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Wings of Despair

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Everything posted by Wings of Despair

  1. Update! [Started playing: 12-19-2017. Only bought the Black Knight starter pack.]
  2. I'd rather have FEH staying Fire Emblem only - this isn't Smash Bros Heroes, after all. I'd like to see characters cosplaying in Zelda/Pokémon/Mario inspired outfits, tho!
  3. I only have about 75-76 without counting merges, since I restarted in late December. Here's the list:
  4. Oh dear. :c I'm sorry Dwyer, I'll keep you in my heart. Your creepy and annoyed little face was cute. You were a lazy good boi. (I don't want to restart because I already reached Chapter 24, duh... But when I'll start one of the other files - and marry Jakob again because why not - I will save lazy boi. <3)
  5. Here's a stupid question. I'm playing Conquest on Normal, and I married Jakob because he's so cute, pure and one of my favorites. Anyway, I did the mission to recruit Dwyer and... he is probably dead? I mean, I finished his mission, but he "died" in one of the last turns... I thought he would appear again, since I'm not playing Classic, but it seems like I won't get him. Is there a way to...I don't know, do that mission again?
  6. Thanks! Mh... I've got only a Nowi but she's -HP +DEF and I'm going to use her in Arena, and atm I don't want to promote my A!Tiki just for that, so...maybe I could go with Ninian's base Light Breath+ (+SPD or course)?
  7. Just got a +HP -SPD Ninian. I'd like to correct her nature and use her as my Dancer, but I don't know who could give her Lightning Breath +. :c
  8. Got her pulling for Azura. :/ She's +HP -SPD. At least I can give her Lighting Breath + (+SPD) or something to correct her nature. She isn't a bad Dancer, I guess, and I like her atwork. :3
  9. Name: Loki Leader: Actually C!Robin ID: 9085387145 Note: I just re-started the game so I'm at a very low tier. Hope this isn't a problem. :c
  10. I re-started the game on Tuesday, and yesterday I got her. SHE IS -SPD +RES I WANT TO DIE. :c
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