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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. I hope it's okay to comment here...


    I'm trying to build mine up but she's +Spd -Def. Would these builds work as well with that or would you recommend something different? I'm f2p so my options are kind of limited in terms of rolling for better IVs and such so I'm trying to work with what I have.

  2. 9 minutes ago, ΔZZ said:

    As for Titans, oh boy, what a mess. That is not Dick Grayson and I refuse to accept that. If that is any Robin it's Jason Todd or Damien Wayne. Dick admired the fuck out of Batman and only stopped being Robin since he was growing up and wanted to be in the spotlight rather than the shadows (Which is a big part in his contrast to Batman). The costumes all look horrible still. I will say Starfire's costume looks better but that wig is atrocious and her iconic star bolts should be green not actual fire. Beast Boy looks ugh and Raven looks like a generic 'It's not a phase mom' teen. I'll tune in to Titans to see how it goes since I love the Teen Titans and they were the super heroes I grew up with, but I have very low expectations. Thank god Young Justice is coming back though.

    This Robin appears to be Grayson's backstory, Todd's kill mongering, Drake's outfit and weapons, Wayne's general attitude, and then they slapped Dick's name on him and called it a day. Really though I don't mind the "F Batman" line because there have been many times in the comics where Dick was really pissed at Batman. Especially right before he became Nightwing. It took a long time for them to reconcile. I despise the whole killing thing though because I don't care how angry he is with Batman, DICK GRAYSON WOULD NOT KILL PEOPLE! There are some people trying to say that he didn't kill those goons but I mean really, he stabbed one in the neck and snapped the other guy's neck. They're dead. Though I do like how he seems to have some more tender moments, like when Raven hugs him. Perhaps there's still some Dick in there.

    As for the costumes, I think I mentioned earlier that apart from Robin, Hawk, and Dove those are not their actual superhero outfits. They're still in civillian garb and will be getting their hero costumes at a later date. At least that's what I've heard. On that note, the hate that Anna Diop (Starfire's actress) has gotten is horrendous and needs to stop. Immediately. Poor girl, it's not her fault the costume design department is horrible. Also yes, she's never used flamethrowers. Even if they'd made them green it would've been better. Raven is probably my other biggest complaint with the trailer because she looks like someone decided to make a fan version of The Exorcist and slap Raven's name on her. Blegh. Oh, also I'm editing my original post to link to DC's new streaming service as I forgot to do that. As far as I know, that will be the only way to watch Titans or Young Justice.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    "F*ck Batman" Nightwing, Titans 2018

    When I heard that quote, I needed a minute to stop laughing. I heard some bad things about the Titans tv show, but this takes it to another level. The costumes feel that they don't want to be a superhero show. I pretty sure that there isn't many gritty Teen Titans stories to get inspiration from.

    As for the Captain Marvel trailer, (I prefer that name over Shazam) I seem nice, drawing some inspiration from the movie Big which is a good choice. I'm more positive for this one. 

    He is technically still Robin in this, but really he's my biggest complaint with this trailer. #DickGraysonDoesn'tKill2018
    As for the costumes, apparently they're kinda going for Robin is the only established hero as of the beginning of this, so Starfire, Raven, and BB get their hero costumes later on. And no, there aren't many gritty Titans stories, they're known for having mature themes hidden in them but more for being a light-hearted family type thing.

    Shazam looks like it's gonna be funny, which is great because I've heard he's always been a more lighthearted hero. Though you may want to be careful calling him Captain Marvel? DC hasn't called him that in a while and with Marvel's Captain Marvel coming out before too long it could really confuse people, especially new fans you know?


    I just saw the Aquaman trailer, it looks.... interesting. I'm willing to give it a shot at least, it doesn't look as bad as Titans.

  4. So I figure everyone's seen these by now, but I figured I would share them. First up is the Titans trailer, which will be a series streamed on DC Universe, DC's new streaming service with everything DC. I will link that at the end of this in case anyone wants to check out the preorder page. But here is the Titans trailer, coming this Fall (by the way, warning it is rated TV mature):

    So first things first, I personally think this looks.... just awful. I don't really see where they got any of the characters right but there are a few things I would like to point out. Cyborg is not going to be in this show. This show seems to have a focus on Dick Grayson as Robin and Raven. From what I've read, producers have said that the show will have a heavy focus on the sense of family that the Titans are known for. We'll see. If anyone wants to discuss this further, I'd enjoy that. :)


    Now, coming next year is the movie Shazam! This was a big surprise to me, I had no idea a Shazam movie was in the works! Here's the trailer:

    Now to be honest, this trailer looks WAY better. It actually looks funny and they're going back to Billy's original origin. I'm really looking forward to this honestly, here's to hoping they don't mess it up.

    For those who want to check it out, the link to DC's new streaming service is here: https://www.dcuniverse.com/coming-soon/

  5. Fara remains a short distance away from the others as they gather, a curious look in her eye as she observes them all. Thanks to her constantly shifting gaze she isn't focusing on anything for very long at a time, but she's also one of the first to see the rustling bushes that denote an ambush... unfortunately that means nothing when she dismisses it as the wind and continues to listen in on conversations near her. She's caught just as off guard as everyone else at the sudden - if loudly announced - assault of Shemp and Toasty.

    While the young dragon hasn't exactly been in many battles - okay, none - she figures it can't be too hard to at least help with a few of the smaller ones right? ... right? At least that's what she thinks when she hears the older dragon's advice about using her horns. She's about to charge herself when she sees a peace keeper charge a large gnork, only to bounce harmlessly off of him. Well then, apparently charging isn't the best idea... She gives the dragon a questioning glance, just to ensure he's alright.

    "Okay... well, better try I suppose..." she runs up to a nearby gnork, flaming him right in the back.

    "Yeah! I did it!" She'll leave the bigger guys to the more experienced dragons, not wanting to test her luck too much.

  6. 5 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    How will you fulfill the ambition of getting a +10 Micaiah if you can't even spend more than 5 minutes? Don't tell me you don't want to +10 her. 

    I mean sure I'd love to +10 her but it's not something I'm jumping out of my seat to do. My normal one nukes everything well enough xD Besides, I just don't have the time to sit there and grind on Heroes, I have a lot going on.

    2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:


    So the predictor had all the protagonists winning. Somehow I feel like there's gonna be an upset. 

    Still looking for... everyone from Tellius honestly xD I still imagine Ike's taking this battle but I dont mind. I supported Zelgius since he's served me well in battles but I'll happily go Team Ike :)

  7. 15 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Also, how come you don't do arena? You're only in tier 8. You get free rewards for doing so. 

    Considering how Zelgius and Ike have the most points, I'm guessing this means there's a lot of Tellius popularity. Hopefully this means we get more Tellius units in the future. 

    I just have never been interested in it. I don't ever play for more than 5 minutes at a time on the app so arena has just never been a thing I did.

    I'm really hoping for more Tellius!

  8. 1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

    She's doing fine but I'm just curious why you built her in the way you did. For example, your Micaiah is -def so her durability is piss poor yet you gave her close counter despite most one ranged units doing damage against her def. 

    Oh I've been trying different builds on her is all. Close counter has served me well in TT and the like, so I just didn't change it back. That's all. I use her a lot so I can afford different builds, I can change her up if needed.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Ginko said:

    Okay then, good luck over there too. If the table flip, I'll join Zelgius the same way. This time is not too salty like last time though.

    Storywise, you choose him first because he helped you on Part 1, that's what I think ^^.

    Thank you!

    And I actually went with Zelgius since he seems to like me. I've pulled him twice on free rolls xD Also he's saved my butt a few times with his stellar defense.

  10. So, personally, I would expand part 1 and add more development for Daein and the DB.

    Part 2 would be completely changed. Entirely. Still have Elincia in it though but make it overall more story relevant.

    Part 3 would be expanded and put more focus on Skrimir and the LA (and add Tormod). Daein entering and all those fights should take up more time and focus more on Daein's side to help fix the blood pact and other plot issues. Maybe even make it it's own short part ala Part 2.

    Part 4 would also be longer to allow more development for everyone and what's going on.

    Give Yune her own body. Give Mist a bigger part in the plot! Also give Micaiah a personal tome (that isn't Thani)! Change Ike's ending dernit. His ending is horrible xD Give us Pelleas sooner or add another dark magic user.

  11. Okay I am honestly so happy to read this.

    There was a period of time where you couldn't mention liking Micaiah without being dogpiled by people claiming she's a trash Mary Sue so it's nice reading that people don't seem to think that way anymore. :)

    Also I've never gotten the whole "hair color" thing myself. Especially in a game where people routinely have blue, purple, green, and every other color hair. It's a design choice more than it's denoting anything "special" about her and it's an easily recognizable trait about someone. "We don't know this healer's name? We'll call her by something easily identifiable - like her hair!"

  12. Micaiah is very far from a Sue and it's a term I wish people would stop throwing around. Mostly because Sue/Stu now is being attributed to "character I don't like and want to insult" and due to the negative connotations of it people immediately jump on the "Oh this character must be trash if they're a Sue!"

    A Mary Sue or Gary Stu is a character that warps the reality and laws of a world to fit them to the detriment of that world. You can be a perfect character and not be a Sue (see a Paragon who is literally a pillar of goodness and all that is right). You can have all the worst qualities and be one (see Villain Sue). Micaiah's not a Mary Sue.


    Sorry for the slight rant xD 

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