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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Is anyone here in the top 1000 or top 5000 for Robin? I'm currently at 5,649 with a score of 141,780 and i'm curious as to how high I need to get my score up to get the higher rewards. I want to get higher up but I don't want to overshoot and spend more flags than I need to.
  2. You had 2 identical posts but someone else had a post in between them.
  3. Is this an accidental double post that got ninja'd?? LOL
  4. If there is a game/movie with only 1 lead character or playable character, it will probably be better received by whichever gender the lead character is. But if there are many characters that you have to choose from, people often pick what they are attracted to.
  5. Why? If someone is attracted to women, it only makes sense that they would be biased towards good female characters as opposed to good male characters. And vice versa.
  6. I'm only spending flags when I get the 3x bonus. I've only spent 400 flags (because we have only gotten the bonus once) and there are only 3,500 people ahead of me, so yeah it seems that everyone is either saving their flags or wait for the bonus.
  7. Like I said before, there is a 0% chance of Tharja or Robin losing. Let's put it this way for Team Robin. I'm currently ranked 3,486 in the army and I have only used 400 flags. That means that everyone from rank 3,000 down has 1,100+ flags remaining. That's probably over 100,000 people. Not to mention, Leo can't even take the lead when he gets the bonus anymore and we have 28 hours to go. Team Robin is going to just coast into the final round, and we will all have a huge stockpile of flags. Granted, the scales are going to tip in the final round and Robin will be the one flailing around with the 3x bonus to no avail.
  8. Corrin is constantly unsure of her/himself and struggles greatly with the guilt of betraying either side. Your memory seems to be pretty spot on. At least that's exactly how I remember it. ??? You're crazy.
  9. Robin is the biggest Gary Stu in the entire franchise. It's one of the things I hate most about Awakening. There is a huge difference between blowing up ships, and pouring oil on people and setting them on fire. Explosions are mostly quick and painless. Slowly burning to death fucking sucks. Sorry to break it everyone who seems to still be clinging to the hope of a Leo or Julia victory, but there is a 0% chance of Tharja or Robin losing.
  10. F***. Team Leo sucks balls. He only took a slight lead over Robin with his bonus. That means Robin won't be getting the bonus again for the rest of this round. I think he only got one bonus in round 1 and now again with only one bonus in round 2...
  11. I laughed when I typed it. You know it's true.
  12. If everyone from the losing teams join Robin he will be able to beat Tharja. I think people are underestimating Robin a little bit. I believe he has gotten the 3x bonus less than anyone else, and he is still dominating his match-ups. Considering that Merric basically had the 3x the entire time for round 1, Robin essentially outscored him 4:1. And round 2 is shaping up to be pretty similar to round 1. The only reason Julia is ahead of him right now is because she has had more 3x bonuses. If he can get 75% of the round 2 losers, the final round should be pretty close. Plus, everyone and their mother has a Robin. Not everyone has a Tharja.
  13. Alright Team Leo, hit us with everything you got! I really want more than just one 3x bonus for this round. Otherwise I will be carrying over more than 2,000 flags to the final round. I'm kinda surprised by how many people are just spending their flags regardless of the bonus. After the 1st hour there were over 50 people tied with a score of 44,000 on Team Robin. And again after hour 2, with 88,000.
  14. I made a guide for grinding Hero Merit a couple days ago. It kinda got over-looked so it is on the 2nd page of the Heroes forum. You should check it out. You should be able to get Eliwood up to 500 HM in 10 mins or less.
  15. I wasn't on Team Robin in round 1, but it appears to be very similar to how Robin v Merric went in round 1. Robin has had 1 bonus so far and that was in hour 3. We should get it again in two updates from now, and that will probably be the last time we have it.
  16. Game over. We had it in hour 3. You should have been there. Leo should get the bonus after the next score update. He will most likely shoot way ahead of us giving Robin the bonus in two updates from now. Be ready. That will probably also be the last time Robin gets it.
  17. Just be ready to strike comrade. All we can do at this point is hope and pray for our opportunity to come. It really sucks because it was going at too fast of a rate where we would have gotten the bonus with 4 or 5 hours left giving Julia one last chance to counter. But now it's going too slow. I only have Robin and Tharja left if Sanaki falls. I might try to pull a Julia though. Robin if I don't get her. The strength of your character doesn't matter. Actually using a lower leveled character makes the battles easier.
  18. You're lucky. I'm starting to get worried that Sanaki might not get the bonus again. It's going to be really close. It was going at a pace that would have given Sanaki the bonus in the next hour or two, but as of right now, Julia needs to extend the gap by over 40 million to give Sanaki the bonus.
  19. Are you using Seth the whole game or are you just throwing base Seth into the fray in the Late-game? Seth is obviously amazing. Forde can be anywhere from better than Seth to much worse depending on how he gains stats. On average, they should be basically interchangeable If they are both fully leveled.
  20. Yeah, Merric has had the most 3x bonus of anyone. He was definitely the least popular character in the gauntlet by far.
  21. Last I knew, It was right around 260,000 for Robin. Which is a little more than half of some other teams. I like that I am able to abuse the new system and benefit from it. But I still hate the 3x bonus. It's not about how much support a character gets anymore, it's now about when they get that support. Team Sanaki is about 2/3 to 3/4 the size of Team Julia but we have a really good chance to win this round. Yeah, the top scores do not miss a single battle. They either don't sleep for 45 hours or they have someone to cover for them.
  22. So Tharja is about twice as much as Robin and Robin seems to be a bit above Julia. Wow, so being on a larger team is cancer for the total score ranking. Sanaki has gotten the best all worlds. She has a small team so it's easy to rank high in; she has had enough multipliers to have a high total score as well, and she has a chance at winning for an additional 500 feathers. You're Team Sanaki? Just make sure you pay attention around the end. It seems we might get the bonus as early as 5 hours left. Julia keeps steadily pulling away so we should definitely get it again. If you use 400 flags during the bonus, you should shoot right up into the top 5000.
  23. 0% is the only way to go. I think the GBA games and PoR were the sweet spot. I still can't believe that some people think a 35% Def growth nowadays is low. Some more extreme variety would be nice though. Like instead of christmas cavs having very similar bases and growths, one of them could have noticeably higher bases with much lower growths and the other could have lower bases with much higher growths.
  24. Where are you? What is the top 50th at? 6th on Team Sanaki has a +7 Arthur with Distant Counter among a ton of other skills. Our top 6 are all over 500K. #1 is at 502,470. I would really like to see from Robin and Tharja's teams.
  25. Wow, it looks like you guys have spent a bunch of flags without the bonus. I have a score of 272,470 and I have 660 flags left. So I have a higher score and more flags remaining but i'm lower in my team than you are. And our leaders have way higher score than your leaders.
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