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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So who do you ship Ike with?

    No one actually. Maybe I would ship him more if RD had actual supports... but that's a topic I've already made xD

    Though this would probably be better continued through messages? If you'd like :)

  2. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Priam doesn't mess with my ship either. Though Ike leaving kinda does... Though I just like to think the Outrealm business makes pretty much any ship possible.


    1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:


    Though unlikely that IS will ever go that route, even if we get a remake. ;-;

    While I'm not an Ike x Elincia shipper myself, I despise his ending >.> But I'd be perfectly happy if they gave him multiple endings! ^.^

    This is why we have Heroes though.

    Ike x Elincia S support anyone?

  3. 23 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    That was rather shocking since most fans actually would love for Priam to be retconned into nonexistence. Glad there are others that like the Tellius series that don't mind Priam. 

    Well that's mostly because Priam existing doesn't destroy my ship! XD

    I forgot to mention these. Alts that I'd like but that I don't want to show up until we get new characters:

    Queen Micaiah / Light Priestess Micaiah

    Queen Elincia

    Red armor Zelgius

  4. Jill, Ilyana, Stefan, Volke, Pelleas, Lucia, the Herons, HAAR, Tibarn, NAILAH, Kurthnaga, Ranulf, Naesala, Shinon, Geoffrey, Tauroneo, (maybe Altina if we do a Heroes past), Calil, Sigrun, Edward, Nolan, Volug, just give me Tellius IS!!

    I'd also like more Awakening, such as:
    Say'ri, Nah, Yen'fay, and Priam

  5. 12 minutes ago, Venmi said:

    @Silver-Haired Maiden - accepted!  Have fun!   I hope you get a Sothe soon- he's great, and available at 4*, so you have a better chance at him than Bridal Sanaki.  I don't have her either, but I've got every other Tellian.  Now we just need more to collect...

    I hope he comes home soon too! But first I kinda need orbs.... hehe. I have like 5. I could pull but I think I'm gonna hold off for a while and save up so fingers crossed that no more come until I have a store of orbs xD

    11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Huh. Now that I think about it though, I haven't really gotten any colorless allies either and I almost always seem to get another Ike along with my own. >.>

    Gonna switch to Summer Freddy then.

    That's not too surprising considering that it's Ike's team lol. I would put my Grima in front but I haven't trained her up enough yet. Thanks for the colorless!

  6. 14 minutes ago, Venmi said:

    Yay Ike!  If anyone on Ike's team would like a shot at using my Sothe (+4), my ingame name is Venmi and friend code is 7328867494.  I also have a +10 Oscar, +9 Soren, and +9 Titania if anyone would prefer them.

    Added you! So jealous of your Sothe too! Sothe and Bridal Sanaki are the only Tellius units that won't come home *cries*

    @Anacybele Thank you for having your Freddy available. He is a great tank and has been a big help!

  7. 27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It's to rig your opponents to be lv. 1 as well so you can just steamroll the battle with your friends' lv. 40 built up units.

    Also, if any Team Ike people want me to switch as well, I can! I can put Summer Freddy in if you need colorless, or horse Ephraim if you need blues.

    Ohhhh gotcha. Makes sense.

    I could really use some colorless honestly. Seriously I've had all of one show up xD

  8. 6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So anyone consider Ike besting Female Grima to be a bit like Ike getting some form of indirect revenge on Grima? For defeating Zelgius? 

    "I have avenged the Black Knight! Wait... that sound wrong..." 

    That's hilarious xD I can see it. Ike respects Zelgius for his strength I'm sure (even if he hates him for Greil) so I can see that.

    Speaking of, I have a question for people. Why do people keep putting level 1s in this? Like what's the purpose?

  9. 28 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


    Here you go:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Left it in a spoiler box so it doesn't invade space.

    Honestly, we need more Awakening characters too. Not variations, but actually new ones. Where's Sumia? Libra? Gregor? Seriously, they completely left those out for us.

    Thank you much, I enjoyed that! :) The boss conversations are great and now I'm reading through them again xD And yeah, that's really my biggest issue with alts, they're taking up spaces that new characters from the games could be getting. I mean I don't really mind alts, I just wish they'd fill out the roster more before bombarding us with alts..

    24 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Hey, you never know what might make a difference. Summer Freddy would've beaten Summer Gaius in that summer gauntlet last year if he'd had two more active players drop 400 flags that hour. ;_;

    I managed to scrounge up 100 flags to use for him in the last round if he needs them! :)

    16 minutes ago, Momentai~ said:

    I ultimately want to support Ike but I figured that could wait until the final round because the multipliers on team Ike would likely be few and far between. I expected that Ike would have a much larger team than Grima, what with Ike being a free unit and also being, well, Ike.

    Well shoot, I guess i'm being punished for thinking of feathers before muscles. Victory feathers would be a nice consolation prize to make up for the less than expected amount of multiplier hours. Oh well, if Ike makes it to the next round I'm joining him. If anyone would like to add me then I am happy to accept. My ID is 9346382259. Please let me know if you send a request so I can know you're from here. I pretty much always have Barst as my lead but I can send out other colors if needed. Good luck everyone!

    Added you! I hope my Micaiah serves you well :)

    14 minutes ago, Skylorella Con said:

    Same boat! Tellius rep is the reason, I'll always back a Tellius character no matter what. Also because I tend to love most of them.

    Team Ike has a slight chance of winning considering we under performs in the second to third last hour to score a multiplier in the last one. Here hoping, Come on Ike...

    The only Tellius rep I refuse to back is Soren lol. But yeah, Tellius ftw! I really hope Ike pulls it off! :)

  10. 8 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I was focusing on trying to get either Sigurd or Young Tiki, since I wanted to merge the former, and finally get the latter. Spent about 80 orbs and got the latter, though bad IVs. But even though I still have 100+ orbs, I won't try to get anymore. Too risky. 

    The battle conversations is one of my most favorite things about the Tellius series. Wrote a thread about it in reddit.

    I really want Sigurd! But I have like..... 3 orbs now xD Maybe someday.
    Oooh could you link me to that? I'd enjoy reading it :)

    5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, they were nice.

    And we're still in same hell after the score update. Darn it, if the next multipliers, if any, come at the wrong time, we're doomed. And we need one at the right time to win...

    I'm afraid I won't be too much help anymore, I'm out of flags. But I can still help out some by battling I suppose xD

    2 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    I don't think the VG means more reps based on a winner its more just a contest.

    Well no, but it might lead to more popularity which can lead to more Tellius to be included. It's just an off chance but one I'm happy to help along in case it does :)

  11. 2 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    Fjorm is pretty much guaranteed round 2 slot so you can go there Gunnthrá though I hope she pulls through same for Robin their my favorite girls here!

    I'm mostly on team Ike for Tellius rep. I want more Tellius characters in the game darn it! xD But if Gunnthra makes it through I'll probably go for her, then Fjorm since I doubt Gunnthra will win against Robin (wouldn't they be the next matchup? Gunnthra vs Robin if Robin wins?)

    2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I feel like RD Ike is just more mature and knows better when to not let his emotions get in the way or anything. He still cares a lot for his friends. If he talks to Sothe during that one battle against Micaiah's party where you're playing Ike's side, Ike tells Sothe they can stop fighting right now and find a different way out of this mess, probably because Ike considers Sothe a friend and knows Sothe admired him. This was showing that Ike really did not want to fight against former comrades. But he was forced to anyway. I felt like he was less willing to than Sothe was. Also, he made no hesitation to protect Elincia when she disarmed herself against Valtome.

    You know, those mid-battle conversations tended to tell us more about the characters involved than anything else. I would've liked more of them and way more base conversations honestly, they were all really good.

  12. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:


    I haven't gotten her either. But I won't try to pull for her. Because I am scared to waste all my orbs. Let's face it, trying to go for more than one is dangerous. Especially in a legends banner. For me at least. 

    But I am really hoping that Grima manages to win. Ike is basically her biggest competition. @Anacybele actually mentioned to me that Ike and Robin would have the biggest teams. Strange how they never bothered to have them be on opposite sides in the chart, but face off in the very first round. 

    I actually managed to pull her yesterday finally! After more than a month of not getting any 5* yesterday pulled through for me! In 25 orbs I got Fem!Grima, Winter Robin, and Lute. I was beginning to get worried about my luck after over a month with mostly 3*...

    But! I think the reason for that might be that they wanted to give another character a chance? Put the two biggest or most popular characters against each other early and maybe another character will be able to pull through. That's what I think anyway. Of course it's likely that whichever of the two wins this round will win it all.

  13. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Join us, and lay waste to the world with the Fell Dragon. *laughs maniacally*

    Actually, based on the score predictor, Ike might actually win. Unless Robin pulls ahead just a bit faster so he gets the multiplier so that Robin can get it.

    Honestly I really love Fem!Grima's design (not surprising considering her artist) and she's a great unit. I'm supporting Ike mostly for Tellius rep honestly. So far the only Tellius units I don't have are Sothe (*cries*) and the new Bridal Sanaki, so I'm hoping that supporting Ike will convince them to put more Tellius into the game :)

  14. Haar will carry your whole team if you put the levels in him. He is a major boss. I enjoy setting him in the middle of a bunch of enemies and watching them break on him like a wave on a rock. It's great xD

    For the DB it's usually best to focus on two or three units to level. Jill is a good option, Edward certainly can be too so long as he continues to get good levels. Personally after them, I prefer focusing on Aran, just because I like that he's tanky and your Nolan is underleveled. I hope you continue to enjoy the game, it's my favorite in the FE franchise!

  15. 11 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    Anyway, figured I'd stop by to to hear if anyone wants me to swap out NY!Azura for someone else - I've personally had a lack of colourless on this round so I figured there might be colour droughts for others.

    I'm having an issue finding colorless myself. Tons of red and blue though.

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