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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. This is why everyone should be like Nino and just do their best.
  2. Did you have Camilla? If you didn't have either finalist then it just comes down to personnal preference.
  3. Oh, I forgot about the Askr kids. Still though, there weren't many banners back then and Lucina was really common. Plus I don't think people understood the Gauntlet that well back then. I know I didn't. Does anyone actually support a team that they don't have a character for?
  4. At the time, weren't they all 5* exclusives in the first gauntlet? Plus the game was newish and everyone had alreadt spent all of their orbs on those first few banners so pretty much everyone had a Lucina. At least every single arena team I faced had a Lucina for like the first month.
  5. Everyone thinks that Elise is going to be the favorite, but how many people actually have her? She is exclusively 5*. Won't people prefer to back the characters that they have copies of for the bonus points? For this same reason, I think Mist will do terribly because even if someone actually has her, I feel like people will prefer other healers instead. Is anyone going Team Clarine? (hey, that rhymes) I'm thinking that Priscilla V Clarine will be the most lopsided of the 1st round match-ups. After Clarine, I think Maria and Lachesis are the 2nd and 3rd least favorites so that match-up should be pathetic.
  6. I like her a little bit. Gameplaywise she is pretty good. Storywise, she has psychotic mental health problems, which is fine. That's just how they made her. Title should say "Are" not "Is"
  7. I'm pretty sure necroposting rules don't apply to works-in-progress. So as far as Forum rules go you should be able to just post in the old thread.
  8. Thank you. Well that is interesting. The true hits are basically the same as the 2RN system except for when it is below 50. I don't really see the point of why they would make a whole new hitrate system. Especially when they could have just used 1RN for hitrates below 50 and 2RNs for hirates above 50, if they really wanted to change something. 2RNs are so much more frustrating when you miss displayed hits of like 98% and you scream at your game because you know that it was actually 99.9. Like "FUCK YOU GAME! YOU'RE CHEATING!!" Whereas with 1RN you can actually expect to miss 98% once in a while.
  9. Can someone please explain this 1.5RN thing to me? I was away from the forums for the majority of Fates lifetime and I have purposefully avoided the Fates sub-forum because I have still yet to finish my playthrough of Conquest. And then Revelation too I guess... I checked the Main site but the Calculations page isn't done yet. I guess I would prefer a 1RN system, but being able to take advantage of the 2RN system is always nice.
  10. Damn. I really like using Camus. Maybe I can get Legion ready for my bonus hero in the next cycle and just swap out Hector.
  11. Aren't they all 3 weeks long? Or was that just the last group of bonus units? If it is changing that really sucks because I invested a lot into Camus. He's +1 with Fury 3, Vantage 3, a couple different C-slot skills for horse and non-horse teams and he has a bunch of other A and B-slot skills.
  12. I know I was pretty hard on him, but you didn't have to remove Geoffrey from the Tier list entirely! LOL He should probably go between Devdan and Largo? It looks good otherwise. I can see Gatrie being above Elincia and Rolf because of his earlygame.
  13. There are very few Rout maps though, and units like Gatrie and Brom are not going to be doing much in those maps anyway. The best way to handle Rout maps is to position your top 2-4 combat units in a way that they will face and kill every single enemy on the map. Rolf can arguably be better for these because he has the range to move in and pick off anything that might have survived an Enemy phase. The Mia thing is something she has over the other Swordmasters, but I admit that requires a massive amount of resources. Using Rolf doesn't require nearly as much of an investment, and it is spread out until much later in the game where we can afford it much easier. Also, using Rolf is only under the assumption of no Flier being used, and without Marcia or Jill taking their massive Bexp dump, there will be a plethora of Bexp available. Mist gets a horse after promoting and Rhys is too fragile. And the Mages 6 Mov doesn't cut it. You do need to shove someone in after Rolf to clear his path on turn 2.
  14. The boat map is just really jarring because it has no defense tiles and it is really close quarters, with the narrow bridge connecting the boats. There is no way to manipulate the enemy AI to move where you want them to go unless you have fliers to go out over the water. If the enemy has a mage behind a melee unit who covers the melee units weakness there is no way to split them up to make it safe for yourself unless you are running a horse team, and just bum rush them. For all of the other maps, I have found ways to make them work out for me. I really like the defense tiles.
  15. Any team without Marcia or Jill for the 17-2 and 17-4 strats. Any team composition at all for boss kills. Forget chip damage, Rolf is actually a 1RKO machine. He is light enough to be shoved by every single shover/smiter in the game and has Longbow access for unparalleled range. In 17-2 and 17-4, he can be shoved through the swamps allowing for him to move just as far as the 2 fliers can (potentially farther). IIRC he needs the Longbow to kill Oliver in 17-4, so no other low Con units can be substituted for the strategy. With a Killer bow, he has extremely high reliability for killing bosses. Having an enemy phase only matters for Rout objectives, and the player should be able to keep him in a position where Rolf won't wind up being a liability on those maps. In a draft, I had Oscar and Tanith and I actually used Rolf to kill Homasa for a 2 turn clear because he was the most reliable option. The healers have only one redeeming quality, and that is their ability to use the Rescue staff to save turns. If there was no Rescue staff, Rhy, Mist, and Elincia would all be down with Nasir and Ena. And the Mages would all be at least a full tier lower. Rolf's potential to shine in those few Chapters far outweighs anything that the likes of Gatrie, Brom, Devdan, Geoffrey and the others that I placed him ahead of will ever do. No, no he is not. In any draft, all 5 participant will have sub-optimal team deployment. For experienced players who know what they are doing, Geoffrey is almost always taken in the last 2 rounds. And he is NEVER taken before the likes of Brom, Devdan, Janaff, Ranulf, and even Rolf. Geoffrey has 4 Chapters to work with (one of which is Wrath + Resolved by Ike), and he is really nothing special. Mount/Flier rushes with transformed Reyson actually only require three 9 Mov units to work so the cut for Geoff to make it is even tighter. Plus all of Geoff's maps potentially have the superior Rescue staff strategy available to us which lowers his chances of contributing even further. Of all the Mounts he is the only one who cannot use Axes which hurts him because most tough late-game enemies have Lances or Axes. The only way he can be better than those other units is if we have an absurdly limited team composition. More than 9 times out of 10 though, Geoffrey is just there to fill a non-essential spot. As a disclaimer, draft rulesets have fixed amounts of Bexp that you can dump into characters. Every character has an "initial dump" they are allowed upon recruitment, and they are only allowed 50 Bexp for every map after that. So there is no extreme amounts of favoritism or unreasonable resource allocations. Rolf is only allowed to cap his current level and then gain 7 more levels in his initial dump. (He will be level 9 or 10 at the start of Chapter 10.) I'm not saying Rolf is amazing or anything like that. I think the bottom 14 units in this game are all extremely terrible. But of them all, He and Elincia are the only two that can actually do something that units in the upper Tiers cannot do. I think Rolf has a slight edge over Elincia but they can go either way. A Tier List should rank the characters based on their maximum potential to contribute without excessive favoritism. Rolf has more potential than 12 other units and possibly Elincia as well.
  16. Any team without Marcia or Jill for the 17-2 and 17-4 strats. Any team composition at all for boss kills. Forget chip damage, Rolf is actually a 1RKO machine. He is light enough to be shoved by every single shover/smiter in the game and has Longbow access for unparalleled range. In 17-2 and 17-4, he can be shoved through the swamps allowing for him to move just as far as the 2 fliers can (potentially farther). IIRC he needs the Longbow to kill Oliver in 17-4, so no other low Con units can be substituted for the strategy. With a Killer bow, he has extremely high reliability for killing bosses. Having an enemy phase only matters for Rout objectives, and the player should be able to keep him in a position where Rolf won't wind up being a liability on those maps. In a draft, I had Oscar and Tanith and I actually used Rolf to kill Homasa for a 2 turn clear because he was the most reliable option. The healers have only one redeeming quality, and that is their ability to use the Rescue staff to save turns. If there was no Rescue staff, Rhy, Mist, and Elincia would all be down with Nasir and Ena. And the Mages would all be at least a full tier lower. Rolf's potential to shine in those few Chapters far outweighs anything that the likes of Gatrie, Brom, Devdan, Geoffrey and the others that I placed him ahead of will ever do. No, no he is not. In any draft, all 5 participant will have sub-optimal team deployment. For experienced players who know what they are doing, Geoffrey is almost always taken in the last 2 rounds. And he is NEVER taken before the likes of Brom, Devdan, Janaff, Ranulf, and even Rolf. Geoffrey has 4 Chapters to work with (one of which is Wrath + Resolved by Ike), and he is really nothing special. Mount/Flier rushes with transformed Reyson actually only require three 9 Mov units to work so the cut for Geoff to make it is even tighter. Plus all of Geoff's maps potentially have the superior Rescue staff strategy available to us which lowers his chances of contributing even further. Of all the Mounts he is the only one who cannot use Axes which hurts him because most tough late-game enemies have Lances or Axes. The only way he can be better than those other units is if we have an absurdly limited team composition. More than 9 times out of 10 though, Geoffrey is just there to fill a non-essential spot. As a disclaimer, draft rulesets have fixed amounts of Bexp that you can dump into characters. Every character has an "initial dump" they are allowed upon recruitment, and they are only allowed 50 Bexp for every map after that. So there is no extreme amounts of favoritism or unreasonable resource allocations. Rolf is only allowed to cap his current level and then gain 7 more levels in his initial dump. (He will be level 9 or 10 at the start of Chapter 10.) I'm not saying Rolf is amazing or anything like that. I think the bottom 14 units in this game are all extremely terrible. But of them all, He and Elincia are the only two that can actually do something that units in the upper Tiers cannot do. I think Rolf has a slight edge over Elincia but they can go either way. A Tier List should rank the characters based on their maximum potential to contribute without excessive favoritism. Rolf has more potential than 12 other units and possibly Elincia as well.
  17. Absolutely. Aether is the best of all of them, and then the AOE skills are all tied for 2nd best. You probably won't get a chance to use them very often, but they get you the higher scores.
  18. Start with Team Lissa and just jump ship to Elise after Lissa loses.
  19. I know right? It's like they want the winner to be completely based on luck. I have every healer in the gauntlet so I will probably go with Maria or Lachesis in round 1 and the winner of that match-up in round 2, where they should lose to Elise or Sakura. Then for the final round I will go with Elise or Sakura. If I wasn't trying to maximize feather gains, and I picked a character based on how much I liked them, I would go with Elise all the way. Lissa being my 2nd favorite in the gauntlet.
  20. You are missunderstanding the mechanic. Every hour that ticks down adds .1 to the multiplier. So in the final hour, it adds 45 x .1 = 4.5 to the base multiplier of 3 which is 7.5x in the final hour. With 5 hours left the multiplier would be 7x etc...
  21. Robin would have won the last gauntlet if this new mechanic were used there. And that was for the final round. If a match-up is even remotely close, a bonus in the last couple hours would pretty much guarantee upsets to occur. I like the bonuses for maximizing my score, but I don't like it when things are won on random chance.
  22. The banners for this gauntlet are so bad with having only colorless focus units. My guess is that the will make the least amount of money of any previous banner by far. No Genny for Wrathful Staff also sucks. Just having her in one of the banners would have made a lot more people bust out their wallets. The increasing multiplier is worse than the straight up 3x multiplier. It really is going to end up being a completely random outcome for some of the match-ups. I feel like Elise and Sakura are the top 2 candidates with Mist being a potential dark horse, and Lissa potentially as well because everyone has her.
  23. I think you mean 4852. When I first got my score I was rank 500ish. 24 hours later, I was in the 900's. I was quite surprised by that because 4886 is my highest score yet and a bit more than I had last week, and last week I finished in the top 600 for Tier 20 which allowed me to stay. This tells me that there were quite a few whales/mini whales who moved in this week because my team is by no means F2P. The cutoff will probably be around 4920-4930.
  24. I was going to say that I think contributions made Pre-Chapter 8/9 should be weighted less than the mid and late game contributions. Of course Gatrie and Shinon are great before they leave but they are forced and they are literally no other options. Well than Devdan should probably move down with them. How much Bexp do we need to pump into them to make their Speed stats on par or better than Devdans? Their low Mov also comes with higher Movement costs through terrain. Surely even Rolf is a better option to spend Bexp on. This is how I think the bottom 3 tiers should be:
  25. Skills and weapons that cost higher SP will improve your scores in the arena. Also you want all of your characters at Lv40 and 5* if possible. And the more merges the higher your scores will go. Ike wants to keep his Aether and Heavy blade skill because they have a high SP cost. And remember, it is the base SP cost. Just because an inherited skill costs 300 SP for the 3rd level, it is still counted as having an SP cost of 200 for arena purposes.
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