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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Guys it would take like 5 mins to test it. Have a character with discipline reclass to a staff using class. Use however many rescues it takes to raise staff rank. Reset. Do it again with discipline taken off.
  2. Making them unable to double would be a good idea. Plus it would make sense. How can you throw the same weapon at someone twice? Does the enemy toss it back to you ? Bows should have 2-3 range and longbows 2-4 range. Maybe even more.
  3. Chrom. Then Chrom would say that his own name is strange. fucking ninja...
  4. ^ Not to mention, "breaking" a game is usually easy to do. This thing here is way to complicated to be considered "breaking the game".
  5. I predict 2 FE characters in the next SSB game. Ike is out for Chrom. And Marth will either be back with a Masked Marth costume, or Marth is out for Lucina who will have a Masked Marth costume, and she will be a Marth clone. If there is a 3rd FE character, it will be FE14's Lord IF the game is being developed at that time, but I doubt it.
  6. Rolfie - I wish he would shoot his eye out. DorcASS - Ugly mother fucker. FE:A's Avatar - Wierd, I know. Just kinda bugs me from a story-wise perspective.
  7. For my transfers run, I forged nothing but iron weapons with their might as low as they would go that I used for boss abusing. I replaced the word "Iron" with "Butter". Oh and I made a specific Steel axe with enough Mt fot Titania to do 1 damage to Ena. I named that, "Fuck U Ena".
  8. This is so unpractical it shouldn't even be thought of. To need to rely on the barracks random chance of giving +4 MAG to a specific unit is kind of absurd. Although to humor you, you could give lethality to the lead unit to slightly increase the chances of success. You still wont reach 100% reliability though.
  9. Just start placing characters already! Start at the top and bottom, and work your way to the middle. Obviously Basilio, Flavia, Donnel, and Ricken are low tier material so put them there. If you ask for people's opinions on every character it will take weeks to finish the list. As far as your complexity rating goes, I understand your definition for it, but I still have no idea how it is supposed to be applied to character vs character arguments. For FE 10 it works because of characters only being available on certain maps and the whole "1-P Edward God-tier connundrum", but for every other FE, assigning complexity to every map seems completely pointless. I guess im asking, How does map complexity affect FE:A? And if it doesn't affect it at all, shouldn't you just drop it?
  10. If youre doing 4 hours of reading walkthroughs youre not exactly doing it on your own. There is a reason it's called lunatic, and translated as "expert". It's not meant for newcomers to the series. I understand that you want the "full challenge" but there is a fine line between hardcore gamer and Don Quixote. You can read all you want but nothing is more beneficial than personal experience. Like many others, I recommend playing Hard mode before playing Lunatic.
  11. Tormod answered #1 perfectly. For #2, You recruit the DLC characters after completing their map. When you beat bloodlines 1 you get asked if you want to recruit Lief, bloodlines 2 Alm, and bloodlines 3 Seliph. So... if you don't purchase the pack and just buy bloodlines 2 and 3 separately then yes, you can not purchase Lief's DLC. But seeing as they are $3 per map and the map pack is $6.50 for all 3, you mind as well splurge the extra 50 cents for all 3.
  12. When going for transfers only go for stats that are reasonable to cap. Soren has a 5% STR growth and 15% DEF growth iirc. Even with the knight or wyvern bands he has 10% and 20% growth rates for those stats. Unless you want to go insane and spend 1000's of real life hours resetting, Just go for stats with 25% or higher growth rates. And remember, only a handful of units can cap HP without using 1 or more robes, so dont sweat HP. And only Ike, Mist, and Rolf have mathematical chances of capping LUCK, because the cap is fricking 40 for some dumb reason. They need to gain LUCK on every single LV in order to cap and since the chance of that happening is like 1 in 100 trillion you shouldn't bother to try to cap LUCK with anyone. Basically, just go for SKL, SPD, and STR/DEF for physical units, MAG/RES for magical units.
  13. Happy Birthday

  14. If youre doing a transfer run, you want to play on normal for more Bexp. And dont use the Laguz because they need way too much effort to get any stats to cap, and even then its like just 1 stat. Abusing Bexp to level up will allow you to cap more stats than usual. But the problem is getting your characters to 20/20. If youre only using like 15 or less you should be fine. If you want to transfer like 20 or more you will need to boss abuse a little bit. Im in the middle of a run where I am transfering like 30 units so boss abusing is necessary to get them all to 20/20. You will want to beat every map in as many turns as possible without going over the turn limit for max Bexp. And try to end each map with your units as close to 99 exp as possible, you dont want to risk leveling in map and getting a bad level. The Chapters you can boss abuse on are 9, 16, 21, 23, and 26 because the bosses restore life every turn. I would pass on Chapter 9 but on the rest of them you can spend 500 or more turns.
  15. Im pretty sure you want to never sell anything since items in your inventory are always worth 2x the cash value that you get for selling them. Just give stuff to your benched units so your convoy doesn't get too full. Dont sell.
  16. 1. Super Mario Bros 3 2. The Legend of Zelda 3. Mega Man series (2 being the best) 4. Contra 5. Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu. Look it up, it looks and plays like a fucking SNES game. It would be #1 if it wasn't so short.
  17. Ok and it's pretty easy for someone to get an Action Replay and cap every single stat for every single character. My point is, how do you determine what stats are getting transfers? Where do you draw the line? Why not include MAG and RES in Jill's transfered stats?
  18. Why are transfers even considered? This isn't just a question to piss someone off. I am legitimately curious as to why transfers are considered for this game's tier lists. Not everyone uses them and only those who have FE9 even have access to transfers. Not to mention, how do you determine what stats a character will get to transfer? Do you go by the stats characters cap on average? Jill needs 2 robes on average to cap HP, why is HP considered a stat that she will transfer? edit - Actually Jill doesn't cap a single stat on average now that I checked on it.
  19. Olwen there is a major flaw with your "turns saved" definition/example. (For FE9) It works perfectly fine for Chapters 1-7 since the deployment spots are forced. And saying that Marcia saves 6 turns in Chapter 12, because without her it's an 8 turn clear and with her it's a 2 turn clear, works. But lets assume that Jill is recruited. If Jill is recruited then you can say that Marcia saves just 1? turn in Chapters 13-Endgame because Jill can replicate everything thats Marcia can do except for getting shoved in 17-2. Basically, every unit loses their claim to any contributions as long as there is another unit who is capable of making the same contribution. So by using this logic, every dancer/ Heron should be at the top of their respective teir list because their actions cannot be replicated by any other unit. And if you throw the "Complexity" thing in as well FE9 Titania and Marcia would fall significantly because all of their highest "turns saved" Chapters are pretty low on the complexity scale.
  20. I agree. There should have been not only Manaketes but Taguel Risen as well.
  21. I find it extremely useful for under-leveled units and when Im grinding 1st tier classes to learn skills cause 1st tier class caps dont always cut it. For a 2nd tier class with caped stats, I dont see it making much of a difference. Although, what is better than "all stats +2"? Obviously children and My Unit learn more skills but name a 1st generation character that has 5 skills that are better than "all stats +2".
  22. Ok so Stefan is obviously below Zihark since he costs turns to recruit. Nasir should be tied with or even below Ena since he costs turns and if we are being honest he can't seriously make any notable contributions over Ena. Shinon should be top of low tier just from his contributions up through Chapter 7. Mist down a bit. Elincia up a bit. Not sure how much though. Other than that it looks pretty good at first glance.
  23. Snowy, Fighting game tier lists assume that the players know all available combos to them and are capable of performing said combos, so yeah, FE tier lists should assume that players know all available strategies. The thing is, not all fighting game players know how to/ are capable of performing the most complex moves and combos. So tier lists are only relevant to "high level tournament players" who have the skill to perform complex combos. I would say that less than 10% of gamers for a particular game fall into this category. For the more than 90% of gamers, that game's tier list is useless to them. Back to FE, its the same thing. Tier lists are useless when applied to casual playstyles. Ergo, casual and new players shouldn't consult tier lists when looking for advice. They should look to character guides, which I will admit, there aren't any and someone intelligent should get after it.
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