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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. It's hard to say. I'm pretty sure Robin has had such a comfortable lead that they have been in the lead the entire time without ever having the 3x bonus. Whereas Team Tharja has actually gotten it a few times I believe. The notification for the gauntlet explains the 3x bonus so I would assume that the majority of players know about it. Team Julia just hasn't had enough opportunities with it so their only two options are to not use their flags or use them without the bonus. I suspect that many of them are hording them until the get the bonus. I'm in the top 1000 of Team Sanaki with 660 Flags left. Top 5 are over 500K and 50th is 431K Where is everyone else at within their teams and how many flags have you saved? And how high of a score are your top players? We might be able to get a better idea of how things stack up as far as potential finals match-ups go, and remaining flags.
  2. At the rate it has been going, It is going to be close as to whether or not we get that 3x before the end or not. As long as we get it, we should win. I expect team Julia to sit on their flags and take the loss instead of spending them without the 3x bonus.
  3. The only reason the scores appear to be close is because the team in the lead is waiting to use their flags in hopes that they can get the 3x bonus. The losing teams however have most likely already used up most if not all of their flags. The closest match-up has definitely been Sanaki v Julia. Julia has basically lead the whole way with Sanaki taking only slight leads after scoring the 3x bonus. Julia hasn't gotten the bonus since very early on when the thresholds were much smaller. The past 2 leads that Sanaki got weren't large enough to give Julia the bonus, so Team Julia probably has a ton of flags remaining. It's all going to come down to whether or not Team Sanaki gets the bonus again before the round ends. And even then, If we get it too early, Team Julia will definitely have the flags and the manpower to take it back without the bonus. The question is whether people on team Julia will spend their flags just to get the win or will they purposefully lose just because they won't have the 3x for their total score ranking?
  4. No, stay away! I want us to stay a small group! The winner of Sanaki v Julia doesn't have a chance in hell against Tharja.
  5. Out of curiosity, and I think others want to know too. What are the scores for that match-up?
  6. 200 flags gets you 66,000 points with the bonus, 22,000 without. If you used 200 flags there is no way your score is that low. Like I said, you can get the top reward and still save 700 flags. There is only 1 more chance for the bonus now though, but if you use 400 flags during the bonus you should hit the top 5000 which earns 2,100 feathers. The top rewards for the final round are only 1000 feathers higher than round 1 and 2. You will always get more feathers by getting the top rewards for round 1 and 2 and then getting as high as possible for the final round. And with as many flags as we are going to be able to save, I fully expect to get the top reward for all 3 rounds. Besides, there is a very real chance that there won't be enough 3x bonus opportunities in the final round to maximize your score. I have spent as many flags as possible with the bonus, and I still have 700 left. I'm not even trying to save any, I just haven't had enough 3x opportunities. All in all, I should walk away with 10,000+ feathers for this gauntlet.
  7. What is your rank right now in Team Sanaki? A score of about 260,000 is good for the top 1000 reward bracket (highest one). I'm rank 687 with a score of 271,920 and I have 700 flags left. It is now, 1.947 billion to 2.052 billion. For the past two updates, Sanaki has gotten ~40mil and Julia has gotten ~60mil. At that rate, Sanaki should get the 3x bonus with 4 or less hours remaining. We might just have a chance to bullshit a win out of this.
  8. I wonder why you get more as you level up and then it drops off for level 39 and 40 though... Stopping at Lv 38 for maximum HM gain for dancers until they max out their HM will speed thing up for them. 3.35 is quite a bit more than 2.95.
  9. Ok, yeah that's right. I was thinking of blade tomes. That still puts his defense at 31 minimum.
  10. he had less HP than the armor he was attacking. And I don't think spur buffs are factored into bonus damage for skills like ignis and glacies. I assume the tome effects work the same as spurs.
  11. Did anyone notice in the trailer that Boey did 30 extra damage with Ignis? If those are his actual stats, that would give him 37 or 38 Def depending on rounding. With 3 adjacent allies, a fortify def 3 buff, a spur def 3 buff, and 3 or more HP than his opponent he would have an effective 57 or 58 Def. And then there is the possibility of being +def... Hes a fricken mage. Granted his HP was only 35 so his A skill doesn't seem like the best for him. He would probably be pretty nasty with Close Counter though.
  12. Sorry, I purposely left him out because most people opt for the blade tome. But yeah, he is one of the best horses for getting high score if you run his Brynhildr.
  13. The differences in their skills are 100 SP from their weapons and 180 SP from their A slot. This could very well could be the factor for the jump. If it is, I stand corrected. Either way, Horse Emblem teams run lower SP weapons and skills than weapons like Armads and A skills like Distant counter and Close counter, so they will still be scoring lower for those reasons. That also means that Reinhardt, Xander and Eldigan are the 3 best horses for getting higher scores because of their higher SP weapons. But Horse Emblem teams are usually filled with blade and raven tomes which is why they don't score as high. Minerva and Michalis are the only fliers with 400 SP weapons so they would be the best for Flier Emblem teams.
  14. This is a PSA and a mini guide for grinding Hero Merit. I would also like some discussion as to how the amount of Hero Merit you gain is determined. From now until May 25th 3:00 am, the best way to grind Hero Merit is on Defensive Battle Part 5 on the normal difficulty. With the right team composition, the map can be cleared in 1 turn taking 15-20 seconds per attempt. You can go through 100 Stamina in 5-6 mins gaining 60+ HM per unit. Without using Stamina potions, you can gain 180+ HM per day. Or you can use 32 Stamina potions and max out 4 units HM in 160-180 mins. You will want to go to settings and set "Starting a Map" to "Go into Battle" and all animations off. The confirm action and move don't matter too much. In order to accomplish this, you must be able to 1RKO all 4 enemies on the map. They are: Gunter - 38HP - 36Atk - 20Spd - 29Def - 15Res Klein - 35HP - 36Atk - 29Spd - 17Def - 20Res Lon'qu - 40HP - 33Atk - 37Spd - 18Def - 18Res (M)Robin - 35HP - 32Atk - 25Spd - 24Def - 18Res I will give movement and attack type requirements only, you need to do the calcs yourself to figure out who on your team can actually accomplish the killing. Slot 1 and 2: you have quite a bit of flexibility for killing Gunter and Klein. - In slot 1 you can use an Armor or Infantry with Distant Counter, killing them both on the Enemy Phase. Slot 2 is free for alternate strat. - In slot 1 and 2 you can use two Cavalry units with ranged attack, with the 1st slot killing Gunter and the 2nd slot killing Klein, both on the Player Phase. - Or any infantry attacker with a dancer/singer (slots don't matter). The attacker moves 1 space above slot 1's starting position, gets danced/sung then kills Gunter if they are a ranged attacker and Klein if they are a melee attacker on Player Phase. The one remaining between Klein or Gunter gets counter killed on Enemy Phase. Slot 3: Lon'qu can be killed by any attacker, but armors and melee infantry must do it on the Enemy Phase. Slot 4: (M)Robin must be killed with a ranged attacker (or Distant Counter), on the Enemy Phase. A Cavalry ranged attacker can do it on Player Phase (but doesn't need to unless they need 2 hits and can't double). If you can kill Gunter and Klein with only one unit, slot 2 will be free for a dancer/singer (or a unit with reposition) allowing for any attacker in slot 4 to reach and kill (M)Robin on the Player Phase. Does anyone know how HM gain is determined? I used all 5* units, and the three LV 40 units I use all gain 2.95 HM. I tried unequipping all non-essential skills and they got the same amount, one of them is also merged so that has no affect. The LV 34 Azura I use gains 3.3 HM though. Then I put in a Lv 36 unit and they gained 3.35 HM. Even when leveling up to 37 and 38 they still gained 3.35 HM. Then at LV 39, it went down to 3.15 HM.
  15. It definitely still works that way. Swapping a fully inherited Nino for a fully inherited Hector increased my average points per battle by 6-8. What they changed was the stat boost from Fury (and the +3's) no longer affects a characters BST. It now factors the stats without weapons and skills involved. So now Fury 3 isn't an absolute must for your whole team, and brave weapons are actually usable without killing your BST.
  16. Horse Emblem has a really low BST. As long as you run infantry and armors you wont see full horse emblem teams unless they are all like +5 or higher. In which case, good luck. At least, for me me, with Hector, Ryoma +1, Sharena, and Anna, I haven't seen a single full horse emblem team. Before I got Hector or Ryoma, I would see horse emblem once in a while. Fliers have a little more BST than horses and armors have the most of everyone. That's why you see them more often.
  17. Rein has WTA over Lyn though. She would need a fortify and spur res to even have a shot in hell of surviving Rein.
  18. Well, I have Tharja, Robin, Henry, and Merric (all 4*) so one of them. Preferably an underdog, but if Henry and Merric both lose, I will probably go with whoever had the lower total score in round 1 between Robin and Tharja.
  19. I have a -res Hector and I bait every Rein I see with him. Anna gives a spur res 3 if he needs it to survive. Or just put him on a defensive tile. Because of Rein's range, I find it a bit easier when the opponent has him. He runs off and gets himself killed on the 1st turn. I will admit though, it is really annoying that you absolutely need to have a counter for him on your team. His usage is stupidly high.
  20. Is it just me or does it look like Ephraim is trying to grab Tharja's ass?
  21. LOL, yeah. This is also a possibility. It all boils down to the 3x bonus being an incredibly stupid idea. All it will do is artificially make the blow-outs a little bit "closer". And the actually close match-ups will become coin flips. Totally better than before. Alright, I'm done complaining about how much I hate this gauntlet. Instead, I'm just going to be glad about the ~8,000 feathers I will be getting.
  22. If the underdog team only uses say 50 flags at a time instead of 200 they can catch up without springing past the leading team. Then they need to be patient and hold on to 400 flags for 2 fights in the final hour. Obviously this would take way too much coordination to ever happen. I was just pointing out a possibility in which it could happen. If the favorite team in the final round has a 4:1 ratio like the first 2 gauntlets, that would make an upset basically impossible no matter how much coordination existed.
  23. I realize all of this. But if the smaller team never lets the larger team get the 3x bonus then people on the larger team won't use their flags, and potentially opt to save them for the next round. In this scenario, the potential for an upset could occur regardless if the team is more than 3x larger or not. And with the ability to save flags, for the final round, it is possible for the smaller team to have more flags saved up than the larger team, allowing for more use of the 3x bonus. And with strategic use of their flags they can get the win. I realize that this will most likely never occur, especially for cases like the previous two gauntlets, but it remains a possibility nevertheless. And I don't think any of the match-ups are close to a 3:1 ratio yet.
  24. If all of the team Linde players save 200 flags for the final hour they have a shot...
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