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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Yeah I noticed that when I watched it again. His Atk stat seems to be on the low side though. Even with the +3 and a 16 mt weapon it was 48 or 49? Lucina has the Infantry version of the Goad skill built into her weapon, only +3 but still. And it works for every unit not just infantry. With her C-skill she gives +3 Atk and +6 Spd to allies within 2 spaces. She might be more of a support unit but she is pretty freaking great regardless. Lol, Ike is just a big middle finger to the meta right now.
  2. SHUT THE FUCK UP! I just got home from work and I only saw the bulletin board in-game and I thought they screwed us with just a voting gauntlet. Holy shit though I just watched the video and holy shit!! We finally get a bow knight!! Lyn, Ike, and Lucina all look broken as fuck. Is it just me or is Roy by far the least impressive of the bunch? Edit! - wait, I read it wrong the first time. His weapon has built in heavy blade?! OMG! And one of them is legit free?! I'm already disappointed in myself by how much I spent on the Sacred Stones, Hero Fest and Tempest Trials banners. These new characters might just take me into the full on whale category... And then there is the banner with Hector in it. More Distant counter fodder is so tempting.
  3. I would like to see the seasonal characters all released as 1* versions to at least allow people to complete their catalog of heroes. I don't see that being a problem at all because it would take a lot of time and feather investment to make the 5* and with neutral natures they won't be the absolute most viable options. Plus, it would just be one copy so you wouldn't see a whole bunch of +10 versions of them running around. Adding a 3% summon rate for 1* versions of some of the 5* exclusives would be an interesting idea. It would still be a very low chance to get them, and they would require a lot of investment to make them 5*. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to get a 1* Hector or Hinoka.
  4. Patience young grasshopper. I hate to say it, but you probably left one or more 5*s on the table there...
  5. Why the heck would you summon with only 9 orbs with that high of a rate?
  6. I know @Whistle usually gets to 100k in like the 1st day or two so the top score is probably over 300k. Some people really go nuts with this stuff. Hey Whistle, what is your score and rank?
  7. 4.25% I had spent 125 orbs before that group without getting a 5* I already got an Amelia before this so I was pulling blue and green in hopes of getting Tana and another Amelia. I prioritized colorless over red if those were the only 2 colors and I had to pick one before backing out. Clair came first. Then Hinoka. Then Hawkeye. And every time I break the pity rate I do a full summon which got me Leon. At that point I was in such disbelief and awe. I though I might have triggered the guaranteed 5* thing but Palla pulled me back down to earth. Last night I bought another 150 orbs and got stupid good luck. I pulled a 2nd Amelia and got a Seth when I finished the full pull. Then on the very next group it was all colorless and red and I pulled Innes and then backed out. Then a short while later, I got Tana. Only had to spend 100 of the orbs.
  8. FUCK! I forgot the season was ending and never used my 3 swords for the day which left a 6 win streak unfinished that would have easily been enough to stay in Tier 20. My Arena Assault score was pretty bad too. Like rank #12,xxx Naturally, I spent some dueling crests and got a score of 4934 which is currently good for rank #3 in Tier 19. Kinda feels good having it out of the way so early. No more procrastination for me.
  9. HAHAHA, he is good no matter what your play style is. I really thought the FE community had moved past the "Jeigans are bad!" mentality. Jeigans are GOOD. Even the OG Jeigan is good in Shadow Dragon. For LTC he is a must, unless you you put a self imposed ban on him because you want more of a challenge. For casually play, he is like basically invincible. The only way he is "bad" is in the Average 20/20 Stats department. And that is only when comparing him to the other Paladin's 20/20 stats.
  10. What the fuck just happened. The first four I did were the 5*s. I have never been more angry and happy at the same time. I'm beyond angry that I got 4 non focus 5*s but the Hinoka kinda makes up for it... I guess? I'm gonna have to check their Boons and Banes to see how I really feel. I bought 150 orbs too, and I only have 4 left after this.
  11. LOL, definitely this. If there is only 1 enemy left, the cavalier with Weapon Triangle Disadvantage should not charge ahead of everyone else to get himself killed. They should be programmed to run away from enemies who can 1HKO them.
  12. There are still a ton of people who seemingly stopped doing the TT once they hit the 99,999 reward. I got to 100,004 and there were like 54xx people ahead of me still. Then I got about 2000 more points and shot up like 2000 spots. By far the biggest jump I have ever done from just one run. I went from thinking I would be struggling to stay in the top 5000 to thinking that top 1000 might be within reach. Does anyone know what kind of score is needed for top 1000 right now??
  13. Ok, so I know Julia was just in the Hero Fest banner and Amelia was recently released as well, but I didn't expect them to destroy the Reinhardt spam that was dominating the meta. Seriously, I haven't seen a Reinhardt in a while. Between the Arena and AA matches I've done, I have seen 2 maybe 3 Reinhardts out of like 25 battles. It used to be like 24 out of 25 had him. Has anyone else noticed this, or have I finally gotten my team strong enough to have moved passed the Rein spam meta?
  14. Yeah, fielding 2 or 3 or 4 of a character will get that one specific character's HM to go up faster, but in the long run it doesn't matter. 500 HM for four characters is the same as 2000 for one character. There is also a negative to maxing out HM too fast, if that character happens to be good you won't be able to use them to help clear maps for other characters to grind since you will want to bench them after maxing HM. As far as efficient grinding goes, the training tower is the worst place to do it. TT gives you 5 or 7 maps for 20 stamina which is 4 and 2.9 stamina per map. And the double chapter Chain Challenges are 9 maps (don't finish the 10th battle) for 30 stamina which is 3.3 stamina per map. For the fastest real time HM gain, those special maps that cost 5 stamina are the best if you can clear the maps in 15-30 seconds. Unfortunately those are only for limited times.
  15. That's nothing. My team set to auto-battle positioned themselves in a way that they couldn't attack the last enemy, who only had 5 HP left,(enemy healer-Delthea-Clive-Masked Marth-S!Xander were lined up on a bridge) and they were too stupid to move out of the way to let someone get the final blow. Luckily I happened to be watching it so they only wasted 2 turns. That would have sucked if I wasn't paying attention and came back to see 500 turns. Unless you have Wrathful Staff with Horse buff support, no-healer teams are the way to go. Hyper-offense with Bladetomes, Desperation, and buffs are really effective, but Renewal is also a really amazing skill for these multi-map modes. Falchion+Renewal combined with Ardent sacrifice is a great build. Throw in the Miracle special and your units pretty much never die.
  16. They aren't the most effective skills for killing stuff, but giving all of your units the AoE specials will increase the score of the teams you face by at least 4 on average. Personally I love the Lava map. It is perfectly set up to bait and kill ranged attackers. The only thing I hate is how over-centralizing Reinhardt is to the meta right now. Any map where he starts in a spot that I can't bait him on turn 1 usually turns out poorly for me. My Nowi has to run both Spur Res and Rally Res just to deal with him.
  17. Arg, my only 7 deathless 7 win streak in AA apparently low-balled me hard on my scores per match. Only 4890, when my range is 696-710 per match. So i'm going to finish in a 30-way tie for 1146. There were so many fucking Reinhardt and emblem teams today. I was unable to get past a 3 win streak. My score for the normal Arena is 4914, which is good enough to stay in Tier 20. 9400 feathers for the week. Not too bad. Once I get more Reinhardt counters built up, I should be able to get in the top 1000 in future weeks.
  18. Cormag never rides a pegasus or uses axes... This would be really cool. However I don't think Glen would ever make it since he is never a boss or a playable character. Cormag being a sword wyvern seems to be the only possibility for that. Since she never uses weapons in her game they have a good opportunity to make her really unique. A green tome using dancer would be the best for adding variety to the game, IMO.
  19. It adds them straight to their base stats and displays them as such. You can tell because +Hp Celica has something like 42 HP and with the buffs her displayed HP will be 46 minimum.
  20. Renewal is a God Tier ability in the TT. I've been running a +6 Nowi (TA, Bow Breaker), +1 Celica (Renewal 3), Lucina (Ardent Sacrifice, Fury 3, Renewal 2), and a +Atk Klein. Celica is absurd with the stat buffs, Lucina keeps everyone healed while attacking occasionally, Nowi handles all reds and bows, and Klein erases fliers. I'm 6 for 6 on reaching the final map, and I have only had to use a 2nd team once. The Ardent Sacrifice/Renewal build is just so good on Falchion users. I already have both Chrom and Masked Marth ready to go with it once Lucina maxes her HM.
  21. This strategy could easily be replicated with Olwen or Reinhardt in place of Ursula, any Lance cav in place of Camus, any Red mage/distant counter red unit in place of Xander, and any Axe user with the right skills to get that 1RKO or a bow user. There really are a lot of options for clearing this map.
  22. I really love how this mode lets us use all of the good characters we have that normally wouldn't see the light of day because they are slightly inferior to other characters we have. I field all sorts of units like +Def/-Hp Chrom and +Hp/-Def Caeda just because they happen to be perfect counters for specific teams I happen to go up against. Hell, I have even threw out a Lv 30 4* Arthur once. And I found out the a +Def Lukas on a defense tile is basically invincible against all physical attackers. He was clutch for me when he tanked a Firesweep Bridella for a few turns. Question for @Whistle @Ice Dragon and any other whales out there. Did you guys make use of any of the items or no? I guess I would like to hear from non-whales too. What has your item usage been like?
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