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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    Maybe not but the fact is that we are in a Democracy and have a constitution that can be amended to change established laws if needed. There's been more than enough time to experiment with what happens when you do nothing about these mass shootings. It's about time to experiment and see what happens. Anti-Gun control folks provide no real evidence for their arguments, they just obstruct and cry 2nd Amendment and they've had their way for decades. It's time for that to change but I guess we'll have to wait for the current administration to sink.

    I keep seeing this thrown around and it BUGS me, so https://www.usconstitution.net/constfaq_q76.html no America is NOT a democracy. At least not in the true sense of the word. As for the rest of your opinion... what more than the current 200 gun laws would you recommend? (By the way, 200 is a conservative estimate that doesn't include local gun laws as those are so widely varied). And I mean that honestly, what other laws would you recommend? Because you have to understand, many people on the other side of the issue than you feel that attitude to be combative and unhelpful and it puts people on either side on the defensive.

  2. Just going to throw my two cents in here.

    There's a very very fine line that needs to be walked. In terms of gun control.... it's hard to say. I lean less toward regulating specific types of guns and more toward extensive testing of mental health to ensure that the individual buying the gun isn't... uhm, crazy (for lack of a better word), and also that they'll use and store it responsibly. As it is you're already limited on how much ammo you can buy over a certain time period (I forget exactly what that time period is) and normal citizens cannot buy automatic guns. ARs are no more powerful than a standard rifle, are not automatic (outside of military use), and even use the same size ammo, they just look scarier than your average rifle. You have to take a class and get a license and go through a pretty extensive background check AND be at least 21 before you can have a concealed carry firearm.

    In all honesty I don't think there's any way to determine with 100% accuracy what America's problem is... I will say this, I find reason to doubt that America alone has this problem (Remember that people used to say that serial killers were only American and not anywhere else), but I think the horrid stigma towards mental health is a genuine issue in this equation. And no, I don't think mass media is helping this cause, as all it's doing is causing a huge decline in empathy toward other humans. I can't even begin to describe how many people my age have no empathy toward other people. If they get hurt it's no big deal, so many people today are, quite frankly, narcissistic.

    I will also point out that I live in the country where wild animals are a legitimate concern and I promise you that throwing a rock at them will only make them angry. And no, a tiny little handgun will not take down a fully grown bear. If you're facing a bear with a handgun you'd better hope you have a lot of ammo and a way to reload FAST.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just sharing my thoughts.

  3. 2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    She's built play as either a res tank or a one shot nuke. If you have Spring Camilla she's basically a red one with swapped defenses.Similarly with +spd you can save her speed to a degree and run a more standard doubling blade build as well, if the one shot one isn't as appealing. If you like Camilla I'd say she's worth pulling for, but unit-wise Aversa is faster which helps a blade tome set and she has her unique panic/debuff tome set which is great. Camilla's res tank role is more niche, but still good. I've got all the red tome fliers and they're all nice to have.

    Thank you for letting me know! I'll see if I can get her but Zelgius pity breaking me lost me my orbs xD If I can't I'm sure she'll reappear :)

  4. So....

    I'm on the young side as I'm sure many of you have guessed, and as such this will be the first official job application that I've ever filled out. As such, I have a question for those who perhaps have more experience with this than I do.

    Since I'm applying to a job in the health care field (entry level), I want to include my experience taking care of my grandfather for three years after I graduated high school. The issue is, I wasn't paid for it so it wasn't an official job, and he's now passed away. So I'm not sure how to list it.

    For information, I took care of his house, cooked his meals, managed and gave him his medicine, and took his blood pressure and blood sugar levels every day, as well as gave shots 3 times a day. If that helps.

    Thank you in advance!

  5. Thank you so much everyone! I just need a couple more responses before I meet the requirements so I really do appreciate it!

    I'll be sure to post the results, probably on Wednesday :)

    2 hours ago, Johann said:


    If you need some help finding scholarly articles that research/discuss this sort of thing, lemme know

    Thank you very much, I appreciate that. Fortunately I already have my sources gathered or I'd be freaking out lol! But I really do appreciate it :)

  6. Hair color as well as general color scheme are both good things to look at to get a general idea of the characters on screen. Usually one or the other will match them. Take your usual "Christmas Knights". The reds are usually more passionate while the greens are generally more laid-back.


    On a side note I thought this was going to be about actual life hair colors and the stigmas against them and I was about to go on a tangent xD

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