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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. If all bows had 2-3 range and longbows were 2-4 range Archers would be fine. Also what Cam said, harder hitting enemies. FE11 archers are actually extremely useful on H2 and above. More bow variety would do wonders. Swords, Lances, and Axes all have weapons that are effective against Knights and Horses. Bows need these too. And fuck balistas. Give archers "siege bows" that work the same way as mages' siege tomes.
  2. "If you get a new record, please post it in this thread (including your team and thread number) so it makes my life easier." Read the OP. It is in the 1st paragraph.
  3. Honestly, yeah. Her armor is an ugly color too. FE 10 is also horribly balanced, so even if you wanted to use Meg it would be quite difficult. On my 1st playthough of the game (Normal mode) I actually tried to use her. I gave her 99 Bexp in the Chp 4, 5, and 6 bases. Battle saved and reset until she got +5 or better level ups. Fed her kills. It didn't matter... I dropped her after 6-1 because she was just bad, and everyone was way better than her. And this was on Normal mode. I couldn't imagine trying to use her in Hard mode.
  4. ^ Huh? I just finished an old draft that I was 75% of the way through. Correct me if im wrong, but aren't we supposed to report new draft records here too? This isn't just a list up to 2012. I believe PKL wants it to stay current and change every time a new record is set.
  5. I completely agree with Shinon. And for the few Armors and bosses that he misses on ORKOing he has a ~36% chance of landing at least 1 critical hit.
  6. I completed fe9 Random/Fixed Mode HM draft # 31677 in 143 turns. It was before the rule changes so 27-2 counted as 1 turn. Idk if you want to consider this 142 or 143 turns. edit: I forgot the team. Kieran, Tanith, Nephenee, Soren, Haar, Ranulf,Rolf, Devdan.
  7. Completed fe9 Random/Fixed Mode HM draft #31677 in 143 turns.
  8. Chp 21: 6/120 Tanith ferried Ike. Could have gotten 5 turns but I was sick of retrying. Chp 22: 1/121 Super Soren. Chp 23: 4/125 Soren killed Petrine. Chp 24: 3/128 Tanith arrives. Chp 25: 3/131 Tanith rescue-drops Super Soren to the top of the mountain on turn 1. Every enemy was dead after turn 2 EP except for the dude with Purge. Chp 26: 3/134 Super Soren kills Bertram. Chp 27: 4/138 3 turns for part 1, 1 turn to escape. Got resolve. Chp 28: 3/141 Stoned Reyson and 2 flyers. Final: 2/143 Standard Kills Tits- 171 Soren- 146 Kieran- 80 Ike- 69 Tanith- 50 Rolf- 46 Haar- 44 Neph- 32 Devdan- 10 Ranulf- 8 Astrid as an NPC- 1
  9. Fire Emblem taught me that If i'm riding a horse and I pick up a tiny little mage girl I will be slowed down the same as if I picked up a large man wearing heavy armor. And books break if you read them too many times. Thats right, they BREAK...
  10. Naw, I mean the very 1st pick. Besides, that was a skirmish draft. Lute is actually 1st round material in a skirmish draft. Soren is a 2nd round early 3rd round pick, and he is the best sage in his game. Lute is a 3rd or 4th round pick, and is the 3rd best magic user and arguably the 5th best warper.
  11. ^ Haha, I dont know a whole lot about FE4 drafts, but isn't Ardan the guy who usually ends up being undrafted? And recently he has just been a free unit? At least that was the 1st draft, there wasn't anything to go off of. Lute was 1st picked by someone in the last 6 months IRC, And I think someone 1st picked Joshua once too. Both of these are worse than Soren.
  12. If permadeath isn't the cornerstone of the series than what is? It is certainly a major gameplay mechanic to the series, and it is how alot of people identify the series. Personally, I like permadeath. It is what sets FE apart from FFTA, Disgaea, and others. Reagardless, FE 12 and 13 have casual modes and im 100% certain that every FE after them will also have a casual mode so why complain about permadeath? You say you want IntSys to move on from permadeath to make the series better, well guess what, they did. And instead of making the brash choice of removing it entirely, they gave the player the choice of whether they want it or not.
  13. ^ Believe it or not there have been worse 1st picks than Soren.
  14. I just meant that they were higher than I thought they were. For Chapter 12 the last Raven doesn't come to the ship until turn 8 though. It is literally impossible to clear it in less than 8 turns without Marcia or Jill. Or is there some sort of trick im unaware of?
  15. Really good work guys. Since FE 11 has 4 seperate categories I would suggest FE 7 have at least an extra category for HHM. Holy crap, I didnt realize the FE 9 turn counts were so high... edit: PKL your 1st place score in FE 9 should be 139 turns. Your chapter 12 says "7 or 8 you dont remember". Well you went with 7 and 7 turns is impossible without a flyer...
  16. Completed [FE7] Support Chain Draft Redux #33748 in 175 turns
  17. Chp 29: 15/142 Fuck this shit. I could have saved like 5 turns but I just didn't want to restart again. Chp 30: 7/149 Took Elibro with me. Chp 31: 11/160 too many defend maps in this game... Chp 31x: 5/165 got Karla Chp 32: 4/169 2 warps, 2 rescues and the rescue staff broke. Chp 32x: 1/170 Bartre warped over for a crit kill. Final 1: 4/174 killin dudes Final 2: 1/175 killin dragon.
  18. Guile's theme is just epic. Every place that plays music should play Guile's theme 24/7.
  19. @ Boron Im sorry. It wasn't my intention to come off that way. Im not sure why you single me out from everyone else, but apparently the way I say things bugs you. I will do my best to be "softer" and less "blunt and to the point" in the future. I really am being sincere, sorry.
  20. @ Boron I have never told Jedi to stop drafting. Way back when he joined here I simply pointed out to him that he was joining and making too many drafts. That was the only time. And for Sharpy, Im never the 1st person to get on his case, nor am I the biggest harper on him. He has hated me well before any of that anyway.
  21. Yeah but I dont even really interact with people. I cant think of an instance where you would get that impression of me. Oh well...
  22. really? I feel like an ass hole now. And am sort of confused as to how I come off like that.
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