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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I had them for the GBC and I bought them both on the Virtual console 2 weeks ago. I already beat Ages. I will play Seasons eventually. They are amazing games considering the fact they are for the GBC. Capcom did a great job with them. edit - What are the othe 2 games you havent beaten?
  2. Oh right, Reyson ended up being banned. Disregard my idea then.
  3. PKL, instead of having Marcia bring Ike to the throne try having her bring Soren with the rescue staff. On turn 2, Ike gets surrounded due to no 2 range weaponry but Soren will fuck shit up. On turn 3 Soren could possibly rescue Ike into range to seize. Soren might not have enough durability or staff range, but it's an idea. edit - If you can give Soren Vantage and a max thunder forge, that does wonders for his durability.
  4. I only had to look 2 up...
  5. I think he was trying to say that The Golden Gaffe wouldn't be needed/would be useless if despoil worked on Enemy Phase. Which I could agree with. Take Axefaire. Let the people who naturally get Despoil be your bullion winners.
  6. C. Bern C. Tin SN atom C. Henry VIII C. Sperm whale C. Spinosaurus C. Yes What do I win?
  7. ARRG! Who the hell is good in this game? According to Quints mock draft several posts back, NOLAN is good so im taking him.
  8. I agree that the maps should be close enough to the original so that someone familiar to FE2 will recognize them. For that map that Kelsper posted. You could move the building up so that grass on the top isnt there anymore. Cut back the 5 "fingers" of the building by like 8 tiles. And have like 5 forts where those Sorcerers? are with the same enemies on them but make them not move. And make that lake less perfectly straight. The map will be recognizable, but way less boring.
  9. Hey guys, Twilight is awesome. Leave it alone. Just make sure your pairings give your children as many classes as possible. For example, FredXSully and StahlXSully are obviously bad. DonnelXSully is a great pairing for Kjelle. You also probably want to get as many Galeforce users as you can. So dont have Gaius and Donnel father a daughter who has access to Galeforce from their mother. Not sure which Avatar is better. Female Avatar gets Galeforce while Male Avatar makes more stronger babies and gives his daughter access to Galeforce like Gaius and Donnel do. As far as the stat modifiers go, I dont think they matter as much as getting the kids as many class options as possible.
  10. I've only played RD once, and I was extremely disappointed with the game. I loved PoR and was really excited to play the sequal too. Worst FE I have played, imo. However I do want to play it more and give it more of a chance. Im in.
  11. Try staying out of the sun/heat during the hottest time of the day? Practice very early in the morning of late in the evening. Maybe consult your doctor about the seizure stuff.
  12. +SPD -HP Male Avatar named "drft#40633". Premonition: 2/2 - Why is this included? Prologue: 5/7 - drft#40633 pairs up with Chrom and kills everything. Lissa heals 4 times. Fredrick is placed strategically so enemies cant get at Lissa. No rules were broken. Chp 1: 4/11 - see above. Chp 2: 6/17 - see above. Chp 3: 5/22 - Recruited Kellam. Sumia got a couple kills. drft#40633 did most of the work. Para 1: free/22 - Got both chests. trained SumiaxChrom. Chp 4: 3/25 - 2 turn possible with RNG abuse. SumiaxChrom B support get. Chp 5: 4/29 - SumiaxChrom fly up. drft#40633 stays down with the healers. Ricken suicides unequipped. Chrom - LV9 drft#40633 - LV16 Lissa - LV6 Sumia - LV9 Maribelle - base
  13. Wow, Cherche is extremely well liked. Shes pretty good but I dont think shes THAT good. She is my favorite character ever and im going to be giving her the worst score... Sure, she has good bases and can insta-promote, but she is stuck to only Wyvern rider and its 2 promotion paths. Seriously, Cleric and Troubadour are useless for her unless you are doing massive DLC grinding. Valm is littered with powerful Bows and Tomes so her usefulness isn't what it could be. 4.5/10 Bias - 5.5/10 - I have never had that "favorite FE character"... until I met Cherche. In fact she may be my favorite fictional character of all time. I fucking LOVE everything about her. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her SO much.
  14. Dancer. She makes good units go again. 7.75/10 Bias - 8.75/10 - I hate her overly extreme shyness, but she is so hot that I over-look her personality.
  15. Anna is pretty damn good. She makes Gaius and the healer of your choice expendable. A 7 Mov staff-bot who can open doors and chests? Giddy-up. Dodge-tank who doubles everything with average - great combat? Giddy-up. And she can give good pair-up bonuses to anyone? I want in her... uh purse? Yeah, purse. Her only negative is that she only supports 2 units unless she becomes a mommy. With Levin swords and effective weaponry she will ORKO most enemies and gain exp fairly quickly because of high exp gain from rescues, physics, and wards. 7.5/10 - My list of units better than her is short. Bias - 8.5/10
  16. Youre retarded if you want it to return. At worst. I could see it ONLY happening when your character was at 100% or higher. Anything else is unacceptable. I just hope SSB4 doesn't suck like Brawl did. I've been playing Melee for over 10 years, I don't want to go another 5-6 years...
  17. Tharja is a bit weak at first but having Nosferatu kinda fixes that. Dark Mage is a great class but her availability holds her back from being amazing. 4.75/10 Bias - 5.75/10 - because bikini
  18. Libra doesn't do anything great. He has disappointing combat and decent staff utility. If you skip training a staff user Libra is a great filler unit, but if you trained a staff user, Libra will be inferior. 4.5/10
  19. ^ So you think all but 5 units in the game are good? realative to what? How can you call the 3rd - 5th worst units average - good? And Nowi getting these high ratings is absurd. She is like a 6 Movement Kellam who comes several chapters later. And has a harder time of getting exp. I don't care if she is amazing when you turtle and grind for her to get exp. If we play like that then every character would get 9's and 10's. Bearclaw is getting ridiculous with his ratings. Gives Panna a 4 for seemly no reason and then Nowi a 10 despite Nowi having less availability, a slower start, and less upside. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried arguing that $10 dollar bills were more valuable than $100 dollar bills.
  20. Nowi has bad base stats, but with her 1-2 range weapon, she can take a DEF tonic and DEF pair up and tank enemies pretty well at base. (With a Kellam pair up and DEF tonic she has 19 DEF at base) With her 65% DEF growth, she will become extremely bulky in a hurry.And all of her other growths are good as well. She can either stay Manakete and become an unkillable death dragon or go Wyver rider for more mobility and combat. She needs a decent amout of training to be good, but you don't ever have to baby her during that time. Just stall for a turn or two while she tanks several enemies and she will get up to speed. No weakening enemies to feed her kills is needed. 4/10
  21. ^ Totally agree. They are pretty under-rated. They support each other and give pretty nice pair up bonuses. They are totally 2-3's.
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