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Everything posted by Zeo

  1. So, this Is a thing. This has been pretty consistent now. Nino completely changes the dynamic. Having 2 strong green mages is ridiculous. After experimenting, basically we run with B!Caeda/Xander/Soren/Wrys up until the end, then switch to Nino/Tharja/B!Cordelia/Olivia to sweep Veronica... fairly easily actually. Hand a run or two where I faltered and got a C in survival clutching it out with an Athena team. Even failed once, but it's become the exception rather than the rule. Nino was the key after all, I don't regret anything anymore, and since Soren's HM is now maxed, I think I'll switch to her as my main green mage when this is over. At 44.2k. QP is in the bag. I'm getting points twice as fast as I was before. After I hit 50k I'll probably start farming SP and HM on other units. Who knows, maybe I'll even get a few orbs out of the deal. We're done here. Now if we can just manage to beat Legion. I think that might be another trial entirely, maybe even a harder one.
  2. Not +Atk and doesn't have Death Blow, Lnd or Moonbow, Best I can give her is Death Blow 2 from Hawkeye.
  3. Just tried Lunatic once, failed. Going to use all my stamina on trying these tomorrow and blow what I have on the TT before sleeping. Who should I give Axebreaker to? Who's a dealbreaker because I only have one Laslow? Giving it to Nino means giving up Desperation. Giving it to Soren means taking him instead of Nino which.. is probably a bad idea. Tharja, Athena, B!Cordelia (Vanilla), Kagero, Cain, Tiki, Takumi, Xander. Throwing out most of my strongest units here. I don't have Reinhardt or Hector. Nino only has Fury 2, Tharja is -ATK and *4. I can't even comprehend beating infernal after what I just experienced, but I'm going to tackle this later.
  4. @MrSmokestack Maybe you're right. The calculator certainly isn't lying about wins and losses, even her enemy phase is better. I'll just use Sturdy Blow until I can get her LnD2, that's as good as it'll get for me right now. Desperation is also reserved for 2 or 3 other characters and right now I have 0 Shannas. So Swordbreaker 3 will have to do. Player Phase nuking is pretty much the name of the game. It's what I wanted from the beginning, then the game gave me a bunch of defensive units...
  5. It's beautiful, but it's the standard LnD/Desperation combo which B!Cordelia wants more right now. She wins 119 fights with that build (with +DEF, with +ATK it goes up.). I wish I had Swift Sparrow. For now I think I'm going to go with Sturdy Blow 2/Swordbreaker 3/Whatever for now. She wins 87 fights and can only be slain by Sully (without SI of course). Respectable enough for now until resources open up. After Cordelia is finished, we'll see about outfitting Athena with a more powerful build. ...Even LnD2 cleanly beats all of her other options. Maybe I'll *4 a Hana for her actually... kinda dissapointing that the thing that made her unique is overshadowed by the standard LnD/Desp combo that almost any other unit can use in her speed tier. She's better than Lyn though, which I'm not sure how I feel about.
  6. What's a good build for Athena, particularly a +DEF/-RES one? Her Speed is excellent and attack is respectable, Wo Dao+ and Moonbow are a perfect combo but I'm not entirely sure what her skillset should be, everything has a draw with her because her spread is so odd. She's as tanky as Chrom, faster than Lucina, stronger than a lot of characters in her speed tier but remains... middle of the road in a way. Sturdy Blow 2 gives +DEF Athena a solid 35/35 for ATK and DEF with 38 speed. She's doubling a lot of things and taking very little damage from greens in return, probably finishing them with Moonbow. Thing is... I'm not sure if that is even the best A skill for her, or B skill while we're at it. With a +SPD Athena things would be simple with 41 speed eclipsing everything but the fastest units, but with 38 you need to figure things out. So Looking at her skill possibilities. A Skills: B Skills: Swift Sparrow or LnD3 is probably the best for what I'm trying to do, but I'll probably keep Katarina if I find her and B!Cordelia and Kagero have already placed orders on LnD. Regardless, throw builds at me.
  7. Unless you have what you need for B!Cordelia, Quick Riposte is the way to go. It's one of the only skills locked to *5. I'd go nuts if I got a *5 Klein. But since I already have a *4 one, I'm 90% sure B!Cordelia would just get his Brave Bow+.
  8. I actually like Edward more than Mia... she's probably my 2nd favorite. Actually no, Ilyana is my 2nd favorite, Mia is 3rd.
  9. True, but it hurts when I have other characters who are more optimal for their build and have to sacrifice the feathers for something sub optimal just so I can get a potentially limited reward. In actuality this game has been pretty good to me. I've gotten some pretty great units and up until now there was nothing I couldn't beat with the right strategy or team lineup, except this. This mode virtually requires you to have at least one Juggernaut, without it it's rough. And I've been toughing it out, but I'm out of gas at this point. My main team(s) could typically get to stages 4-6 before running out of gas. Sometimes I can get to Veronica in one go and I've gotten ONE perfect run (without a bonus unit though) but the majority of my runs are failures at the last stage (339). The 2 biggest reasons why I didn't go for B!Cordelia were 1. If Robin or Henry show up, the run is ruined. 2. If I pull from the Vantage Banner and Gordin comes up, I have an Extra Brave Bow+ and I officially wasted 20k feathers that could have gone to something else. Still it urks me a bit, but I'm starting to get over it. True, but I've had this Nino and have purposefully been sitting on her while waiting for a better one. So just splurging everything on her is... well it's troubling. More so that I felt I needed to. And yeah, Nino is pretty common, but this also means I would have to spend another 20k (or 22k) feathers in order to merge her, or 40k if I want to give Soren Gronnblade+. On top of the 40k I need for Cherche (unless I pull a Camilla), the 40k I need for Matthew, the 40k I need for B!Cordelia. It's just exasperating to think about. But with the gauntlet next month, arena stuff, rewards from the TT, I guess it's not too bad. Welp, enough ranting. The fruits of my sacrifice. This is my 3rd run with her. Already seeing improvements. First run I got a D/D but I finished. Nino was level 36 and didn't have Fury/Desperation 3/Moonbow or the Speed seal and she still got the team (Tharja/Nino/B!Cordelia/Olivia) to stage 6 before walling at a Jaffar no one could double (no +Spd!). Then Soren/Xander/B!Caeda/Wrys finished the job. 2nd time I made a stupid mistake and got a 339 after failing at Veronica. Third run I swapped out Olivia for Lukas and the results were just as good, Nino had Moonbow this time though. Swept through stages until kicking the bucket at stage 6 again, then my main TT team swept the last 2 stages. @Othin you were right. Swapping Olivia out for Xander and Lukas for B!Caeda completely changes the dynamic of the team. I feel powerful now. Worst part is she's still not ready. Still missing Fury 2/Desperation 3 and the speed seal. Terrifies me to think of what a +ATK or +SPD Nino could do. This last week my score will double. Look forward to that, full speed ahead. Just wish Athena kinda had a place in all this. She's done virtually nothing since I've gotten her. Think I'll be replacing my main team when this is over. Everyone's maxed out HM.
  10. .....I caved. I blew 22k of my 25k feathers on this... fed her my only Shanna, my only spare *4 Palla and a *4 Jagen for Fury 2. She's my 4th favorite FE7 character but I didn't want this. She's not +Atk or +Spd. No friends, she's +Res/-Def. I feel like I gave up somehow doing this... I had so many plans. Ultimate Matthew, Brave Axe Cherche. Death Bridelia. I've set them all back after this... I can't even give her Gronnblade+ to Soren. I've invested too many resources already. I'm stuck with her now. But I'm tired. I'm tired of struggling, tired of failing over and over again. Tired of it being over when Soren dies and having no answers, no superpower. No other... capable green units! It's not the way I wanted, but Nino is here, and she will destroy. Rather than being fed to Soren, she will become his sister in arms. I hope this was worth it... I just can't help but ask... couldn't I have gotten the same result if I'd just *5ed my Gordin, gave B!Cordelia that Brave Bow+, my Shanna and my *4 Hana for LnD2? Sure she only has new moon but she'd be almost optimal, I feel like such a shmuck right now. 37.7k. Quick Pulse guaranteed at this point. But it blows me that I had to do this to get there.
  11. The Irony! I have a (Neutral) Fir that's *4 in my inventory that I haven't sacrificed for +3 Speed because I like her and I was unsure weather or not she would get Karel's Wo Dao+ if his bane sucked. But now I have a character that's in her same vein but better, and has a Wo Dao+. So she's... pretty invalidated at this point. Even more so if I get a Lyn.
  12. The Zephiel quests are a thorn in my side. I want that orb but TT wants my stamina and training armors already is a serious pain.
  13. So... Ogma, Fir, Selena, Laslow, Navarre, Braug and notably, Lon Qu. None of whom I particularly like more than Athena (Except maybe Fir, but that ATK...) so we're good here I think.
  14. So... at +DEF/-RES my Athena is hitting 35 DEF and 34 ATK with Sturdy Blow 2. She's tankier than Chrom and double his speed. What kind of builds are people using for this strangely tanky Swordswoman?
  15. Agreed that none of them have quite the impact as the OHKO King. But rather than Wo Dao+ fodder I'm liking Athena's stat distributions. The DEF is kind of absurd considering she seems like she should be really squishy but she's pretty... well.. "sturdy". I'm keeping her, she's my first *5 Sword and she's just as powerful as Lyn based on the stats, but I'm still going to ask the two questions. 1. Who wants a Wo Dao+, 2. Who uses it BETTER than her or Karel?
  16. God has smiled upon me this day. The only unit from this Banner I really wanted and I got her. She's +Def/-Res but I can't complain. I'm 100% satisfied. I finally got my *5 sword and it's the Shadow Dragon character I liked the most. Here's the rest of the haul. M!Corrin is meh but at least he's new. Another Swordbreaker 3 is nice, Rally speed is ok too. This game is starting to troll me though. This is my 4TH *4 Marth now. Did one summon before this one. *3 Frederick, A!Tiki, Wrys, Cherche and *4 Subaki. I do need Bonfire and Luna. Free QR2 is great and Meh, Pivot is ok, Wrys however is useless. Done with this banner for now, next batch of orbs I'll be moving on to the Vantage banner. I'll be back for Katarina if I score a Gordin or Reinhardt.
  17. Pretty satisfied with Athena's stats and spread. As someone who really wants Lyn, she's quite similar while also being less physically squishy. Wo Dao+ and Moonbow is also ridiculous. Sturdy Blow is an odd choice for her however. Desperation or Swordbreaker will probably be everyone's go to. Mines's +Def though, so bring on the Chrom tier durability.
  18. Just got Athena. The Sword Exp x2 buff might make leveling Marthcina feasible before TT ends. Sitting at 32k. Doing better but I keep winning without the bonus unit... what's the average? How much are you supposed to have on this day?
  19. Serra master race. Her or Wrys. If neither are there I'll default to Priscilla, Sakura or Lucius.
  20. Oh look I can finally save orbs! I'm perfectly happy with Wrys and Wrysakura. The only healer I want will be gone with the bridal banner. Good to know I'll be able to blow all the orbs I get on the Vantage and New Mystery banners without having to worry.
  21. So... B!Caeda/Soren/Xander/Wrys is a winner. Caeda handles the bane of my existence very well and erases mages. I was going to give her Swordbreaker and Draw Back but she's doing alright without it. Soren continues to melt blues, most greens and some reds with Growing Wind proc and Xander swoops in and destroys the greens with extreme prejudice even without hone cavalry. He's slaying some reds, (particularly mages) and with Vantage, failing to kill doesn't spell his doom. Wrys keeps him and everyone else healthy and with reposition on Xander, Draw Back on Soren and healing with Wrys, even B!Caeda lacking a positioning skill has been a loss I'm able to take. I got 2 C/A scores and the third run even a B/A. Problem is this team lacks a bonus character so I have to suicide at the last round in order to maybe beat Veronica. I've been consistently beating her convincingly over these last few runs. If Camus was *5 and level 40, I could swap Xander out for him and swap out B!Caeda with Tharja. Soren and Wrys are winners but I need Tharja and a strong lance unit. *5 Hinoka, *4 Abel, *4 Catria *5 Lukas. Even at +ATK Catria lacks the firepower to Decisively kill reds, also she can't duel with blue physicals like Lukas. Hinoka can swoop in and kill, but now there's the issue of bowmen. Abel is useless against anything that isn't red and Lukas has the same issue as before of dying to anything remotely magical. Swapping Olivia out for Tharja gimps the team. I'm consistently getting 400-500 instead of my previous 200-500 but I'm missing that bonus multiplier... Got to figure this out.
  22. Who is Kleine? Which FE is she from? Or is this just genderswap Klein? Why would they do that? What's the point of it?
  23. Soren can typically handle greens. He melts everything except green mages and the only units he has issues with are Julia and Nino. Red mages are the issue. They destroy Lukas and even with R-Tomebreaker the right combination of Red mage and unit that can hurt him is a one turn kill. Olivia can't really handle the reds like she should though because her damage isn't great (Ruby Sword, not +, no active skill. Not enough SP for Moonbow and she's too busy dancing the other 3 to fight.) Xander and Y!Tiki are great units but they are typically deployed at the end to kill Veronica. Tharja is iffy because at -ATK *4 even with buffs she can't reliably finish Veronica. I'll experiment swapping out Olivia with a feasable red though, but the difficult part is I don't have a Red Infantry. Xander and Tiki are Cavalry and Magic Dragon, respectively. Maybe I should slap Reposition on Xander and both Repo and TA1 on Y!Tiki and see if that helps.
  24. Ok, someone give me a good composition if you can. I'm just going to go ahead and list every character that has faced the trials thus far. Perhaps my main composition of Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys is sub-optimal. I'm experimenting at this point because my consistent 229-500s are wearing on me and time is running out for QP. Just, if you can build me optimal team comps I would appreciate it if there are better tacticians around. I really only use one structured team and the B and C teams after fluctuate depending on the situation.I only have 3 greens that are effective as well. I know one thing, when these trials are over I'm going to start leveling more units.
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