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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. But I... damn. I'm really not good at coming up with ideas.
  2. I guess Peri isn't exactly a poorly written character, per se, but the way her dynamic is executed isn't the best either. The concept of her character might be fun to mess around with in other stories that are better suited for it. Horror is an excellent example. She could be a character that discreetly kills everyone within the group, one by one. Her behavior would have to change in public and around other group members so she doesn't raise suspicion. Her reasons for it could be because of how she was raised, as was... somewhat indirectly mentioned-ish. Ideas aside, can Peri's upbringing justify her behavior? The answer may vary depending on who you ask, so I won't divulge here. But if psychiatric wards existed in FE, you could probably find her in one.
  3. Ouch. I'm slightly hurt by that statement. Jokes aside, I read somewhere but can't remember where (I think it was somewhere on this site, actually) that Roy is a parallel character to Marth, and the Binding Blade is a parallel sword to Falchion, but set in separate realms. I thought it was a pretty neat idea, seeing as how Roy and Marth are similar but still stand out as their own characters, so maybe there are other characters and items that are parallels to each other and in separate realms? And about the whole timeline deal, I don't think there is one anywhere. There are only the timelines that belong in their respective realms and directly relate to each other, like Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Of course, with things like Outrealm gates, you can hop between different realms and whatnot, but it doesn't mean that certain realms are directly connected to each other, per se. What I mean is that one timeline or realm can't influence another (Radiant Historia begs to differ, but that's a different topic for a different day). The people can hop back and forth and do what Ike did, but that's about it really. I'm probably super wrong, but hey, it's whatever.
  4. Replace Roy with Binding Blade Karel and you get a God-Tier unit from start to finish. I've always liked Sothe. I really think he should be considered a Lord character. Replace Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn with Dorcas.
  5. The best thing I can say is be patient. With huge games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 releasing not long after being announced, we can assume that the game was in a development period WAY before then. Using that same method of thinking, which isn't always the best thing to do, we can assume that FE16 has been in development for a good while at the very least. As everyone before me has mentioned, we'll just have to wait for E3 to drop the bombshells.
  6. A british accent, that's awesome. At the end of the day, it's your story, so do what you want to do. Unless you had the adult Link and child Zelda idea already, then my bad.
  7. As everyone else has said, yes. Stick to the safe side and create your own, find a remix or redoing (with the creator's consent to use it, of course), or have a silent game with ambient noise. I know Nintendo likes to shoot down fan projects too, so be aware of that if you decide to make it more public.
  8. Holy smokes, I didn't even see that. That's very clever. Thanks for thinking it was interesting. You could play around with that idea to great effect, I think.
  9. I was hoping for Bowser Jr. in Smash 4, and he got in, so that's cool. I second this statement.
  10. This thread will probably be sent to Far From the Forest for me saying this, but the moon is made of cheese. Swiss preferably. In all seriousness, I don't believe in (most) conspiracy theories, but for the sake of conversation, I'll propose the theory that Amelia Earhart staged her disappearance.
  11. I accidentally commented on the story thread before seeing this, so my bad. I'm sorry if you saw that. Anyway... It's... really good so far. I love the nod to the original game that you included, as well as the minor poke at the animated series. Pretty well structured, too. Overall, this is very solid, though be watchful of punctuation and if you're missing anything. There was no comma after the "Ex-CUSE you" line Niva said. It's a nitpick on my part, and the only mistake I saw, but I wanted to bring it up nonetheless. I don't want to come off as rude, so I apologize if I did. As a little side commentary, I've always wanted to see a Zelda game with Link as a child and Zelda as an adult. I think it would be a neat contrast. I know this comment was copy-pasted, leave me alone.
  12. Like @deskita said, mages and other magic users are often rarer enemies. Not only that, but you'll be dealing with mostly physically oriented enemies most of the time. If you take a look at the NES games, resistance growth is absolute 0. In Echoes, they retained that for the most part, but most characters got a negligible boost to their res growth since Gaiden. But there are plenty of characters with a respectable base res, and plenty of items geared towards defending against magic in general (talismans, pure waters, etc.).
  13. That pastor's patience is absolutely remarkable. There was one point that I saw where he was about to lose his cool, but stopped himself. Respect.
  14. The meme man himself, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. I saw an article talking about how there were parents suing him for claiming that the Sandy Hook shooting was fake. It's probably a publicity stunt, and I want to tread as lightly as possible here, but that got me thinking... What the hell is up with this guy? I don't know much about him, but I've seen memes of the guy, so that surely makes me qualified to talk about him. This should probably be in Far From the Forest, but I also want to have a serious discussion about him... if that's even possible.
  15. Darn, there go my weekend plans. Screw it, I'll do Dorcas.
  16. Oh hey, I made a popular topic that influenced the topic of another topic. Jokes aside, characters with potential are far better than poorly written/executed characters. Like @eclipse mentioned, there are fanfics. You can take the character with potential and utilize it however you think best. With poorly written/disappointing characters with no real potential, the best you can do is sit back and laugh. However, "one man's trash is another man's treasure", so it's all a matter of perspective really.
  17. I never expected this topic to get so popular (I lowkey did expect it, with it being Camilla and all). So, uh, thanks guys. If I ever make another "Opinions on (insert character here)", I'll probably do Eliwood or something next time. Leave suggestions if you want.
  18. This is the best sentence I've ever had the honor to read. Assuming that Shanty Pete ain't the nicest guy around, my guess would be that Jaunty Skeet is the guy trying to be the hero and oppose Shanty Pete, but fails horribly.
  19. I'm pretty atrocious, but I've managed to beat all the games that I have played without losing a single unit (granted I reset when I did, even if it was on casual, but still). I'm currently playing through Thracia 776 and boy is it fun.
  20. I think I heard his name mentioned somewhere in Echoes, but I forget where. Anyway, I guess it would be cool to see him as an actual character in an FE game. But, uh..... how do we know if we've seen him already or not as a different character under a different name? Can you really imagine this kid becoming a legendary pirate
  21. 1:05 to 1:09 I agree with this. Most official art of her depicts her as "stacked and very attractive" like you said. But what I like about Kagero is that she's a more developed character despite not having much screen time story-wise. Maybe developed is too big a word, but she has relatable traits, like enjoyment of art, that make her more appealing than Camilla. And she's a ninja, which is pretty badass. But we all know Kaze has the best chest.
  22. To quote Gray, "Ouch." I think it might be interesting to start a topic discussing the differences between JP supports and the localized supports (Saizo and Beruka C support being one of the most infamous ones), so I'll think about that for the future. Thank you.
  23. I could make a topic (or someone else can, I have no preference), about the JP Gray/Clair A support. I haven't read it, so I don't know if it's the same as the English support or not.
  24. A long while ago, I asked for opinions on Finn, and that went pretty well. So I'm going to go with something more controversial and ask for opinions on Camilla. Have at it.
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