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Everything posted by ¬_¬

  1. ¬_¬


    It depends on the weather, I suppose. I used to go out for a quite a bit during the fall when school started again with a few friends to play handball or watch a movie. Last Spring I'd go out to play MtG with others but recently I've been staying in, school stuff and all. Also staying up to spend my time with a certain game.
  2. Oh, Shedinja, I read this before the edit as Ninjask. SR also kills it.
  3. adds hp/2 between both. I'm rusty, I don't remember what half the other moves do.
  4. I'm torn between Treeko and Mudkip, I used them both equally, but my last Ruby file I went Mudkip, so I chose that. Same between Cyndaquil and Totodile, water again. Squirtle for the majority of first generation, Charmander coming in second. And Turtwig for D/P because everyone went Chimchar. I don't blame them, he's an amazing wallbreaker as a mixed sweeper.
  5. Let's see if this gets my lazy self into drawing again.
  6. I've seen Dunsparce give troubles with Thunder Wave and Headbutt, just because of flinch hax.
  7. Snoop Dogg's game was canceled back in the day, though I still have the original magazine cover of him when I first heard of it.. Hopefully this game will cancel too, but bullshit seems to prevail in America.
  8. Tear with Proud Maid title. Masu should be able to detail this.
  9. Damn, those cards are so broken, I'd love a copy for a deck.
  10. U-Turn escapes Shadow Tag if I recalled. Maybe I'm mistaken.
  11. I hear this playing Pokemon Puzzle League. Yes, I still play that.
  12. Really does explain why I have shortness of breath at times. Last summer I had a slight asthma attack for the first time but I've been fine since, but I haven't done much exercising lately, partly due to having Health replace Gym this semester and the cold weather preventing my friends from wanting to play handball and such.
  13. I don't recall seeing Jyo post here. beaten while I was posting this. My chest has a slight bulge on the right side, but barely. It's somewhat the opposite of what the image displays, but it's hardly noticeable, I don't think anyone has really noticed it besides myself.
  14. T'was a Guy Cecil reference.
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