren't too bad Compared to the first two gauntlets Tharja v Robin was really close. Team Tharja was only like 40-50% larger. And Team Elise was only about 3x larger than Team Pris. Right now, Team Corrin is about 7x larger than Team Elise, and the Final could end up being 10:1. There is a pretty good chance that Elise will get it in the final hour. That 7.5 multiplier will go a long way for you. Odds are that most people got excited and blew their flags way too early.
  9. Lol, not trying to be mean. It's just that with the massive curbstomp that is taking place, it is not hard to predict that there will be bonuses later on. Skipping the first 6 or 7 should have been obvious. In this case, skipping the first 10 or 11 bonuses was the best strategy, LOL. The Final might be a bigger curbstomping than Corrin v Elise is right now...
  10. Because Team Corrin only got 1 bonus it's not to difficult to be in the top 1000 as long as you were able to spend 400 flags during the bonus. Lots of people missed it and therefor have no chance in hell of making the cut for the top 1000. For me, I set a timer for 29 mins after every battle so I will have almost as high a score as possible. Of the potential 90 battle in the round, I will finish with 80-83 battles and I was there for the bonus hour so I should make top 1000 and save as much as 700 flags for the next round. The 1500 feathers for victories offsets the poor total score rank. As long as I finish top 1000 in all 3 rounds, I will make 10,000 feathers + whatever my total rank ends up being. Save them for a little while. Elise will get at least 2 bonuses after her bonus next hour. possibly 3. If anyone was smart enough to hang on to all of there flags on Team Elise, now is the time to spend them. Your score will be absolutely absurd if you spend 400 flags on all of her bonuses from here on out.
  11. Out of curiosity, what is your score and rank in army right now? I'm guessing that a large portion of people missed our only bonus hour.
  12. I wouldn't say unfair. It's just stupid. It completely contradicts the purpose of the voting gauntlet. Even though there hasn't been a major upset yet, it will definitely happen eventually. Pris almost won the last gauntlet because of it and Robin most likely would have won against Tharja with the current system. It also totally screws over the total ranking of people on the most popular teams. The entire Top 1000 is going to be people who started on Team Elise. Elise has gotten 8 bonus hours already and will probably finish with 10, maybe 11, of them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the voting gauntlet for what it is. The multiplier makes it fun to predict and plan for maximum score gains, but it just shouldn't be called a Voting Gauntlet. They should change the name to Battle Gauntlet instead. If it were simply called Battle Gauntlet, I would actually look forward to an upset.
  13. It would take like 80% of the losers to allow Robin/Tiki to be larger than Corrin. LOL, Corrin is now scoring 5x more than Elise without bonuses. Team Corrin is larger than all of the men's teams combined + Team Tiki, hahaha.
  14. Corrin got just one bonus in hour 3, and she will not be getting another one unless Elise can get over 500 million with her bonus next hour. The most Elise has gotten yet is just a little over 300 million. Yeah, I figured Robin had gotten more bonuses to have such a high score. Just didn't know if it was 2 or 3. So Round 2 on the girls side is going to determine the winner of the gauntlet. And it looks like F!Corrin is the big favorite.
  15. If people are choosing advanced and your team happens to be there it will be stronger than your opponents. Intermediate and they will be roughly the same. And on Beginner, your Team will be weaker than whoever chose it. Basically the exact opposite of how the teams are when doing arena runs. For people who are choosing the advanced option, your team should be stronger than theirs.
  16. Wow, Elise barely pulled to "Same" with F!Corrin. So close to having 5 straight bonuses... Don't look now but Corrin has picked it up to 140 million per hour. And Elise is only getting 300 million with the bonus. I'm kinda pissed because I totally would have went with Elise if I had pulled her but I got Summer Xander and Soren instead. I see that Robin has the highest score of everyone. Does anyone know how many bonuses she has gotten and/or how much she gets per hour without the bonus?
  17. Merges are their own separate thing. Even the difference from Hector to Cecelia would be 1 point at most if at all. BST really doesn't matter anymore. Their weapons and the extra merge would make a noticeable difference.
  18. PSA for anyone who hasn't joined a team yet. If you want a high total score go with Elise. Corrin is destroying her more than 4:1 without bonuses. Corrin won't be getting anymore bonuses at all from here on out. Just 1 for us. Elise will however have one pretty much every other hour. After Corrin"s only bonus Elise will now have 4 straight hours of the bonus. It's a masacre out there. F!Corrin won't be getting anymore bonuses. You missed out.
  19. All Indications are that BST has very little if anything to do with scores now. Merges and higher SP cost on weapons and skills are what has the effect on your score. What was on your horse team? Odds are that they just had skills with higher SP cost. Or more merges.
  20. Three of them were +10 the other was Lv 39 +7ish. I laughed so hard when I saw the team. Then they killed Hector and I had to surrender... would have been good for 706. I wonder if this was the guy who makes those Sakura only videos.
  21. LOL, dude I can't stop laughing at that 9 year old necropost. Soren is much better than Ilyana. That is just an absurdly RNG screwed Soren. With his growths, the odds of getting 2 MAG and 3 SPD are like 1 in a million low.
  22. I have 51 unique 5* units. I'm stacked for reds and blues but I only have 6 greens, and only 4 of those have any chance to bait a Reinhardt.
  23. if there is, it would be 999,999. There is no way the cap is 99,999.
  24. Give her a Rally, a buff C skill, and the fortify Res Seal. Use her to buff your bladetome users who will do all the killing. That's what i'm going to do... I also have a built up Lukas and a poor natured Faye.
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