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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. I'm a fairly experienced FE player but a friend of mine just got into the series with 3H and is having... some difficulties.

    He started with the Black Eagles and is having trouble in terms of his characters not doing much damage and taking a lot of damage with the obvious exceptions of Edelgard and Byleth. He's only on Chapter 2 (and I've told him to be patient) but... well yeah. Anyway, I was wondering if the people here could help me with some tips I can tell him to help him out? While I'm good at the game myself, I'm not the best at explaining how things work. Thanks!

  2. So when I first saw the lords I was expecting to like Dimitri the least...

    Then he spoke and it was that "Oh crap he's hot" meme and so yeah, he was the first S support for me lol. I'm gonna go through and get the S rank with all the lords eventually but outside of them I'd really like to see Sylvain, Petra, and Lysithea.

  3. Oh I can't believe I missed this when you posted it!

    I've always really liked Pelleas as a character. He's different from most in FE, especially the leaders of countries even when compared to the leaders in Tellius. So I'm glad you did one of him! He deserves more appreciation.

  4. After some serious consideration, I have come to the conclusion that my favorite gen is gen 2. Not for any specific reason, more because I genuinely enjoy most of the pokemon from gen 2. This may also be slight bias as I started with gen 2.


    My least favorite is gen 5. I played Black, disliked most of the pokemon's designs, and the story in Black wasn't enough to save the game to me. It was the first and only time I didn't buy the different games of the new gen (B2W2) because I disliked the base game so much.

  5. I was going to start this myself but I'm glad someone else did 🙂

    So first, I am SO EXCITED! It looks like its using the same engine and models so it's likely that this game will be released far faster than other titles in the franchise which is a big plus for me because YES.

    It looks like even if Zelda isn't playable that she'll at least be there with you through the game and helping out so that's wonderful and hey, if she's playable that's a huge dream of mine from Zelda accomplished!

    Now! What on earth were they riding in the trailers? Those were obviously not horses. Malice is making a return I see, though that strange green energy was odd and looked an awful lot like necromancy which makes sense considering the MUMMY GANONDORF. There are people out there theorizing that Link might lose his arm in this game due to that scene in the trailer as well as some concept art from BotW where Link didn't have an arm. Also it looks to me like they might be under Hyrule castle or at least somewhere that's connected to it thanks to that last shot and it makes sense as Calamity Ganon rose from under the castle, but what got them to go down there in the first place? Are we going to be able to explore a restored or rebuilding Hyrule? So many questions and absolutely no answers! (Honestly so long as the story's good I'm a happy camper).

  6. I was looking forward to this right up until the announcement that they'll be breaking the game up into parts. The game looks gorgeous and I'd love to experience FF7 but not if I'm going to be ripped off. I want to know what they'll be doing with the whole release in parts thing before I put any money toward this game and if they think I'm gonna spend more than 60 bucks for the whole game they're not getting my money.

  7. On 4/25/2019 at 5:39 AM, bethany81707 said:

    There is no logical reason a male shouldn't be eligible for the powers of the Apostle. The first one was a male, after all. I just assumed (with evidence I'm sure is probably there somewhere but I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where) that the Apostles tended to turn up female, so listed Mr Altina as the non-Lehran descendant. I'm writing a story that goes into this topic, I need to pick one.

    Altina is female. Just wanted to get that out there. Not sure if you're talking about in like a fanfic or something but in the games Altina is a woman.

  8. Personally I went with Idunn. If anyone is on her team and hasn't added me feel free to, my code is 9925235353 and my lead is Micaiah though I can change her out if needed. Just let me know if you add me so I know it's someone from here :)

    52 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Joker was never entertaining or good to me. I always thought he was dumb and stupid.

    Someone who actually agrees with me on disliking Joker! I thought I was alone!!

  9. In one word? Family.

    For more detail, my dad is an annoying jerk who hates for anyone to disagree with him but especially hates it when it's me or my mom. For an example, today he was talking about how he sprayed weed killer around the house. I asked if he'd sprayed it near where the cats eat, a fair question I think, to which he responded "Even if I did, it wouldn't hurt them". Yeah. My dad's a piece of work.

  10. I adore Micaiah. My orbs would not be able to handle another Micaiah right now so I'm hoping they hold off xD I do usually skip legendary banners though so (unless it's a Tellian) I'm generally more than happy to ignore the new one. I do hope it's someone with few versions though for their fans :)

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