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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. This probably won't work for everyone, but I jumped blind into Radiant Dawn as my first ever FE game at the ripe age of 11 and got my butt kicked until I got good. Of course RD is kinda hard to get your hands on now but admittedly I haven't had a problem with any other FE thanks to that experience.

    But yeah, some general advice that works for all of them is mind your formations, take advantage of terrain bonuses, and make sure to check enemy stats so you don't land yourself in a bind. Watch your squishies, heal your tanks, and don't mind the random 2% crit chance hitting because that's just bad RNG and has happened to everyone once. I promise.

  2. Well I suppose I'll be the odd one out here xD I thoroughly enjoyed them. Especially the first one, in fact I still return to replay it every so often. The second one was pretty good as well, though the third one felt... less complete than the others. Which is probably what one expects from a trilogy. Anyway, I'd say they're definitely worth a play, especially the first one.

  3. Laguz Sovereigns pick based on strength and they don't seem prejudiced against women at all so I see nothing that would keep them from accepting a female ruler. Look at how they react to Nailah, there's no derision, they respect her for her strength immediately. Well that plus her saving Rafiel.

    Now for the herons there's really no way to know for sure. Their whole society is set up different and with there only being 5 living herons plus the consolidation of the bird tribes under Tibarn... we'll probably never know for sure. My guess? They're true monarchies. Remember that only the royal line have those snow white wings and they're also the ones with the best ability to sing galdrar barring possibly Lehran. 

  4. On the DLC topic, I enjoy reading about them and am fine with you continuing to do them. I just think people don't comment on them as much because... well if they're like me they don't consider it canon and also because it's hard to comment on anything other than the fact that Awakening just does not care about previously established lore or characters and the DLCs so far have just proven that even more.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hey, genuine question for any female viewers who played this game and instantly saw Chrom as their hazubando and wanted to marry him:

    ...Did this conversation feel like it was even trying to pander to you? Because this feels like pandering... but not to women. I'm open to the possibility that I'm completely wrong owing to the whole “not being into dick” thing, but to me... it reads more like Chrom is the player avatar and the support's trying to pander to the male viewers for whom Robin is their waifu. I mean, you'd think, if this were going to be cliché anime pandering... it'd be cliché shoujo anime pandering. And hey, I've never consumed shoujo in my life, so for all I know this is a trope there too, but I dunno...

    ...something tells me that very few ladies' romantic fantasies with their dream guy involve throwing sharp objects at him.

    Don't have a "hazubando" but I did play the female Robin and marry Chrom when I played through and it was just as bad to me as it was to you friend. No genuine connection happens, it's ridiculous, and just... bad.

  6. Legendary/mythical split is a matter of contention among the fanbase as mythical is a made up term. However anyone in their right mind should know that showing up to a match with a team including Mew and Arceus is... not exactly fair. I think it was a miscommunication but not worth having a falling out over. It's just pokemon. They need to have a conversation and in the future agree in more specific terms.

  7. 2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Right. XD

    Byleth: So how many detentions do you want? Or perhaps a more disciplinary action with the business end of the Sword of the Creator? Your choice.

    Look, you don't even know how bad those quotes pissed me off man! xD I was sitting there going "Bitch try me! I will create a whole ass gun just to shoot you with!" I don't know why that cliche pisses me off so badly but it really does!

  8. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    It isn't the BE students' job to defend the Holy Tomb. They aren't actually part of the Church. If anything, the fact that they are people of the Empire would mean that they have more of an obligation to stand down, as Edelgard is their Emperor.

    It's Byleth's as an employee of Garreg Mach and they follow their instructor. The game proves over and over that they have more loyalty to Byleth than Edelgard or Rhea, be that to the game's detriment.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Not a justifiable reason? They've been fighting bandits, enemies of the church and associates of the Flame Emperor all game. In this scenario she's all three simultaneously.

    You might as well give it up. They'll defend Edelgard to their dying breath even when it's pretty obvious she's in the wrong here.

    And yes, the person bringing an army into a place to rob it is in the wrong. Period. Hard stop. You know what happens to those people if they go around threatening other armies? They get killed. If they take hostages you know what happens to them? They get sniped! There is no realistic situation here where the people guarding a place, whose job it is to guard a place wouldn't or shouldn't step in. And frankly no matter what she says after the fact about not meaning it, the fact that she said it in the first place with the army including demonic beasts to back her up carries a whole hell of a lot more weight.

  10. That character that apparently has to be present in every RPG that wants to threaten you like you can't rip them limb from limb and scatter their remains across town. This is not applicable to big story villains, it's always either an ally or a nobody NPC that's around for like 5 seconds and this is one of the areas where I prefer a game like Fallout because you can shoot these people in the face! Please games follow this example and only include those characters when I can beat the snot out of them, thank you!

  11. 25 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    You are entirely missing my point if that's what you think I'm saying. It's not about wether it's forgivable or not, it's about the massive, sudden and more importantly needless turn around of having Byleth and co fighting for their lives (and they are fighting for their lives, Edelgard tells her soldiers to kill them if they resist and they are resisting) one second and then turning around and joining Edelgard in the next second. You're right that Byleth and co are doing this because Rhea tells them to, if they have qualms with doing so it should be before their friend just had them ordered to be killed and they in return looked a bunch of her soldiers, not afterwards.

    And the wife beater comparison is very apt as it's literally the same excuse Edelgard is making for herself. "I'm only hurting you because you're making me do it."

    It's just a terrible segment of the game in terms of writing and could so easily have been remedied by just making the Black Eagles split happen one chapter earlier.

    If it helps, I'm entirely with you on this one. That whole chapter is a really bad look for Edelgard. Someone says they're gonna kill me while they rob a place if I try to stop them I'm pretty much gonna take them at their word no matter if they try to recant later. Sending an army in is a huge threat, they were all armed (though none of this explains why the students were, that's weird). It's just a huge mess of writing and all of it in disservice to her. She's either cold and doesn't care about the (very real) potential of hurting people that are supposed to be her friends or she's so naïve as to not realize that she could be shooting herself in the damn foot. That was not my most eloquent post but meh, I think it's phrased clearly? XD

  12. This was not a topic I expected to see when I logged in today! XD

    So here's the thing man, a lot of women aren't really dtf without some sort of... emotional connection. That's of course not all of us but it's a high chunk. If you're not interested in getting offline to go to bars and such to see about hooking up, my best advice to you would be to put that you're only looking for sex in whatever bio on the dating app you've got. That way only women looking for that will message you. It's a long shot though, not gonna lie.

  13. 8 hours ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Beautiful. Check.

    Talented. Check. (Skilled with Magic, unexplained ability to Sacrifice, coincidental special holy heritage)

    Few or no flaws. Check. (Her blind faith in Pellias is her only real flaw)

    Loved by everyone. Check. (Dawn Brigade, all of Daien)

    The first one isn't the mark of a Mary Sue? Basically every fictional character is attractive and that's dependent highly on the person.

    Talented sure, but she's also slow and incredibly frail and loses her most important ability just in time to get her side pretty well ass-kicked in Part 3 and this is just a nitpick but her abilities are given an explanation. Also talent alone is not a mark of a Mary Sue, it's talent above everyone else's that causes plot holes.

    She is loyal to Pelleas sure, but she's also willing to defend Daein at the cost of the rest of Tellius and is unable to sacrifice those closest to her. On top of that she's the type to refuse outside help when she really needs it while offering it at her own detriment or the detriment of her teammates. There you go, a few more flaws.

    That one's notably false. Sure Daein loves her but they don't even account for 1/4 of the playable cast let alone the rest of the continent. Ike's entire side of the war (bar Ike himself) thinks she's a warmonger and a dangerous cult leader lunatic.

  14. I have a lot of thoughts on this that I do not currently have the brain power to expand upon thanks to exams and other such issues. I shall return to this thread at a later date to expand but in short form:

    1. Micaiah is great, I have bias, she needed more spotlight in the latter half of the game and to not be taken over by Yune.
    2. Ike was alright. I didn't like how he completely took over in Part 4 but that's more an issue with Micaiah being relegated to Yune puppet than anything against Ike. He's cool.
    3. Elincia had a great character arc and a wonderful piece of the story but her plot relevance was absolutely 0 and she either needed to have her part be relegated to optional content and have her part be taken over by someone else, or be written in as a more central figure. I prefer the first solution because she is not the protagonist of the game, Ike and Micaiah are.
  15. 4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    That’s just subjectivist which is a somewhat flawed way to look at art. Cause you can wrong about art. Again I’m just gonna bring up the Edelgard is racist example. Edelgard isn’t racist there is evidence to directly support that she isn’t. To say that she is objectively wrong. And even with your example of Jeralt it’s wrong to say that she’s being an asshole cause she’s not. If we really break down what’s she’s saying, essentially what she says is basically “sitting around moping and wallowing in pity isn’t gonna change anything. You just have to accept what happened and do something about it cause action is better than inaction”. Is she harsh about it? Perhaps. Is she being an asshole and outright malicious? Definitely not she’s simply giving her own advice in the way she knows how and how she chooses to understand the world. I wouldn’t call that being an asshole because she’s helping Byleth get out of their funk. It’s just a trope where the depressed character is snapped out of it by being harshly yelled at. She’s blunt but that’s just how her character is. If you simply do not like her method of giving advice well that’s personal taste. She’s not being an asshole though. That is simply not true

    Except it's not. Go talk to an English Lit professor, they'll tell you that interpretation is entirely subjective. It all depends on the individual's experiences. It's why we can look at the same events and have completely different reactions to them. You didn't perceive what Edelgard said as her being an asshole but I did and you have to stop telling people their responses and views on things are wrong because you see things differently! You may not have reacted badly to it but should anyone say to me about my grandparents what she said to Byleth about Jeralt they'd be missing a few teeth afterwards. Just because you wouldn't call it her being an asshole doesn't make me wrong for seeing her that way for it. Someone being an asshole is not like someone being prejudiced, it's subjective and malicious intent and asshole are not mutually dependent. It being a trope doesn't matter - I dislike jerk trope characters and thoroughly love the RPGs where you can call them out on it (see Fallout 4 where you can literally shoot them). Likewise I don't and won't dismiss it just because it is a trope. It makes me angry so to me it's no excuse. Is it bad writing? No, not necessarily, it gets the response they want out of me. Still makes me mad.

    In an effort to keep from derailing this I won't be responding anymore. Just think about it this way: people are going to perceive things differently than you and instead of railing against it and saying they're looking at it "wrong" actually try to see where they're coming from. Stop being so set in your own perceptions that you can't even begin to see someone else's.

  16. 1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

    Well like I’m not budging because I believe my argument to be decently sound. I’ve argued my points. In regards to Eltosian, well he’s making flawed arguments and I’ve explained why. In terms of @Anathaco I acknowledge that he’s made a few good points but even then I think it’s flawed and again I’ve explained why. I may be stubborn but it’s possible to prove me wrong on things. Again I admitted to somewhat being wrong on the support inconsistency argument and again I will acknowledge Anathaco made some good points where a story being inconsistent with its own rules can be considered a legitimate criticism that is a form of contrivance.

    That's the point, they think the same about your arguments as you do theirs! They believe their arguments to be pretty sound while yours have flaws and it comes down to personal interpretation and the fact that, in discussing literature, there is no right or wrong. People can view the exact same information in a wide plethora of ways because the way every single person views and interacts with the world is different.

    Just to give an example, take the Rainbow Sage's death. I saw it, went "Well that was stupid and pointless" and moved on. A friend playing the game was quite touched. We have different world experiences and so reacted to the same thing differently. Or a more extreme example, Edelgard's little talk to Byleth after Jeralt died. I heard her and immediately thought she was an asshole who I wanted to punch in the teeth and would have had it been an option. Meanwhile there are several people here who saw that scene as her being comforting.

    So through your world lens you may see arguments as flawed but never forget that people will think the same about yours and it just comes down to that we're all different people.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean that’s fair but if I can prove that your argument doesn’t work then maybe you shouldn’t use that argument anymore 

    I think the last couple of pages pretty much proves this false since people have been picking yours apart and you aren't budging. You can't expect different from anyone else.

  18. The point of the matter is that you can't say someone's ideas or viewpoints don't matter just because you don't agree. When it comes to discussing literary elements it doesn't matter if you think their interpretation is wrong or not, if they can back it up with evidence from the text then it's just as valid as your viewpoint and any english literature teacher would back me up on this. I could say Azura's hair is blue to represent her sorrow over not being able to fix the issues going on, you could say her hair is blue to represent her hope for a better future, someone else could say her hair is blue because the designers thought it was pretty and she's water themed. None of us would be wrong with evidence of her personality from the game and general knowledge of design and every interpretation is just as valid. The problem you keep running headlong into is calling other people's interpretations "close minded", saying you "don't think it's valid", etc. All that does is shut down any discussion because then people focus on the insult as opposed to where you view things differently.

  19. I have never bought DLC and I will never buy DLC as I have held the belief even from my younger years that paid DLC is exploitative bs that directly paves the way for MORE exploitative bs like lootboxes. Also I will pay to support games I like, buying them on release day and preordering special editions where my wallet allows, you are then not about to exploit me by giving me less than a full game and then selling me the completed experience in chunks. Fuck off.

    As for companies themselves, Game Freak and Naughty Dog are currently on my 'do not buy' list. Blizzard is a never. The rest are on shaky ground but a wait and see and Bethesda is among them if only because I do really love Fallout and want them to do better.

  20. Holy wow this thread is exhausting to read. I haven't taken part in any Fates discourse in a long while because it took me a long while to really form my own opinions on it and I've kind of settled for.... it's my second least favorite FE game. SoV is worse.


    One of the only redeeming qualities I have experienced in my time playing Fates is that the gameplay is interesting. It has it's pitfalls, like the gimmicks being too overdone, but overall the gameplay is solid. I like Xander and Ryoma. And.... that's about it actually. The rest of the characters feel incredibly one note and that either gets annoying over time or they start out as not likable and don't really change. The story is one huge mess that is just not enjoyable to try and puzzle out. This is all very basic.

    As for Ottservia, I believe your intentions are good but if so many people are saying you're coming across differently from how you are, you may want to take a step back and re-evaluate how you phrase things. Because you come across as incredibly hostile and not open to discussion no matter how much you say otherwise, due to the bulk of your posts invalidating other's opinions, outright dismissing them, or being hostile. You say that's not your intent, but enough people have said the same now that it's obvious you're not getting across your intent.

  21. I actually don't find that Marianne stands out, especially not among the other healers in the game. Lin has better utility and Mercedes is the better and more reliable healer. She's not bad by any means, but very solidly middle of the pack to me. Blutgang is alright, her crest does her very few favors, and on a mage focused character like her she needs a reason boon considering her early spell list is quite inaccurate.

    5/10 with a -1 for personal bias.

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