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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. You are not stuck in the endgame. After beating it and watching the credits you save the game, then you go to Map Mode (I believe?) where you enter the postgame and you are able to move around and endlessly grind on the Tower of Valni and a new area called the Lagdou Ruins. As far as the difficulty change it's not too bad as long as you are an experienced player. After completing both Erika and Ephraim's route you unlock the Super Trainee class for Ross, Amelia, and Ewan. It definitely is not their best class for them but it is something.
  2. I would lean toward the 1st one. Then the 2nd one. The 3rd has Hector but -Def is bad for him. And the 4th has great units but all of the Boon/Banes are bad.
  3. Well I have been on the losing side all 3 rounds... I only had Chrom other than the 2 main Lords so for round 1 I had 3 options. 1st round I went with Sharena because I thought that gameplay performance mattered and that teams with Sharena would beat teams with Lucina because Sharena 1v1s Lucina right? Nope. I quickly realized this was a popularity contest. 2nd round I figured Chrom and Lucina are more popular than Ephraim and Erika, and I actually have a Chrom so thats who I went with for the bonus points. OMG Chrom v. Ephraim was epic. Early on Ephraim had like a 30 million lead when I first joined. Every time I check afterwards the gap kept getting narrower until one time when Chrom finally took a slight lead. I thought yes, I'm going to win! Nope. I woke up after sleeping to find that Ephraim retook the lead and won by a decent margin. Then for then final round I thought wow, Ephraim is my favorite Lord. Maybe he has a shot! And for everyone that loves Lucina maybe all of the haters will rally around Ephraim to give him the victory so I jumped on the Ephraim bandwagon, and things aren't looking good. Lucina is currently up 4:1 on him...
  4. That is what i'm confused about. I thought for sure that I would find it either here or on the main site but I couldn't find anything about it. It was definitely 5 or more years ago, but I do remember this glitch coming up in a topic and being discussed.
  5. Jagen- (my definitions)- "Early game promoted unit who is much stronger than the other starting units." All of the start of the game paladins are Jagens to me. Even Seth, FE7!Marcus, and Titania. There is no special classification for the "good" ones. I would even consider FE10!Sothe and the chick from FE5 as Jagens. Christmas Cavaliers- "red and green colored cavaliers" Gotoh- "Lategame joining unit who can help deal with the endgame if for some reason you got screwed and otherwise can't beat it." I've never really thought about this one as an archetype before, but I guess it definitely exists. THAT'S IT. There is no such thing as an "Est". At least not by the way people seem to see it. People seem to try to throw this moniker around onto just about any unit they can to the point where it has become bastardized to me.
  6. This is definitely something that happens with this map. I can't remember when or where I've seen this happen before but I do know for sure this has been documented as happening before. https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/468480-fire-emblem/53875364 This was all i could find on the subject, but I'm 99% sure that I heard about it here several years ago. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything related to it.
  7. Assuming that none of them have terrible Boon/Banes. Your Eirika pairs really well with Nino. And with Klein too. Those hone atk 2 and hone spd 3 boosts are huge for both of them but especially Nino because of her tome. If you really want the blue coverage for your last spot, you can use Catria and look for better blues with future pulls, or just run Eldigan or Lucina in the 4th spot as they will both work out well. You could also raise up Sharena, as she is a very good blue unit who also pairs really well with Nino. Honestly, Eirika, Nino, and Klein are 3 of my "dream team". Azura would be perfect for rounding the team out.
  8. Looking at your team, you should consider using Eirika, Tharja, and Sharena. Eirika and Sharena can give Tharja hone Atk, Spd and Def for some massive damage output. Probably go with Hawkeye for the last spot for the green coverage. Unless Eirika, Hawkeye, and Tharja have crappy Boon/Banes, this should be your strongest team. You could also promote Nino to 4* for your green coverage as she gets the same boosts as Tharja does.
  9. Chapter 11 - 6/6 Wolf Beil is great. 30 uses and 2x effective might are not. Chapter 12 - 4/10 Hector only needs 9AS to double the boss. Mine only had 8AS but I found a crit. Lower half was easy to clear with Lowen, Bartre, and Eliwood. Chapter 13 - 5/15 Lowen drops Hector on the river tile 9 spaces from the gate on turn 2. Hector engages Bois on turn 4 PP and kills on EP. Guy recruited for his stuff. Chapter 13x - 7/22 The 1st of way too many defend maps. Mucho Exp gained. Saved the village for the 5000g. Would have routed all of the enemies, but a nomad trooper ran for a fort on the last EP instead of attacking. Chapter 14 - 4/26 After a few failed attempts, I realized that by not deploying Merlinus I could have Bartre help Eliwood clear Lowen's path on turn 2 where Lowen dropped Hector ahead. Hector was 1 Str short of 1HKOing Erik which was ok because Erik went after Lowen anyways. Eliwood handled the south and Bartre cleaned up the soldiers from the beginning. Hector - LV10-13Str-9Skl-10Spd-6Lck-14Def-4Res Eliwood - LV6 - 9 - 6 - 11 - 10 - 8 - 2 Lowen - LV9 - 12 - 9 - 11 - 8 - 12 - 2 Bartre - LV5 - 10 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 0 Priscilla - Lv3 - bases
  10. Nino works really well with Eirika since Eirika can give both Hone Atk 2 with her weapon and Hone Spd 3 with her ability and Nino does bonus damage based on how many buffs she has. As long as she has a good Boon/Bane I would recommend Nino. Hell, even a 4*Nino is fantastic. Thats what I run right now and i really wish I could have been lucky enough to get and Eirika because she works so well with her. If Nino has a bad Boon/Bane like -Atk or -Spd, go with someone else that has a good one.
  11. Definitely take Klein. With +Atk he is really good. The other Boon/Banes kinda suck.
  12. I am so bad with this computer stuff. I downloaded the file and put it in the folder with the emulator and the Rom but i have no idea how to get it to work from there.
  13. There is no actual light magic in SD, everything is all one type gameplay wise, but there are the Aura and Starlight tomes.
  14. Harken or Karel? Obviously Harken. I just hope he doesn't cost turns. I can't remember for the life of me. Well, this will be my first time playing on an emulator. Almost done with Lyn's stupid forced easy mode tutorial. After a quick runthrough of Eliwood mode I can start this! Although I did get Breath of the Wild for the WiiU in the mail today so I will be a little bit distracted by that
  15. What I get from this is that the only way to ever get in the top 100 is to spend hundreds, possibly thousands of $$$ on this game. It kinda sucks that this is how things are, but if it this is how The Fire Emblem series will continue to get support from Nintendo than I guess I can handle it.
  16. Idk, Micaiah screams red mage to me. She could possibly be very similar to Sanaki like how Reinhardt and Olwen are a lot alike. That would be 8 Red tome users to 5 each of green and blue though. So she could also end up being either green or blue just to even it out.
  17. Beruka CANNOT have 0 RES. All of your other stats are Neutral. https://feheroes.wiki/Beruka The Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is very helpful and has a nice tier list. All of the data for every charcter is not complete yet, but it's close enough for most cases.
  18. Currently Alphonse can only have a neutral bane/boon. And i really doubt we will ever see other copies of the 3 main characters ever. Otherwise, a great read. Keep them up at whatever pace works for you.
  19. Haha, they would be like 4 move canto units with low Speed and yeah, they would probably have to use bows or magic for the range because elephants are so high up.
  20. So I got Breath of the Wild for the WiiU in the mail today... Even though the release date is Tomorrow. LOL, thank you Best Buy.
  21. There is also the Disgaea series and other SRPGs like it made by Nippon-Ichi/Atlus. They are vastly different from all of the others already mentioned.
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