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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I dunno. The issue is that the Blood Contract is... really bad. It's way too forced and contrived. 

    Agreed but I've had a really hard time of coming up with a different way to force the conflict that wasn't either similarly contrived or relatively easily worked around. Sure it may be contrived and forced but at least it pushes them into a really hard to escape from spot. Then again there are always going to be those that believe Micaiah should have just let everyone in Daein die instead of fighting so you just can't make everyone happy lol.

  2. 5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    How exactly do you plan for Part 3 to be handled? The intention of Micaiah here is that she's in a complete lose-lose situation, but she's willing to make a terrible choice regardless for the sake of protecting her people. 

    In largely the same way that it was, just with more chapters, allowing part 3 to be split more evenly in half with the first half being Ike and the Laguz Alliance and the second half being Micaiah and Daein and how they handle the whole war situation. I feel that with more explanation and evidence on what Daein's going through that many of the complaints about Daein's involvement could be solved. How exactly to go about that though I'm not entirely certain of, though I do know I'd like more buildup here to Part 4 and the whole Ashera/Yune thing. Part 3 is more complicated to change than the other parts as it's a transition part and I want to balance Ike and Micaiah's sections while still allowing Micaiah to be the main character. I'm open to suggestions though :)

    Edit: I forgot a huge thing in my original post. I hate how they handled Yune in Part 4. HATE IT. In a game where Micaiah was already shafted for the main character spot they went and shafted her FURTHER by having Yune take her body! This though could be handled in several different ways.
    One solution is simply adding more scenarios with Yune in Micaiah's body but allowing them to share the scenes evenly between them.
    Another solution is letting her take Mist's body as Mist doesn't do anything in the story anyway.
    The final solution is letting her take that spirit form as there was never really an explanation as to why she has to be in Micaiah's body?

  3. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Not necessarily. The reason that Ludvek and the Elincia development works is because of how this is structured of how Elincia has to handle her nation's domestic problems, rather than international issues, which a conflict between Daein and Crimea would be. This would actually alter how Elincia would develop and thus doesn't feel it would be the same, necessarily. 

    Hmm... unless Ludvek was actually planning on the conflict between Daein and Crimea to weaken Crimea's defenses so that his rebellion could rise up. And even if he's beaten, he would have still kidnapped Lucia and planned to execute her. 

    This... actually could give a case of something for Micaiah and Elincia. Micaiah, being the girl she is, would be torn and not know what to do. In fact, every fiber of her being would want to save Lucia. So when she hears Elincia decide to let Lucia die, Micaiah would be shocked at that, but seeing Elincia's resolve, it makes Micaiah think about things in more ways. She wants what's best for the people of Daein, but could she make the same sacrifice? To offer someone she loved, like Sothe? 

    You quite literally just explained my idea better than I myself did xD It was originally intended to work as a parallel and a foil to their similar situations and how they handled them differently by giving them a far more direct link than just occupying the same continent. I never intended to take Elincia's moments from her and in fact intended for her to continue to handle Ludveck while Micaiah and the DB discover Izuka's role in this and go after him but he manages to escape them and Daein.
    Ludveck used this to help his cause in Crimea, Izuka used it to help weaken Daein and make them more susceptible to Begnion, and Sephiran gets the added bonus of MORE conflict to help weaken the seal on the fire emblem!

  4. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Not entirely sure on this. Seems a little farfetched for Daein and Crimea to be involved with one another, especially due to Daein holding a lot of animosity with Crimea. 

    The entire case of "the greatness of Part 2" is that it's Elincia's arc of how she handles herself as Queen. This ultimately makes her do two things that is very hard to do in regards to making a choice.

    1) Letting her best friend die if it means not giving Ludvek the crown.

    2) Willing to kill the entire rebellion to prevent them from planting more seeds of discord. 

    How would these work in all honesty if this becomes a skirmish between Daein and Crimea? Elincia only grows in such a way because she is having to deal with her own unruly subjects and people.

    Well the point was for them to be able to get to know each other and start down the path of repairing relationships between the countries. Micaiah wouldn't take any of those moments from Elincia, she'd still get them because Ludveck is still a thing. It would just be a way of trying to tie the plot of part 2 into the rest of the story considering that as it is, Part 2 is written insanely well but just feels incredibly out of place. It's like Plot is here and                                                                                                                            part 2 is way over here. As it stands the only story purpose that Part 2 serves is introducing Ike and the Greil mercs and that could still be done while tying Part 2 into the plot. It would still mostly be told from Elincia and Crimea's side, it would just involve Micaiah and Elincia working together in a couple places to help quell the fighting at the border at the beginning (and start to help repair relationships between the countries and seriously it's stupid that Micaiah and Elincia never talk to each other ONCE in all of RD) as well as help establish that Izuka is a traitor and not just a "Bad Person" as anyone can tell by looking at him but that isn't really given much buildup.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Wasn't the discontent in Crimea because Elincia sought to negotiate with Daein? If so, I'd find it hard to buy into Ludveck wanting to negotiate with a Daein official...

    Izuka works for Lekain. All Izuka would need to do is help stir up tensions on Daein's side while Ludveck takes care of tensions on Crimea's side. The discontent was due to Daein regaining it's sovereignty after the war 3 years ago, it wouldn't have taken much to stir that up into a small scale border conflict that caused a lot of trouble for both sides. Not to mention that Ludveck obviously doesn't care about anything but power so I doubt he would mind working with Izuka, especially in secret.

  6. 4 hours ago, SavageVolug said:

    Ok, DANG! You have some good ideas here there really isn't anything here you mention that I would not agree with or be on board with. Give Micaiha dark tomes? Buff her speed? YES PLEASE! Making Meg a Pegasus knight would be perfect and would reflect her stats, and growths better. Making Part 1 a little bit longer would be great as it is over just a tad quickly, and man! I LOVE your idea of making Part 2 into a Crimea vs Dain conflict with Izuka supporting Ludvick. THAT is awesome. Giving Micahaiah a personal tome would be so cool, maybe something similar in concept to the Book of Naga that Julia wields in Genealogy of the Holy War. Just man, if IS does make a Radiant Dawn remake they should hire you to suggest tweaks and changes here and there I love all your suggestions.

    To everyone else, thank you for all your comments and overall discussion I did not expect this many replies so fast. Thank you all of you.

    I'm glad you like my ideas ^.^ It's something I've put a lot of thought into even though I didn't go into a lot of detail here on all of it.

    1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    No offense, but even compared to the blood pact, this sounds like a blatant contrivance.

    No offense but considering I didnt elaborate on plot details here and just offered the basic idea, I don't know how you got that. If you'd care for me to elaborate I don't mind, I didn't do so originally because the post was already long and I was on mobile.

  7. Aha! My time has come! (Bear in mind that most of this is gratuitous wish fulfillment and I'm just saying what I personally would want).


    Okay! First thing's first! Changes to character's gameplay! Haar is amazing, 10/10, we are blessed by his presence, best character, just getting that out of the way now. Micaiah I have had a few ideas for. The first change I'd make is to give her access to dark tomes as well as light tomes. After all it's not like we're swamped with dark tome users so it might help! (For that matter the whole second playthrough stuff would be removed and added into the first playthrough because it makes no sense that saving Pelleas and *boss character* is restricted to a second playthrough). I'd also give her an endgame prf tome that is better than Thani. As for her stat line I'd do one of two things: either majorly buff her speed or give her Thani tome a brave weapon effect. Personally I think those changes would help Micaiah massively, especially buffing her speed, which would essentially turn her into a glass cannon nuke, eliminating the complaints about her gameplay. Now the DB. Leonardo needs something done with his stat line so he's better than a below average chipper. Nolan could stand a buff to his defense, Aran as well, in order to give them some more front liners. I'd also change Meg to a pegasus knight to better fit her stats and growths and make Fiona not mounted until promotion as well as decrease her join level. Also Tormod's group needs more screentime. Elincia's chapters are amazing but I personally feel they're superfluous to the story so I will get to that in my story change section! For her characters I'd essentially just buff a few, keep others the same. Now comes part 3 and 4 and to understand what I'd do here I need to get into the story changes.

    Story changes!

    First thing: change the support system. I'd like characters to interact with each other in a more personal way please and thank you!

    Make Part 1 longer. Not too much longer but add a couple chapters to help with leveling and character development.

    Either make Part 2 a bonus part or (and this is my personal preference), change it into a minor conflict between Crimea and Daein. Make it so Izuka was secretly supporting Ludveck, it escalates into a minor border skirmish so that Micaiah and the DB show up to help settle things. Micaiah and Elincia end up working together to stop Ludveck and Izuka after figuring out both parties are traitors. Boom, you get all the greatness of Part 2 with extra levels for DB and character development AND interaction between two characters who get NONE in RD!

    Part 3: Split it in two. In Part 3-1 we get Ike and his support of the Laguz Alliance. In Part 3-2 we switch back to Daein and Micaiah's POV. This will allow more time to see Daein's struggle as well as preferably keep Micaiah from being so vilified AND allows Ike and the Greil mercs their time to shine in the story. Still technically on the right side of things but this way they don't steal all the attention to the detriment of the DB. It's worth noting that this would require adding a few chapters but I think it would be worth it overall.

    Part 4 really just needed more time and setup. This is getting very long so I'll sum up by saying add a few chapters and let Micaiah kill Ashera. Ike can be a major supporting role, even an encouragement and binding source between the two warring sides but the final battle should focus on Micaiah.

  8. As a member of a lot of cosplay groups, let me assure you that 500 bucks is honestly about right if not a little low for what most invest into costumes.

    Body proportions and physical characteristics do not have to match. Do not worry if you're too tall or too skinny or anything else for how the character is, because cosplay is meant to be fun and it is for everyone! ^.^ Accessories, clothes, and hair are usually all you need to identify the character, seriously.

    When it comes to eye color most people either get colored contacts, photoshop eyes in pictures, or just simply don't worry about it. If you do decide to go the contacts route, PLEASE talk to your eye doctor as contacts are not for everyone and using them incorrectly can cause permanent damage to your eyes.

    As for how much to invest, it's honestly up to the individual. If this is just going to be a non serious hobby, I'd recommend having a couple of really good costumes that you wear. If you're going to get more serious about it then there's a lot involved, including considering if you want to learn how to make your own costumes and props.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jave said:

    Is it this one?

    Mind you, I haven't read it, but after searching for keywords, this is the only one I could find that fits your description based on the summary and some of the comments. Hope it helps!

    I'm afraid not :( Thank you for looking though! I appreciate it :)



    Edit: For anyone that's curious, I found it!


  10. So several years ago I read this book that I really loved. However, after letting someone borrow it and never getting it back, I have forgotten the title and the author so I can't just search the book anymore. I've tried entering what I know into Google to see if I could find anything but so far nope, which is making me wonder if maybe I just imagined reading it?

    Anyway, I was hoping maybe someone here had read it and maybe recognized what happened in it so I could get another copy. I recognized at the time that it was part of a series but I hadn't read the other books.

    It involves being able to like summon dragons by using their ancient bones. The girl who can do this has bad eyesight but squints because she has no glasses and I think she has a (to her) much prettier sister. The main cast of the book is attacked on their ship and sold into slavery and the main guy ends up befriending this little girl who is very sickly and can't walk so he has to carry her everywhere. I think she ends up helping them escape? Anyway at the end of the book they use this really ornate golden dragon bone encrusted with jewels to summon this huge world ending ancient dragon and it ends with the main guy on a ship that's half shifted into a dragon on his way to stop the ancient sky covering beast.

    If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it!

  11. 2 hours ago, Rose482 said:

    She's a great unit if used right, like yeah it's harder to use her than characters like Ike, but at the same time I can't help but feel most of the hate she gets as a unit comes from people who only played FE10 once and had no idea what to do with her becasue it was their first time playing it, I feel like she's the type of unit where you need to know ahead of time how to get her working, or she won't turn out as good as she can be, like I'm not sure if I'm just really lucky or not, but she always turns out to be the best magic users to me whenever I play FE10.

    Agreed. She always turns out really good for me too but that's because I actually spend the time to raise her. Sure she's not as easy to use as Ike or Haar but she's definitely the best of the mages you get to me. I even used her to take out a number of part 4 bosses.

  12. In terms of the weapons bear in mind that each con has different rules in terms of what's allowed. Most bows aren't allowed to be stringed and most arrows cant be tipped. Also many places don't allow metal props period. Make sure to check con rules before building or taking your prop weapons :)

  13. 3 hours ago, XRay said:

    There are Blade tomes, Serpent tomes, and maybe Raven tomes, but Raven seems super niche.

    Both can run Blade tomes and turn into generalist nukes.

    Rauđrserpent is not released yet, but FIH!Micaiah can run it to function as a magic tank. For regular Micaiah, in terms of pure tanking ability, it depends on how often you encounter flying and infantry mages; Thani gives up 3 Res to specialize against ranged armor and ranged cavalry by reducing their first attack by 30%, which is huge, while Blárserpent has that extra 3 Res against everyone. I think I would just stick with Thani since 3 extra Res against flying and infantry mages does not seem that big of a deal compared Thani's other additional effects.

    If staff units are really annoying you, you can try Raven tomes with Triangle Adept, Null C-Disrupt, and Quick Riposte, but it basically means she can only effectively tank Red/Green mages and staff units. I think colorless archers might still overwhelm her low Def, and blue/red magic nukes will simply overwhelm her with brute force. Most staff units I see in Aether Raids are cavalry, so I think regular Micaiah is better off with Thani instead of Raven tomes, but it might something worth thinking about for FIH!Micaiah since Dawn Suzu is mostly an offensive tome.

    Thank you for the suggestions ^.^ For me it was less of a concern about them mage tanking (OG Micaiah especially does that really really well), but more wanting to improve their nuking capabilities. If I get a bad IV Nailah I plan to sacrifice her skill to Micaiah so that was part of the plan... eventually. I may try out a blade tome build on one and see how it works out. Thanks :)

  14. Most of the mages in RD could use a boost in my opinion (barring Soren as I refuse to use him).

    However my personal pick would be Micaiah. She's one of the main Lords and needs a massive boost to keep up with the other big characters in terms of combat utility, as much as I love her. One thing I would do is add dark tomes to her, as well as fiddle with her bases and growths. If she's gonna be frail as all get out at least give her a speed boost so she can double. A personal tome that isn't Thani for the tower (akin to Ragnell or Amiti) would be great for her as well.

    I also have to say Lucia. I adore her character and design so it's sad that she's a lackluster sword user when compared to others that had time to be trained.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    Don't have any of the bonus units this go around (RIP Ike), not even a random 4* Oscar. I'll have to wait for Titania to come around. Does anyone know how many battles that takes without a bonus unit?

    It's kind of annoying they chose Mia instead of Soren or normal Titania tbh.

    If you battle on the highest level you should get her 4* after a battle or two even without a bonus unit thanks to the bonuses.

  16. For some reason this banner doesn't want to give me red stones.... but I did get a Mist and a Reyson out of about 50 orbs so there's that. I've got a month to save to try for Ike again.

    5 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Welp, I'm not sure how to grade my luck in this banner.

    I ended up getting Greil 5 times, so I have a 5* +4 of him now, which is pretty nice. However, Mist was the other prize I wanted and that didn't work out. Guess I'll have to see whether or not to try again or wait for her to inevitably be on a Legendary banner which wouldn't be for a long time.

    I will trade you Mist for one of your Greils xD

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