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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Holy shit Horace, your massive team is massive.
  2. Oh wow, um Nasir. Why did Ena go before Nasir?
  3. Dude, mjemirzian. No offense but your turncounts suck really bad. "Turn Count Starting with Ch1:10,14,13,10,6,16,14,8,17,19,10,11,10,7,17,15,43,13,6,10,22,13,11,11,11,12,20,9,16 394 turns total, 13.5 turns per chapter on average" Through the 1st 4 chapters Soul is beating you by over 30 turns...
  4. Thanks Lucina. So Ike, Oscar, and Boyd really dont need the 0.xx listed since at most that will equal 100 exp. Theirs should just say 0.-- since they are just going to take the 100 exp for tier 1 units anyways. It would avoid some confusion I think. eg. Ike is LV 8.35 going into Chapter 8. Instead of giving him the 0.xx which would be 65 exp, hes going to just take 100 exp for 1st tiered units, right?
  5. As long as it is better than the mess that is Radiant Dawn, I will be happy. I want real support conversations back. Only 2 tiers, none of that 3rd tier stuff. Stick to no more than two groups, and keep it balanced. RDs group switching destroyed its gameplay balance. No Fionas this time around. "Est"s are fine, characters who are made useless from indoors, ledges, and rivers are unacceptable. A return to Magvel might be nice...
  6. Largo. On the Bexp chart, Ike and Oscar for instance are listed as 0.xx. Can they just take the 100 allowed for unpromoted units or can they only cap their current level in the Chapter 8 base?
  7. I also loved FF8. I really liked the story, and you get a freaking space ship!! The tradegy that is Laguna and Julia, and Squall and Rinoa's relationship, ahh fond memories. I understand that some people dont like the battle system but I happen to like it. The Card sidequest/mini-game is one of my favorites. ive played and beaten the GBA of 1 and 2. DS of 3. PSX and GBA of 4. PSX of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. PS2 of 10 and 12. PSX of Tactics. And Tactics Advance. 1- basic. good. 2- cast swap on a Goblin, then profit, the repeat. GGs. Ok 3- Jobs are cool. Story was cool with the world map twist it throws at you. Ok. 4- Classic, Wonderful. Great game. 5- Loved the plot twist. Great Job system. Very good. 6- Very fresh. dragged out a little at the end though. Great game. 7- My first. Great battle system. Too easy. Fun side-quests. Very good. 8- see above. Very good. 9- Lots of references. Nostalgic bliss. Favorite ending. Very good. 10- BLITZBALL! Best battle system. Very good. 12- too much to do. Good.
  8. What chapter are you on? Does promoting any of them make an immediate impact? Are you using Seth? How many stat boosters do you have laying around? Who has already promoted?
  9. I found twinkies to taste really bad actually. So it doesnt affect me at all.
  10. ^ What is it, a 5 turn clear? Assuming Jill cant even save 1 turn with a maxed iron lance forge it makes it a wash. Jill costs 3 less turns to recruit and Marcia saves 3 turns. So... recruiting them both would only cost 1 turn vs. picking just 1 of them. Im pretty sure going with both would be better in the long run... edit: either way, im done theory crafting for Maniac mode since i've never played it before.
  11. Marcia cant save the usual turns she saves on Chapters 11 and 12. Marcia costs 4 turns Jill costs just 1. 2 turn of 17-2 isnt possible for Marcia since both Oscar and Kieran need to be promoted. With the Chapter 2 speedwings and proper leveling with a SPD increasing band Jill will double every relevant enemy, so doubling isn't an issue. Other than Chapter 14 (which we can use Titania for the Jill team), Jill and Marcia will pretty much be the same unit from Chapter 13 on. Except there will be tougher enemies, and more of them, making Jill's durability advantage pretty significant. How exactly is Marcia better than Jill?
  12. Aeine, While I agree that Marcia is much better than Jill on HM, several of your points in that post are either false or due only to sand-bagging Jill. And Marcia needs roughly 1600 Bexp to promote in time to 3 turn Chapter 11, (since the unpromoted Marcia strategy I used would be impossible on MM). There is only 1050-1100 Bexp up to that point. And there is only 1350 Bexp before the start of Chapter 12. Still not enough to promote Marcia for the 2 turn of Chapter 12. Stealth on Chapter 10 would give us enough Bexp to promote Marcia, but that would add like 6 or more turns to the Chapter 10 clear. So yeah, Jill > Marcia on MM.
  13. ugh, I was hoping I could get Gatrie here... Volke
  14. I really thought one of you would have taken Lethe... uhhh... Muarim
  15. ^ There is half as much Bexp in MM compared to HM. Even with chapter 10 Stealth, there isnt enough Bexp to promote Marcia for chapter 12. Not to mention, several hundred would need to go to the other units like Oscar, Boyd, Ike, etc. I would imagine that Jill would be much better for LTC/efficiency than Marcia on MM.
  16. ^ Wow that sucks. Its kind of ironic that such a small country has such an advanced military. But yeah I missed the part where Singapore had anything to do with the war in Isreal.
  17. I am very well aware that the Bills are a mess. And I happen to know alot about football. The Steelers are in serious trouble if Big Ben misses more than 2 more games. New England has a terrible defence, and are very over-rated so dont put them in the group of "good AFC teams". They have only played 3 games against teams with winning records and they are 1-2 in those games. Their 1 win came against the Broncos back when they were still playing like crap. The Patriots will end up as the 4th seed, and they will not win a road playoff game. If they play the Steelers as the 5th seed with a healthy Ben, they wont win at all.
  18. Jerk. lol. One well placed nuke could probably destroy your tiny little Island...
  19. Ben actually had 2 "incidents". The Ravens said after the game that they didnt factor in Leftwich's ability to run since they didn't think he would actually try to run. How many rushes for how many yards did He have after that 1 long run? Besides, QBs are supposed to THROW the ball. Something which Leftwich happens to be very bad at. They only scored 10 points... Im just letting you know, Leftwich is NOT a back-up that you should be optimistic about. The Browns just played the Cowboys very close. If the Steelers cant score more than 10 points, they will lose. Btw, dont take any of this personally, Im just voicing my opinions. I'm a friggen BILLS fan for crying out loud. My entire season is riding on next weeks game against Indy.
  20. I like the CON based system more than the STR based system, but the problem I have with the CON system (and I think Anouleth would agree) is the differences between characters of the SAME class (or type). Despite Matthew having a large availability lead, I find myself dropping him in every playthrough in favor of Legault. Why? Because no matter how blessed Matthew might end up, Legault will always have 2 more CON than Matthew Even if they both have identical stats Legault will always have an advantage. Or lets look at Lyn and Guy compared to Eliwood, Raven or Karel. Lute or Natasha compared to Artur, Moulder, or Saleh. Lowen and Kyle having 1 more CON than the other cavs is balance. Nino, Natasha, and Lute having 4 or more fewer CON than their peers is a flat out DISADVANTAGE.
  21. I am interested, but ONLY if I get Oscar with the 3rd pick. I want to try to beat the Fliers, so if no one has a problem I will join with the 3rd pick. Otherwise, I just wont be motivated or interested enough to play and finish.
  22. You're skipping Marcia? I guess she wont be able to clear Chapter 12 quickly since you wont have enough Bexp to pump into her to promote her.
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