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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. 1st cousins getting married is legal people... Their children will have double the chance of birth defects though, but going fron like .1% to .2% isn't that huge of a jump.
  2. If Soren is picked to be the one to promote in Chp 9 for the 6 turn clear he can easily reach a high enough LV for Chp 25. And just becauase your strategy for Chp 26 requires random, it doesn't mean its impossible for fixed.
  3. You have a bunch of draft players and LTC enthusiasts giving opinions on the classes. For LTC, movement >>>>> minor stat boosts. Thats why they are saying GK > General. You are clearly a casual player and since turncounts dont matter to you, go with the statistically inferior choices.
  4. ^ Wrong I did Chp 7 in 4 turns on fixed mode. My Chp 25 clear I was talking about was with a limited draft team on fixed mode. (Btw way a 20/20 Soren faces <50% hitrates from Tigers and <25% hitrates from everything else. Not to mention a ~50% chance to kill enimies before they get to attack with Vantage and a Max crit thunder forge.) Neither Chp 26 or 29 require Random growths. And a 20/20 Soren should be able to fulfill the role needed for Chp 27 unless his 6 movement is too low. So random growths saves a total of 3 maybe 4 turns?
  5. Wow Snowy, you just completely missed the point of this thread. Like really bad. Nothing you said was on topic... No one said anything about "Mia's 'unique utility' in regards to magic swords". The OP wanted to know how many turns a 20 MAG Ike could save in a LTC playthrough. A 20 MAG Ike or Boyd with a max hand axe forge isn't needed for Chp 25, a highly leveled Sage (I used Soren with Adept and Vantage) can completely wipe out the top of the mountain. In a draft, I was able to kill every enemy except for the Purge!Bishop in 2 turns (Obviously I got a 3 turn clear). My team was Ike, Titania, Reyson, Kieran, Tanith, Soren, Nephenee, Haar, Ranulf, Rolf, Devdan.
  6. Im predicting a "Harbaugh Bowl". Should have happen last year. 49ers look unstopable and the Ravens know how to beat the Pats.
  7. You also get a swordreaver/slayer axe in that chapter. Give that to any axe users that you have trained if you are opposed to using the prepromotes. Otherwise, Saleh can handle him just fine.
  8. Oh, I heard the trainees are way better in the JAP version. On the NA version the super trainees gain ZERO CON, thats why I consider them to be the worst choice. Do they gain CON when promoting in the JAP version? As far as team size goes, larger teams (12+ units) are usually worse than smaller teams (~8 units). So use every single unit and just bring the lowest level units to each map.
  9. Normal is too easy. Promoting early wont even matter. Seriously, play on hard. What are you aiming for with this playthrough? Will you be shooting for low turns? Do you want it to be difficult? How many units do you plan to use? Statistically weaker classes are often better for LTC, so you going to have alot of people critique your choices. The super trainees are by far the worst paths for the trainees. No matter what your play style is. Hero >>> Warrior for Garcia. He loves the +2 SPD to help his bad 20% growth. Natasha cant become a mage knight. This game came out in 2005, not 2008.
  10. Jelanda... jela...jelan.........Angela, yeah that's itEDIT: I wonder who'll get this reference first? Valkyrie Profile As far as the translations go, I like them so far. I really hope Olivia stays the same.
  11. No. Aeine used an armourslayer in Tauroneo's map. The SS is not needed.
  12. Aeine is the one who did this. Im pretty sure it only saves 2 turns. Petrine's map and the map after you get the Rune Sword.
  13. Im thinking a return to Magvel is a real possibility.
  14. Is there any mention of a price? Im mad that it's pre-installed and not a physical copy of the game, but if it is $30-40 cheaper than buying a 3DS and the game separately then it will be worth it to me.
  15. No, you don't get Bexp for Tanith's reinforcements. However, in Radient Dawn, you DO get Bexp for actions performed by Yellow units.
  16. Dude, look at the symbolism of the dream. Who does a blue shell target? Ding ding ding! You sir are in 1st place, and the blue shell is all the people who are envious of you. That seems like a pretty awesome dream if you ask me.
  17. Hey mister wise hermit! How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
  18. Wow that sucks. I'm sorry for your loss.
  19. In drafts I warp Myrrh up to him for a 1 turn clear. I use Myrrh because of her high MT and crit against him and she has a very high RES. Although anyone with high STR can do it in 1 turn if you rig a crit or pierce. Just use warp. Myrrh needs 19 STR for a clean 4HKO (2 rounds with doubling) with no crits on Lyon.
  20. H5 Gharnef has 44 HP, 23 AS, and 10 RES. Both Sorcerers and Sages have a base of D rank tomes so with a little training, or just an arms scroll you can get C rank tomes for any of your units easily. Sorcerers have a base MAG of 3, Sages have a base MAG of 4. Add that to Starlight's 13 mt and you can do 6-7 damage with any promoted unit freshly reclassed. With just 2 Spirit dusts a sage will have 8 MAG which is enough to 4HKO Gharnef. 12 MAG will 3HKO. And 19 MAG will 2HKO. So pick any of your units who has at least 20 SPD as a Sage. Or start training Catria or Est as a Mage since they have fantastic growths as mages. Palla's SPD growth will only be 15%.
  21. You plan to get a transfer for both Tauroneo's and Mordecai's SPD? You realize Tauroneo needs 3 speedwings to cap SPD and Mordecai needs 4 of them right? With only 3 speedwings in PoR I dont think youre gonna have much luck with that.
  22. No, if you promote at LV 20.00 the the exp for LV 1.00 - 1.99 will count. Basically the exp for LV 20-21 and 1-2 are linked. I assume to prevent the player from gaining the "extra LV". For any LV you can gain the next levels stat increases early. If you go from someone's base LV, give them 99 exp, and the give them 100 Bexp up to 99 exp on the next LV you will gain a ton of stats. In some cases you will see +2's. But then when you give that character 1 exp for the next LV, they will be guaranteed to get nothing when they LV up because the stat points were already given on the previous LV up. Good job on the play log btw. Maniac mode actually looks alot harder than Hard mode. the biggest difference i've noticed seems to be Chapter 18. There are like twice as many enemies there.
  23. Sorry this is a little late but LV 20-21 doesn't give an extra LV of "stat growth points" (IDK what to call them). It's complicated, but i've tested this out. You can technically gain an extra LVs worth of stat points before promotion if you go from LV 19.99 - LV 20.99, but from promoted LV 1.00 to LV 1.99 you will gain absolutely nothing.
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