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Everything posted by colossus86

  1. My guess is that initially they felt that there were very few good units that have good res so mages didn't need the extra offense. Nowadays it's so hard for a non pfr to actually outperform a bladetome IS just isn't bothering with generic tomes
  2. Just some ideas i had Leif: base effect is fine but for the refine "if special is triggered by units attack, units special targets the lower of foe's def or res on activation" This is the best idea i could come up with to make the weapon both better and more faithful to Leif's version of the weapon. Adaptive damage on every attack like Felicia would probably be overkill for him. Oboro: Waterwheel (NEW) standard 16 mt base effect is Close def 3. Eff refine will be Guard 3. While it might not seem too sexy i think this is both a faithful recreation of Waterwheel (it gives def/res and critical evade in fates) and would allow Oboro to stonewall both red and blue threats particularly those of the bold fighter variety.
  3. It'll be interesting to see if IS goes with 4 swords in the red pool as every other color has some magic damage. On paper water red screems omega yato Corrin but we'll see. Also wouldn't be suprised to see a staff legendary debut a colorless duel skill to make them more appealing for arena
  4. Yeah obviously IS just does whatever they want, but single eff damage and adaptive damage are both free effects, so as far as IS is concerned this new weapon is equal to all the other DC weapons (Which highlights how flawed their mentality on weapon building is but what can you do). Some people point to Ostian Counter as a sign of DC refines incoming but that skill only exists because IS didn't want to increase the amount of DC fodder in the permanent pool and that was just the most convenient way to deal with the problem. Will we see DC refines eventually? I mean probably but until i see one I'm going to assume they're never coming
  5. So this is the mythical legendary banner that im actually going to pull full circle on. Red L!Ike:Need Merges Karla:Need Merges B!Tharja:Would love to get my hands on Spd Feint Blue Tiki: Can't say i like her art, dragon sprite, or voice work but she's likely to be the single highest scoring unit in the game so why not S!Catria: Need that chill Res for F!Corrin and maybe Soren Michiah: Don't have one yet and i imagine i can find something to do with extra Guard/DD if it comes to it Green Hector: Don't have one, and i don't mean legendary, ive never pulled a Hector of any kind B!Ike:Need Merges S!Sharena: Probably my least desired unit but hey rally Atk/Spd Doesn't Suck Colorless F!Grima:Through some of the most ridiculous luck you could ever imagine i still dont have one Jaffar: Need merges(windsweep double poison strike can be hella clutch in arena) Maribelle: Dont have one and can use for Dazzle fodder
  6. In regards to your first point, that's simply a subjective statement that i'd assume is based on your play style. There are plenty of situations in both PvE and arena in which multiple allies engage in combat on the same turn and in those cases there's plenty of value in buffing multiple allies. Even though the current arena meta encourages feeding all kills to a single unit that doesn't mean your other units literally never engage in combat as there are some kills you mathematically cant get with your bonus unit and sometimes you need to soften people up or tank specials. In regards to your 2nd point, you can argue melee units don't need the same degree of buffs as ranged units since they have better BST in the first place. Also the only abilities in the game that give 6/6 buffs are Hones with move restrictions and link skills that require the use of an action. Again i don't really understand why you want to compare a pure Combat Tome in Ragnarok and a Support Tome in Dark Aura. One other thing I'd like to add is that refines often don't make everyone happy. Nephenee's refine was underwhelming for people who preferred her as a player phase unit. Titania's refine sucked for people who don't like/use tactics teams That's just the way it goes sometimes
  7. I guess we can agree to disagree about the Feint skills, i haven't had much of an issue setting them up on any map where your units aren't split up at the start but i haven't done of a ton of testing either. However i find Ragnarok to be a very poor comparison for Dark Aura. While it is certainly true that Ragnarok can give +12 Atk/Spd there are a few points you didn't mention 1.+12 Atk/Spd is a result of combining both of the effects of the weapon, so while giving Celica all those stats is certainly powerful, that is the only thing the weapon does. In this hypothetical situation, The bonus atk is only half of what Dark Aura does so it would make sense if Ragnarok was the more impressive weapon. 2. Dark Aura is a field buff that can potentially effect all 3 of Delthea's allies, so it stands to reason the strength of that buff has to be scaled back. The reason Yato grants stronger buffs than Marth's Falchion is because Marth has the ability to buff multiple allies at one time 3.Again comparing a self buffing weapon that only gives stats in combat is a really poor point of comparison to what is essentially a utility weapon in Dark Aura since selfish in combat buffs and selfless field buffs are basically polar opposites as far as effects go
  8. SONYA: So the thing is, is that this refine would actually be out of line with current weapons only having 2 "non free" effects. For whatever reason IS seems to consider single instances of effective damage as "free" or not counting towards the effect total of a weapon. Take the Falcons, Dauntless Lance, Wing Sword, or Merric's Excalibur as examples. All of those weapons appear to have an extra effect but if you take away the eff damage they're in line with other modern weapons with having 2 effects. There are also free effects that come from particular weapon types as well. For example all bows get "eff flyers" for free in addition to what ever other effect they have, so B!Lyn and Innes weapons shouldn't be considered to have 2 effects. This is also why the Wing Sword works, one Eff. damage is "free", the other counts as an actual effect, and flashing blade is the real 2nd effect that puts it in line with modern weapons. Breath of Fog is also an interesting weapon in that it appears to have 4 effects, but in reality the "eff dragons" is considered a "free" effect and the adaptive damage is a free effect for all breath weapons, similar to all bows having "eff flyers". So the 2 "actual" effects are Renewal 3 and the custom Bond effect. Now I'm not going to argue all of that makes the most sense in the world but as far as i can see that's the mentality that IS has when it comes to designing weapons. In all likelihood, Sonya wouldn't receive a base effect upgrade and would get either Vantage or the Slaying effect as a refine. BOEY: while there's nothing wrong with the refine its self, IS has passed on multiple opportunities to give weapons that canonically have 1-2 range DC in refines (i.e. Binding Blade, Eckesachs). They have also not opted to provide refines to any weapons that already have DC so i just doubt the plausibility of this until i see otherwise. That being said, if Odin and Felicia are anything to go by, IS is willing to bend their own rules when giving Pfr weapons to poor units as while their weapons would be ultra broken in another units hands, that's obviously not something that can happen in this case. So who knows they might judge Boey to be bad enough to get an "OP" weapon too. Lukas: Same thing as Sonya basically, Things like Dauntless Lance and Deathly Dagger can only have 2 effects at base because one of those effects "doesn't count" Delthea: Yeah this one just seems way broken. I wouldn't say Dark Aura's base effect is weak enough to justify getting an upgrade. Keep in mind that when a weapon's base effect gets upgraded/replaced it's usually because there's a skill out there that's objectively better than it, so IS can't get away with calling it a full effect(i.e. Alphonse & Celica). Regular Hone Atk doesn't have weapon restrictions, but only gives 4 Atk so there's a trade off that makes it tough to say that Dark Aura's effect is objectively worse. Maybe it could see a slight functionality upgrade, but making it give 6 spd in addition to increasing the range would be major overkill. Also I highly doubt the feint effect would be allowed to see the light of day Hope all of this made sense.
  9. After approx 100 f2p orbs i came away with Laegjarn (-atk +def) Eldigan and a flying hinoka. Considering i got my favourite OC and its my first Eldigan I'll gladly chalk this banner up as a win. I'll eait until the legendary banner is revealed to see if I'll go after the other 2 at all
  10. Its almost always worth waiting until the last day of a banner to summon since you have more time to collect f2p orbs and you'll get to see your other options. That's what I'd recommend here
  11. I feel like the issue with alot of mages, particularly the non infantry ones, is that it's going to be very difficult to put together a prf for them that actually performs competitively with bladetomes thanks to how inherently busted those things are.
  12. One thing to remember is that the trailer was full of unfinished/placeholder assets so it's going to he tough to glean meaningful details from it. I wouldn't be suprised in the least if alit of the gameplay segments look drastically different in the next trailer
  13. to be fair that thing he's wearing looks like I'd be hell to wear in the middle of Muspell
  14. I'm expecting the game to come out in late march, and what we saw in the trailer seemed a ways away from launch quality so im not expecting substantial news until November/December
  15. Lol i can totally imagine it being a Durandal type situation where it's impossibly heavy and just used to one shot people
  16. Personally i think that the stance skills along with stuff like desperation and brash assault would make cool additions to a main line game
  17. Considering that the weapon weight system seems to be making a full return, and that Edelgard doesn't seem like the type to have particularly high Constitution. Will using axes on her actually be practical in game, particularly on higher difficulties? And if it is the case that she's better off using swords, would that effect your opinion of her in any way?
  18. I'd like to see a return to the Tellius system for cavs, keep them locked on 1 weapon pre premote, then let them choose their 2nd. Also hope they do something with armors, maybe through formations or combat arts, to actually give them a purpose.
  19. Well there's a theory going around that the 3 MCs are in some sort of military academy. So in that case ,maybe the game starts with everyone together, then you scatter and gradually reunite as the game progresses
  20. Just some random thoughts ive had for various classes For knights i was thinking maybe take a page out of Heroes' book and give them a class skill that causes them to take massively reduced damage to follow up attacks. Another idea is to have them take reduced damage from bows/daggers since unless you have godlike aim piercing projectiles don't really work against full plate armor. For archers i definitely agree that something has to be done with their range. Echoes was the first FE game i've ever played where i felt like i needed archers and a large part of that was simply that they out-ranged mages and that was extremely valuable I would like to see Canto make a comeback but as far as balancing mounted units goes, i think that's going to have to come down to level design. Most FE levels are kill everyone or kill the boss (and given the location bosses are usually placed in it can be argued those two are functionally the same) and that sort of offensive objective inherently favors mobility. I think making horses not able to move through trees, adding trenches, and continuing with flyers not getting terrain bonuses would be a step in the right direction. I was also thinking about giving priests more utility like stat buffs, shields, maybe the ability to lay traps or temporary impassible terrain like FE7 Another thought i had was to maybe give Swords masters some sort of advantage against other sword users. As things stand now, other than skills (which may or may not have even come from your current class if the Awakening/Fates system is kept) there is no functional difference between a sword wielding Hero and a Swords master and considering how valuable versatility is, that can make the class really underwhelming. So maybe they could get some bonus when fighting non SM sword users as a way to have them stand out and really put the master is Swords master One idea for Soldiers, assuming they stick around, is the idea of a "spear wall" ie getting bonuses for being adjacent to other lance equipped units. Another possibility i've heard is maybe giving them a skill that gives bonus damage to mounts if the mount initiates on them
  21. To your point i never had that much of an issue with Awakening's story. It was a bit generic but for me it got a pass since the game was an homage to the series as a whole so naturally it would borrow alot of elements. The game play on the other hand...
  22. honestly wouldn't even be that mad if they just went full comedy/fanservice instead of trying to have their cake and eat it too. While i'd prefer a more serious game, if they went full comedy i could dig it
  23. If we're being honest with ourselves IS will likely continue to squeeze the success and popularity of Fates/Awakening. The way they've approached heroes and warriors (SIX FUCKING ROBINS) tells me their priority is milking their new audience that got started with the 3DS games rather than try to us old folks. That being said its not like i'm going into this with a really negative outlook or anything. IS did listen to feedback we had about the game play of awakening and while i hate the story, will admit that Fates does play better than Awakening from a pure game play standpoint imo, so hopefully they'll continue making improvements on that front. All that being said, i think anyone who expects the new game to depart from the overall trajectory that the new games have been trending in just hasn't been paying attention
  24. Personally I'm hoping they continue to do something different with Bows and Magic. My idea was to allow Bows to attack from 1-3 spaces but have them be less effective at 1 or 3 spaces with 2 being a "sweet spot" of sorts. That way archers can still out range magic/daggers and counter attack melee without feeling overbearing. As for magic, i really love magic being freed from the confines of tombs in Echoes and i'd like to see that continue.
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