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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. A physical copy for the DS? No way in hell. A digital copy on the virtual console would still require the game to be translated so it's highly unlikely. Although, has anyone from the fan translation team tried selling the translation to Nintendo? Wink* Wink* Other than that, it would need another remake on a newer console. LOL
  2. Ogma, Robin, Fred, and probably Effie or 4*Abel I used 3* Sharena and Alphonse (for the bonus) 4*Fred and a 5* Jeorge for my past few arena battles and i won them all. 5 intermediate and 1 advanced. As long as you play smart the A.I. is pretty easy to abuse. Unfortunately 4*Jeorge isn't nearly as good as 5* or i would recommend him. Draw in the enemies on their enemy phase by letting them attack you forcing them to eat a counter and then clean them up on player phase to deal with the big threats that you cant 1RKO on player phase alone. Ogma is probably your best attacker and Effie should work great for drawing in the tougher physical enemies. If her 1 movement is tough to work with 4* Abel will work great for taking out sword units and 2 range attackers plus his movement is great for drawing away enemies safely. You could also run an attack buffer to take full advantage of your brave weapon units. Honestly just do some trial and error and see what you are good against and what you struggle with.
  3. Hey Ice Dragon, I've noticed something interesting when merging two of my Sullys together. The stat bonus it shows is related to the base character and has nothing to do with the stats of the character that will be lost in the merge. Maybe that bonus is also related to the "nature" of the character? You should check to see if the Faes' stat bonuses from merging match their higher stats at base LV. edit: http://feheroes.wiki/Stat_Growth huh, apparently this exists...
  4. Yeah, every character has a few different variations to them. i have 2 same stared Sullys at 19 and their difference in SPD is 6 whole points. I would bet your Roy will gain like 5 ATK in the next 6 levels or something good like that. that seems to be how it goes.
  5. I don't know if characters have "natures" so much as there are a few different variations of them. I got 3 Sullys, all 3*. Two of them have identical stats and get identical Level ups. One of them has a waaaaay different stat progression. All at Lv 19, with 8Mt Steel lance Two identicals have: 25HP - 21ATK - 19SPD - 9DEF - 13RES The other one has: 25HP -23ATK - 13SPD - 13DEF - 13RES So, total stats wise the have the same amount, but the difference is SPD is huge. Maybe at Lv40 they will all have the same stats? And there are a few different set paths they take to get there? At LV1 there was only a 1 point difference in any stat. If anyone has like 4 or more of the same character with the same stars, they should level them all up to 5 and then 10 and see how they turn out up to that point. And if you really have a lot of time on your hands, take 2 characters with a noticeable difference in stats and level them up to the high 30's or even 40 and see if the final stats end up being the same in the end. I'm going to continue leveling 2 of the differing Sullys to see how they turn out.
  6. On the support page, in the game. It shows a list of all the characters someone can support with. If you haven't recruited them yet it still shows their sprite, but its blacked out a little. At least thats how it is for FE7, haven't played FE6 so i'm not sure about it in that game.
  7. Soren is ridiculous with the Vantage skill, since he already has adept. With a max might and crit Thunder forge, he has a really high chance (45-50% with max skill) to kill anything before they even attack him. You want to have wrath and resolve on the same unit. Either give them both to 1 unit or give Nephenee the resolve scroll and Tauroneo the wrath scroll. Or another character can get wrath if you don't like Tauroneo. Wrath + Resolve is the best skill combo in the game.
  8. Characters in this game range from amazing to good. There are none that are really bad so you can just use who you like the most. Seth is amazing but at higher levels he will be slightly weaker than the other potential Paladins. They are all great. Ross--> Pirate--> Berzerker is really good because Berzerker is an amazing class. Lute should go Sage and she will probably hit the 30 MAG cap. Niemi should go Ranger. Swordmasters are one of the worst classes in the game due to being swordlocked but this doesn't matter so much for casual play. Joshua is better than Marisa in every way. For casual play Hero!Gerik is amazing. If concerned with turncounts Ranger!Gerik is better. Cormag is probably the best unit in the game from a stats/mobility standpoint. All of the fliers, except for Syrene, have great potential because of flight. Erika is really good even though she is sword locked. Ephriam is one of the most dominant Lords in the Fire Emblem franchise in comparison to the enemies/difficulty of their respective games. Use him. As far as potential stats go, Innes, Rennac, Dozla, and Syrene are probably the 4 worst units in the game, but they are all still good and can hold their own in the endgame with even just their base stats. L 'arachel, Knoll, Marisa, Ewan, and Amelia will be the most difficult to train up without going to the tower to train them. But they are all good when trained up.
  9. 3 mounts all at 4* that's pretty good. You can always upgrade them to 5* later and you can get more orbs for better summons later on. They will be so much better than the 1* and 2* you start with so you should be able to steamroll through most of the story campaign. With the daily free orbs, the current special mission that gives 6 and the free 10 orb give away you should be able to get 40 more orbs really quickly.
  10. Radiant Dawn's balance is terrible. Part 1 is especially bad. When you get Zihark and Tauroneo, Meg is made completely useless and Edward needs to have been fed way too many kills to be comparable to Zihark. Then characters are randomly available and unavailable for certain maps. And the BK and Nailah are literally invincible in the maps that they are available for. Then when you get to the end of the game, you are given half a dozen god like units who are going to be better than anyone else you have trained all game long. I could get really in depth about it, but bottom line is that RD is just a mess.
  11. Nino isn't even a problem. She is recruited on a defense map and there is another defense map shortly after her recruitment which makes training her pretty easy. Plus she has 1-2 range weapons, and is definitely worth saving the Afa's drops for. Characters like Meg, and Wendy are just hopeless. Low movement and bad stats with way too many units who are better than them. Then there is Shadow Dragon, where almost half the cast falls into this category of being really bad or just being way inferior to unit who joined several chapters earlier. Unfortunately, Nino, Meg, and Wendy are just young girls who are inexperienced in war so from a plot and story standpoint it makes sense for them to be really weak. Although Nino is lucky because she is pretty easily salvageable. Fiona being so bad is really dumb though because she is supposed to be somewhat special from a story standpoint, but her stats and base level are god awful.
  12. That's actually pretty cool. I kinda wish that was how it was done for every difficulty.
  13. Alright, well good luck seeing this through to the end. Make sure to check the main site for the character recuruitments so you dont miss out on anyone else.
  14. Regardless of your playstyle, raising too many units is always a bad idea. If you are constantly switching out higher leveled units for the lower leveled counterparts, your army won't be getting strong enough. You will be slowing down the rate at which your characters improve but the enemies will be steadily improving from map to map. As the OP said he started this game again after a previous run stalled, It leads me to believe that the game started to get too hard or there was a particular map that proved too challenging. This should only be happening if you are raising too many units. For the highest chance of successfully completing the game, you should focus on a core of about 6-8 "super" units that you bring on every single map no matter what. Then with your remaining deployment slots you can cycle characters in and out. This way your "super" units can move around without worry and your healer/s can stick with the weaker ones to keep them, well, healed. Having those "super" units also helps as they will be promoted sooner and promotions help in many ways: your units gain nice stat and movement buffs which gives more flexibility, it gives your attacking units extra weapon types so you don't have to constantly be worried about being at a disadvantage, your mages will get access to staffs which helps in keeping everyone healed, and your healers gain the ability to defend themselves and go on the offensive from time to time. At this point in the game, even if you're the type to wait until LV 20 to promote no matter what, you should have at least 1 cavalier and Florina promoted, with another handful of units within a few levels of reaching promotion. You really should be dropping some units entirely. It is entirely possible to train up everyone, but you are only going to be making the game more difficult on yourself with no added benefit. The great thing about this game is that there are 2 story modes and multiple difficulties to play, and you can use the characters you passed on in one playthough on the next playthrough.
  15. As far as LTC play was concerned, Awakening was literally a game of "Where do i place my extremely over-leveled and over-powered paired-up units on the map to kill all of the enemies in 1 or 2 turns?" Or "rescue staff my extremely over-leveled and over-powered paired-up boss killers ahead and kill the boss in 1 or 2 turns." All of the maps were either rout or kill the boss objectives. Fates was a little better in that it toned pair-ups way down and had more that just rout and kill the boss objectives but it still didn't require nearly as much planning as 6-10 did. 9 and 10 were way different from 6-8. Movements were all higher, every character had STR and MAG, Mounts had canto after attacking, shoving, STR was used to determine AS loss from weapon weight instead of CON, and abilities returned. No, SD did not reboot the series. SD and NME were remakes of 1 and 3 which is why they didn't have rescuing. SD was received very poorly because it followed so close to FE1, which is why NME added so many new things. The DS games have very little in common with the 3DS games. Awakening if anything was a reboot as it was a last ditch effort to try to save the series. Hence why it is so much different from previous entries and not well received by older fans. If you looked at FE 1-14 you would see that there is a pattern. It's not a personal opinion, it is objective fact. From growth rates, to supports, to graphics, to gameplay mechanics, each era's titles have a lot in common with one another, and there are big changes from one era to the next. The first 2 games are quite different as the series didn't have it's identity yet, but they shared a console and mostly the same graphics. FE3 was a bit of a hybrid as it used the mechanics of 1 while ushering in the SNES graphics used in 4 and 5.
  16. Fire Emblem has never had more than 3 titles on the same console/handheld. And it has never used the same basic mechanics and formula from one platform to the next. I'm guessing Shadows of Valencia will be very similar to Awakening and Fates both graphically and basic gamplay mechanics wise (ie; pair-ups, same support style, abilities learned at certain levels for every class). And FE Switch will be completely different. Probably more similar to the tellius games graphically. Gameplay wise, i have no idea. Hopefully pair ups, marriages, and time travel babies will be gone, and good old fasioned rescue chains and, ya know, strategy will return...
  17. Oh man, the augury... The game developers aren't always experts at their own games, so their "advise" should be taken with a grain of salt. Sure the mages will hit hard on all of the low RES enemies but they will also get torn apart because of their low DEF stats. Canas will be the best of the 3 because his DEF is actually pretty good and even though his SPD is lower than the other 2 mages he will still be able to double the armors and any unit weighed down by their weapons. You should always bring a large group (5+) of mounted/flying units since they are the over-all best units in the game. After that, you shouldn't really train more than 1 or 2 of any other type of unit. Sure the Pegi sisters are weak to arrows but you can always strategically keep them out of harms way and prioritize killing the archers to keep them safe. For axe users, I personally feel Dart is the best because of his amazing class and ridiculous STR and SPD growths. After Dart, i like Bartre more than Dorcas, because Bartre will actually gain SPD and Dorcus is just going to cap-ram his STR stat. Although you might want to ignore both of them in favor of Geitz or Harken later. Is there any special reason you are using Oswin? He is generally regarded as being really bad because of his 4 movement, and on this map in particular, you are going to want to move quickly to recruit Legault and kill the enemy thieves. Plus Hector fills his role of be a tank while still having 5 movement. Having Serra as a 2nd healer would probably be more useful on this map. As far as an archer goes, they are generally considered not good, but if you really want to train one, they have a niche on this map because there is a group of enemy mages/shamans? to the right of your starting position and an archer can use a pure water and camp on a forrest tile while fighting the enemies through the wall. Guy or Raven just aren't going to be doing much here being swordlocked against all of the ranged enemies. Of the 10 deployment slots i would take; Prisilla, Mathew, 2 of the 3 cavaliers, Marcus, Florina, Fiora, Canas, Dart, and an archer of your choice. And if you aren't using Marcus because "prepromotes are bad/exp hogs/ some other reason", substitute Marcus for either the third cavalier, Erk or Serra. You could also drop one of the pegi sisters if you are really worried about the enemy bow units for one of those 3 units.
  18. You could grind Bartre with an arena after getting a hero crest. Get him to Lv 10, promote him, then get him to Lv 5 and never use him again except to recruit Karla. There is a trick to manipulating your opponent in the arenas so you always have the weapon triangle advantage. That way you don't have to worry about Bartre dying.
  19. You could always do a Lords + girls run. It's not like Eliwood and Hector are going to be doing too much anyways. Then just phase them out when you get more girls to use. Also, the main lord is forced in every map and there is a map where it's just the main lord and 1 other unit so you might want to use the main lord regardless. Since there aren't any really tanky girls until Vaida, I would suggest doing Hectors mode since he can actually be used as a tank.
  20. In Lyn mode there is a scripted event where Erk attacks an archer (might be a soldier im not 100% sure) but it uses the current Random # string for it so it is possible for Erk to crit the archer bringing him to 0 Hp but since it's a scripted event the archer doesn't leave the field and the battle starts with the archer at 0 Hp. Any attack will kill this particular archer without causing any glitches. So if i had to guess, Wil will die if he is attacked and you probably don't need to worry about the game glitching. Try to heal him to see what happens.
  21. I am so excited for this. And i'm really surprised that it is releasing so soon.
  22. Honestly I think the Pats D has been a bit over-rated. They have had the luxury of playing with the lead for what like 95% of their snaps all year? Now that the Offense will struggle a little bit the Defense will start to get exposed more. With that said, Pats will still go 14-2 or 15-1.
  23. Nice to see an NHL thread here. Sabres fan here. Also like the Capitols in the East, and the Blackhawks and Wild in the West. After the 2 years of tanking its looking like it's gonna pay off. Jack Eichel is a stud. We have a great bunch of young, skilled forwards. We just need to get another top 4 D-man. Probably gonna hover around .500 all year and finish somewhere in the 7th-12th place of the East. Winnipeg fan huh Life? How do you feel about that huge trade last season with the Sabres? Bogosian and Kane for Myers and Stafford (plus prospects and picks).
  24. It's been awhile but i figured i would check in here. This season has been pretty interesting. The Bills are so fucking frustrating it makes me sick sometimes. Surprisingly winning out against our soft remaining schedule gives us a really good shot at the playoffs. Hell even a 4-1 finish gives us a decent chance so don't give up yet Jim Moriarty/Life. Although they will probably win the next 4 games and have a win and you're in scenario against the Jets in week 17 and then blow that game in true Bills fashion... Happy about the Pats loss. I kinda predicted it with how average their offense has looked without Edelman. Has anyone checked out the ESPN Playoff Machine yet? I got a scenario with 26 of the 32 teams going 7-9 lol. Half of the teams in the playoffs have a losing record. http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/factor/wins/results/400791561~1~400791572~1~400791611~1~400791615~2~400791619~1~400791643~1~400791652~2~400791655~1~400791682~1~400791530~2~400791562~2~400791573~1~400791641~1~400791570~1~400791608~1~400791616~2~400791580~1~400791577~2~400791695~1~400791696~1~400791697~2~400791685~1~400791699~1~400791688~1~400791724~1~400791729~1~400791694~2~400791501~2~400791524~1~400791603~1~400791535~2~400791617~2~400791620~1~400791644~2~400791645~2~400791687~2~400791607~1~400791528~1~400791525~1~400791578~1~400791521~2~400791538~2~400791518~1~400791575~1~400791648~1~400791568~1~400791647~2~400791576~1~400791606~1~400791602~2~400791658~2~400791686~2~400791534~1~400791612~2~400791660~1~400791692~1~400791726~1~400791659~2~400791691~1~400791569~2~400791604~1~400791614~2~400791651~1
  25. Its not my favorite in the series, but FF7 was my 1st rpg ever and it holds a very dear place in my heart. And after replaying it recently, I realized that I never full understood the story before, but now that i do i can say that its story is amazing and it only gets better the more you play it. With that said, i really hope they dont fuck this up. Changing the story or the battle system would be a collossal mistake. The materia system needs to stay but updating it (faster, more balanced) would be nice. Additional story, weapons, armor, items, materia, and side quests would be cool. Adding new party members wouldnt be any good but they could certainly add a bunch of cameo appearances. Fix the translation errors, and the M def bug on armor. stuff like that. Im curious to see how they handle the world map, and whether they go with Aeris or Aerith. Personally, I would prefer the properly translated name. Like many other people have said before, I finally have a reason to buy a PS4.
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