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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. It's funny. I've been thinking to myself how much better Gwendy is than she has been getting credit for, and you go and post this. Great work and great research as usual. What is your opinion on Wary Fighter 3 on Gwendy? Or is that only prefered for Effie because of her much higher Atk. Or whould you run Quick Riposte 3 on Effie too?
  2. I thought we, as a community, were over the old wives tale that Jeigans are bad. They range from good to great. Bad Jeigans are an outlier, Not the rule.
  3. I'm holding 2 Fire Emblem cartridges right now, and the Nintendo logo font in your picture looks a little bit off. It's hard to tell though with the glare in the picture. A big red flag though is that both of my cartridges are model no. "AGB-002". Your picture shows "AGB-004". The screw also appears to be flat on the top in your picture. They should be rounded. Virtual Console is definitely the way to go. edit: If you are into collecting check to see if there are any Flea Markets nearby or used game stores since Ebay sellers are going to want way too much. Got both of mine at Flea markets for like $20 or less.
  4. Every one of them are extremely dangerous on their own, but yeah, they don't really compliment each other. With a +10 Michalis, I would have built a full team with all of the flier support skills.
  5. Seaking of hackers and big numbers... Just ran up against this guy in the arena. The rest of the team was Reinhardt, Hana, and Ninian. All +10 with their vanilla skills. Thankfully my team had hard counters for every one of them. Only gave me 666 points.
  6. It apparently sold out about 30 mins after I posted this. This site is extremely helpful for hunting it down. https://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/games/fireemblemechoes/ It's available on Gamestop right now.
  7. In the in-game Faqs it says that 999 is the displayed limit but if you go over it (ie: buy 140 orbs when you are at 900) the game will keep track of your actual total while only displaying 999. So in the example you would have 1040 orbs. It also says you cannot continue to buy orbs if your displayed amount is 999. It just won't let you I guess. I have also seen a couple Youtube videos of people with the 999 cap.
  8. LE is available for pre-order on Best Buy as of 16 mins ago!! just got mine.
  9. Chapter 15 - 7/33 Lowen is becoming a monster. Got Silver Axe. Chapter 16 - 5/38 Lowen and Pris drop Hector on the mountain and then Bartre rescues Lowen on turn 1. Bartre gives Lowen to Hector who moves off the mountains and drops Lowen ahead on turn 2. Turn 3 Hector clears an enemy and Lowen rescues him on the way to the castle. Turn 4 Lowen drops Hector in front of the boss and he dies on the EP. Turn 5 seize. Free Kent and Wil distracted some enemies in the middle to help make sure Lowen's path was as clear as possible. Wil died in the process. Sain actually visited the village on the far left and Lyn got the one in the south. Chapter 17 - 8/46 Recruited Raven for his sword, and so he would stop stabbing Priscilla. Got the Hero Crest, Knight Crest, and Unlock Staff. Could have 7 turned it but I would have had to skip the Knights Crest. And I could have actually 7 turned it with the Knights Crest, but Bartre would have needed 1 more point of strength to 1RKO the knight in the treasure room with a hand axe. And I would have missed out on the Unlock Staff plus a couple staff swing for Priscilla. Chapter 17x - 3/49 OMG, Lowen. For his final 3 levels to reach LV20 he gained Spd all 3 times, and it was all on the EP. Capped HP and Spd. LOL. Eliwood kill Damien and I let Fargus talk to me on the EP to let Eliwood kill one more enemy. Got Canas, Devil axe, Short Bow, and Sleep Staff. Priscilla had to skip a staff swing in order to get the Sleep staff, but it gives a whopping 35exp per swing so it will be well worth it. Hector - LV15-33HP-17Str-11Skl-13Spd-7Lck-17Def-5Res Eliwood - LV13 - 29 - 13 - 12 - 15 - 14 - 9 - 5 Lowen - LV20 - 40 - 17 - 12 - 20 - 16 - 15 - 6 Bartre - LV6 - 33 - 11 - 7 - 7 - 5 - 6 - 0 Priscilla - Lv4 - 17 - 7 - 6 - 9 - 7 - 4 - 7
  10. I would assume that they will eventually be able to be summoned. Possibly as part of a banner and then thrown into the normal group afterwards like all of the other banners have been.
  11. You mind as well take advantage of the rate increases. Once you get a 5* and it resets, stop summoning regardless of whether you get what you want or not.
  12. The fact that you can inherit even weapons is kind of bullshit. I guess we have had a preview of this all along though from the enemies in Training Tower sometimes having completely randoms skills. It just sucks that this gives such a huge advantage to people who can shell out a ton of money on this game.
  13. I would recommend treating all units of a promoted class as 20+ whether you promote them or they come promoted, but it's your play-through. Another thing, the Lords should be immune from the Communist rules because just like real life, the rulers of a Communist regime always benefit at the expense of the people. BTW, all credits for the Communist rules go to a user by the name of Mekkah, who did the first and only Communist play-through, that I know of, several years ago. I don't want to imply that I thought this up or anything like that. edit: I found it. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/27576-finished-communist-playthrough/#comment-1658825 I could have sworn it had more discussion in the thread about it, but I guess not.
  14. Eirika She gives great support to Nino. And Nino can kill stuff just fine as a 4* OMG I just realized we can get 4*Eirikas now! I really hope I can get lucky and get one eventually.
  15. Ouch, that really sucks. Pretty much the reason I don't plan to spend any orbs on this focus group. with 4 colorless you have a 0.75% chance of getting Jaffar and then you need to pray that you get a good Boon/Bane. And yeah, even just getting Sharena to 4* is well worth the 2,200 feathers. She has Hone def 2 and Rally Attack, which is more than enough to turn Nino into a monster. I have been running 4*Sharena and 4*Nino for a while now and they work really good together. Nino and Hector are two very different types of heroes for two very different play-styles. Level them both up and see which you prefer. Personally I get really frustrated with the armors 1 movement. In narrow passages and other situation it can be a real nightmare to maneuver them. While Nino needs a buffer to make her good Armors like Hector need someone who can help to move them. If skills like pivot can be transferred that could change everything though.
  16. When people argue and talk about who is better than who, it's usually in regards to LTC or no grinding play. So don't pay too much attention to stuff like that. You can endlessly grind and reclass, and the game keeps track of how many levels a character has gained to determine Exp gain. The higher your total levels get the less Exp you get but don't worry, it has cap, which is different for every difficulty level. Because of this, you should always promote, or reclass as soon as you learn the 2nd skill for a class. As far as a lot of information goes, such as maximum levels/when skills are learned/growth rates/Exp gain formula, you can always check the main site for that. https://serenesforest.net/awakening/
  17. If they are recommending 4 heroes to help clear a specific map than I hope to hell that all 4 of them on a team can clear it. If not, I think someone done fucked up over at Intelligent Systems...
  18. Debuffs help everyone. Jaffar is probably the best of the new focus group. And everyone gets a free Sharena who is fantastic for giving Nino buffs, and a fantastic units on her own. Add in a sword Lord (Ryoma and Eirika being the best for Nino) and the team is looking pretty solid. With 4 colorless heroes in the new focus, the odds of getting Jaffar are quite low. How is his Boon/Bane?
  19. Decent speed tier but her Attack is pretty low. She won't be doing much more than dancing i'm afraid. Definitely not worth spending a bunch of orbs trying to get her. Although the Fortify Dragons skill could be pretty interesting with an all dragon team.
  20. Looks like he is the only good unit from the new focus. Good luck getting him with 4 colorless heroes though. Seriously, WTF. Lucius should have been a green or blue tome user... You have a 3% chance of getting a 5* focus and then it's 1 in 4 chance to get Jaffar. That's a whopping 0.75% chance per colorless orb. And there is a chance you don't get any colorless orbs when summoning. If you get him, consider yourself very fortunate. And then hope to hell that he has a good Boon/Bane. Lol, I think i'm going to pass on this focus group.
  21. The trainees are not good so banning them does not make it harder. Try a communist play-through. That is where you always bring your lowest leveled units into a map. That way, by the end of the run everyone will be at basically the same Level, give or take 1 or 2. (Communism) 100% recruitment mandatory. You just recruited Lv5 L'arachel? She's locked in for a while. Trainee Ewan? Have fun training him for a few maps. Franz is getting great stat gains and killed every monster on that last map? Benched until further notice. This makes Seth un-usable until he becomes the lowest leveled character. Discourages arena use and grinding because those units who gain Exp from it will be benched until the low-levels catch up. Makes the game actually challenging. Especially towards the middle and end of the game. You will want to wait until Lv20 to promote your units, otherwise that character shoots straight to being one of your highest leveled units, earning them a spot on bench.
  22. Just keep her at 4* with that +2 for now. I have a 4* +1 Nino and there is nothing that she comes just short of killing that I would otherwise need her to be 5* for. I have the +Spd -Def variation and I can say that I would rather have -Res. +Atk Takiumi can OHKO -Def 4* Nino without a Def buff so I need to always have a Hone Def next to her in those situations. Plus the only dangerous attacks she should be facing are from baiting in Takumis on the Enemy Phase. Regardless, you're going to want a good buffer as support for Nino to maximize her damage. If you don't have someone already, I would recommend promoting Sharena with your feathers instead.
  23. This I have a Def+ Chrom and he could probably take out a team of 4 Hectors by himself. Any sword lord can 1v1 a Hector, and they are running around everywhere in the arena. Hector is great for story maps and that kind of stuff but he has limited potential for Arena use. And that 1 movement is really annoying sometimes.
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