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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Its called editing your post. I did. I changed it to 1/10.
  2. I gave DonneLOL a ZERO/10. I know Gregor is much better than him. The problem is that Gregor is worse than the rest of the cast. How can the 2nd - 4th worst unit get mostly 5's, 6's, and 7's???
  3. Yes but if he is better only than DonneLOL, how can I rate him higher than 1? Every unit in this game is good and definitely usable. But some are better/worse than others. I dont like giving multiple units the same score so that means there has to be 3 or 4 units to get 1's, 2's, 3's, etc...
  4. All at once. thats way you can't tell exactly what a large group of people is yelling. They are all yelling something different.
  5. I feel dirty. I just gave Gregor a 1.75/10 and I feel like it should have been a 1. :/ Unit are getting too much credit for pair up bonuses. As good as they may be, literally every unit can give good pair up bonuses in some way. There are ~30 non kid units. To me there should be about 3 units in every # category. Aside from DonneLOL, can anyone honestly say there are 5 units worse than Gregor? I can't. Based on my rating scale Gregor should get like a .5 - 1, but that seems way too harsh to me so I went with a 1.75. Am I insane? or does my logic make sense?
  6. Gregor is ok at best. His combat is below average compared to every single STR based unit who comes before him sans DonneLOL. Once you get a spare Master seal he can insta-promote for good pair up bonuses but thats really all he can do without showing him too much favoritism. He is stuck with 1 range until he can get to D axes after a promotion or reclass, and that could take some time. People are rating every unit too high, myself included. At this rate, there are only going to be like 5 units with an overall rating of 5 or less. On an even scale there should be close to half of the units rated 5 or less. Im going to be more realistic with my ratings from here on out. edit - 1/10 - After much thinking, I lowered my score. Gregor is the 2nd or 3rd worst unit in the game. Bias - 2/10 - cause Roosky
  7. If dual guard procs on Astra it works for all 5 hits. It doesnt roll #s for every hit of Astra.
  8. How much can Tauroneo move on the mountain? 1 or 2? Tanith with a Sonic Sword of Killer lance crit can finish Gromell cant she? And then have her canto over to the right side. When she drops Tauroneo she should stay right behind him so she can reach Gromell easily. Or have her take out the Purge Bishop and have Tauroneo crit kill Gromell. After dropping Tauroneo, Tanith can take out the few enemies to the right and Haar can be charging up the left side. Once the Tigers are dead, Calill should be pretty safe so getting her up to the top on turn 2 is probably your best bet. This is Largo's 1st map, can he do anything?
  9. slightly damp cloth works well. Also, I found out that breathing on the 3ds (the hot air kind like what kids do on the windows of school buses to play TicTacTow) so that condensation forms on it and then wiping that with a tissue or dry cloth works really good.
  10. There should be 2 new gener exclusive classes with the gender exlusive skills on them. Bride and Dread fighter can stay as-is. Like Butch fighter for females. And Pretty boy for males.
  11. For Chp 25, try having Tanith equipped with a Sonic Sword drop Tauroneo (or whoever is your best foot unit with decent durability) on the top of the mountain on turn 1 with a refresh from Reyson. Mountain terrain give 1 DEF and 10 Avoid so Tauroneo should have no problems surviving with the Laguzguard. Depending on how tough Tauroneo gets with resolve, a 3 turn seems possible.
  12. Reggie's ratings are amazing, leave him alone. And he has done that format starting with Kellam, btw. Gaius is the only one he broke format for. Despite the copy/paste fill-in-the-blank format, his ratings are actually more detailed and thought out than most peoples. And Cordelia is not a whore. I am in a happy relationship but there are several females I have crushes on. Even after I get married, I will have extra-marital crushes. That's life kids, grow up.
  13. edit - I love you ^ Cordelia is Perfect, the game says so. 10/10 Seriously though she is pretty damn good. She has less availability than Sumia, but has better bases and a better Support list and a C rank in lances at base. Cordelia has imo the best class set of all 1st gen units sans the Avatar. 9.25/10 Bias 10/10 - I actually like her character, its a shame so many people dislike it or just dont get it. She's like the most popular girl in school who everyone likes and just seems perfect to everyone. She is beautiful, nice, smart, athletic and seemingly has everything that anyone could ever want. But the 1 thing that she would trade everything she has to get, she can never and will never have. And because of this she is eternaly heartbroken and sad. Plus, flat-chested or not, I think she is totally hot.
  14. Also, Grima (you) coming back in time sped things up as well. Im pretty sure Grima has Aversa interact with Excelcius causing the Valm conquest to happen differently than in Lucina's timeline.
  15. Cherche is too high. There are too many enemies with Silver bow forges, Longbow forges and Rexcaliber forges who can OHKO her. Sumia and Cordelia face the same problem, only they are even squishier to normal weaponry. Sully UP she is beastly with a Fred pair up early. Then a Vaike pair up when she gets up to speed.
  16. It does cause there are 2 averages. One with bias and one without bias. At least go back and say it's with bias. Otherwise this will end up like the FE9 RTUs where only like 5 people rated some of the later units because everyone got sick of people taking it too seriously. Every single one of Snowy's votes were either way too high or way too low because he "hated how people over/under rate X unit."
  17. It's a RTU. You're supposed to rate on how good/bad that you think the unit is. You're not supposed to over-rate or under-rate if you think other people are rateing "wrong". So what if some people gave Panne a 3.5, 4, and some 6's. This isn't meant to be accurate on how good units actually are. It's meant to see what the general view on the characters is. Over-rating to try to make the average closer to what you think it should be defeats the purpose. Besides, thats what the bias points are for. Between the 2 scores units get, their average score will be pretty accurate.
  18. No, the last round reversed rule should have been taken out. It was only invented for drafts so the person who picks first also picks last as a balancing attempt. Since we have more characters to pick from, there are 8 rounds of drafting. The last round reversed rule only takes effect when there is an odd # of rounds. So Doofina you need another pick.
  19. As much as I love Awakening, I HATE pair-up. I don't want to see it return in future FEs and I don't want to see it implemented in any possible remakes. I dunno, it just feels like it takes the strategy out of the game. I much prefer rescue/take/dropping.
  20. Rescue is the whole point of staves in this game. It's healing that isn't extremely useful. Rescue easily saves 15-20 turns. With mounted classes banned on the Avatar im having trouble figuring out what im going to do with him/her.
  21. 2, 4 then 5. Just because of age. Then 6 and 12 need to be localized and put on the Eshop. Then we can have access to them all.
  22. Panne getting 10's is just as WTF as Panne getting a 3.3 and a 4. Sumia got a fucking 2/10 and no one freaked out. Chiki legitimately views Panne that low. He made his own tier list just to show how he ranks the characters.His rating are extremely consistent and far from trolling. And Bearclaw, well hes got his views too. Ok, Panne is good, but not Avatar good. Heck she isn't even as good as Sumia or Sully. Why? Less availability. Worse start due to Taguel. And she absolutely needs a SS to achieve her potential. Depending on the playstyle and possible "No Renown" restrictions that first SS is HIGHLY contested. Avatar will always want it, and in slower play, our healers could definitely want it. In casual play Donny would be be happier than a pig in slop to get it. Then there are the 10 or so others who might want it. To assume she gets it is a bit foolish. However, with it she is an absolute monster so. 8/10 - Avatar is a 10. PanPan might fight like 10 men, but PanPan is most certainly NOT Avatar.
  23. Holy crap, why is MARIBELLE still here? and SAY'RI. Randa, you dont have any staff users without reclass...
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