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Everything posted by scorri

  1. Weapons: There you go. He's at L-1 now. If you want to hammer, go ahead.
  2. Weapons: I'm assuming you're *not* being serious here? And meh. ##Vote:Manix I'm confident in this lynch and if people (aka Weapons) want to end this phase early fine. I don't think we should, but we're currently getting no where new so... *shrug*
  3. Weapons: We were all kinda just going to wait for end of phase. It's pretty clear who our lynch target is at this point, but we have 12 hours in which we can continue to talk and enjoy each others company and quite possibly have someone slip in a way that provides a handy target for any possible vig or if there is no vig then a lynch target for tomorrow.
  4. Shinori: Yes I know you know your role better than me, but no role will 100% prove alignment unless it comes right out and publicly announces your alignment. The mods can always be screwing with us. Even if your role makes it seem 99% certain that you're town, it doesn't prove it. The only things that prove roles are flips, 100% trusted cop reports, or something that publicly shows your alignment. Rapier: Yes I did say it.
  5. I was thinking it was your secondary role because you mentioned you could prove your alignment right after you mentioned proving your second role. Also if your first role could prove your alignment we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  6. Nope. I was thinking about your secondary role, and I repeat that proving role does not equal alignment.
  7. Welp. There goes any doubt I had about Manix. Bad claim, bad play, and now self voting. Would vote, but not going to hammer. Day phases are far more useful for town than night phases, especially when we can't talk during the night. I'd like to be able to continue talking about stuff here for as long as possible.
  8. =/= means does not equal. So... yes! Thank you for agreeing with me.
  9. Also, proving role =/= proving alliance.
  10. Aere: Yeah. Cam claimed granny/safeguard from what I can tell and Shinori has claimed commuter.
  11. Plus, unless I misunderstood, I thought Cam was claiming safeguard not self-safeguard. Am I wrong?
  12. Tiria Demons. Of course. What else can get thrown at us? Bandits that razed an entire estate, dealing with all these nobles, and now demons. Makes sense. Ugh. I feel like I should be going out there and helping them fight, but right now I need to stay by Beau. He is my charge. If I can make sure that he gets out of this safe then I will have fulfilled my duty. It matters not what else happens. Tiria walked after Beau with her thoughts just flying through her head. She unsheathed her sword as the noises got louder indicating that the demons were closing in on the palace. She had never fought demons before and wasn't looking forward to this first experience very much. Hopefully they die the same as anyone. With a sword through their head. Arich Sitting in his tower working on his experiment, Arich heard the commotion early on. He paused only momentarily to mutter a few words under his breath and make a gesture towards the windows and then continued working in his now soundproofed tower. However, when his spirit doll activated, he could no longer continue to ignore the destruction outside. Muttering under his breath about distractions, he pulled on his robe and stalked up to the rooftop. Ignoring the glances he was getting from the other teachers who rarely saw him out of his tower, he gazed upwards for a few seconds, picked a target, and proceeded to blast the demon out of the sky. With a slight grin, he chose another target and repeated the process. Ah well. I suppose if I can't be with my work, this is not a bad alternative. The practice will be good for me. And besides. The sooner we get done with this, the sooner I can get back to work. Anything that messes with my work though should be extremely worried...
  13. No he specifically said his role could cause him to be scum. I don't get this. Also rein I saw you in here. Post please.
  14. ... I am so confused right now. Ok. Cam claimed safeguard. I get that. Which I guess could kind of make sense with the rest of his role? Either he himself is protected, or he protects other people. Ok sure. But Shinori, I'm not quite sure what you're saying with your last post. I *think* what you're saying is that Cam's role shows that your role means you aren't scum as long as someone visits you when you're commuting? I don't quite get this leap in logic? Could you maybe explain this a little more?
  15. Also more people need to start exisiting. :|
  16. Manix: Ugh. I don't like that claim. I don't like it one bit. It seems too opportunistic to me, and like BBM said, why wouldn't you scan the person you found suspicious D1... I'm not really inclined to believe this, though I have to say I hope we're not making the same mistake that was made in SSBU.... However, I'm not going to vote Manix yet for reasons of quickhammer stated above. We still have time left in this phase, I would like to use it.
  17. On the note about three roles that screw with other people's roles, Rapier please scan either Shinori or Cam tonight, k thx bye.
  18. Shinori: a) If you're tunneling someone, it's usually considered a good idea to back off of them for a while and think about someone else for a while. b) I'm not voting someone that I think other players might think is scummy, I'm voting someone that I think is scummy, have thought looks scummy for a while, and continue to think looks scummy. c) I'm not voting Helios because I don't want the phase to end early, and having him at L-2 means if someone else votes him, he can quick hammer himself. Would prefer to avoid that thank you very much. d) You keep bringing up Cam. It's like you think that just because you find him super scummy that means everyone else needs to find him super scummy too. Right now, I find Core more scummy than Cam. So, I'm voting him. The point isn't to vote whoever I think is the best chance at getting lynched, or who I think the most people agree with me about. The point is I'm voting one of the top two scum reads I have right now. e) If we go with the group assumption that three roles that screw with other people targeting them can't exist in the game as all town roles, out of the three I'm currently finding you the most scummy. So... f) As for your comment about how my play now reminds you of my play from when I was scum in previous games: lol. As it turns out, this is the first game I've lived past N1 as town. So I don't have two different play styles for town and scum. The way I play is the way I play. Deal with it.
  19. Dear Shinori, please answer my question. Why don't you like my vote on Core?
  20. Lesse... This post here for one thing. He hadn't posted anything of substance, and then when poked about it says that he would have just repeated things. He then tosses out two little things that were sort of obvious to kind of appease people and get them to back off of him. He then later says that he's refusing to say opinions because they echo other people's opinions and he doesn't want to get lynched for that again. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't give what he's thinking because there's no way that it's exactly what other people are thinking. Even if it's very similar, it's not going to be exactly the same. He then goes on to say that Rein's case against Cam is good, but he just doesn't agree that Cam is scum. However, he previously said that Rein's assessment was shallow. This seems to contradict. He then says he wasn't voting anyone because his reads aren't strong enough to pursue, and then drops down two reads on people that basically say nothing and says he'll post more reads later. He then says Helios is scum and so is Elie, mentioning the fact that he doesn't care that his vote seems like an OMGUS. There's no real need to mention the fact that he's voting for someone that's voting him. If he thought Elie was scum he should have voted Elie no matter what. After Elie is modkilled, he says we should NL, says he wants a Helios lynch, then jumps on the let's lynch Rapier lynch (yes he doesn't vote him until the end, but he unvotes Helios which puts Rapier in the getting lynched spot) but doesn't commit to it. And then he sneaks in that last minute "Let's show that I'm actually committed to this lynch and i'm not just pushing at a lynch and then not voting for the town person so i don't look bad" vote. So there. That's why I think he's scum.
  21. I'd love to, and will do so. However, while I'm looking things up again, care to answer the question I asked you?
  22. So Shinori I have a question. Why specifically do you not like my vote for Core? Because it's not Helios? Because you don't agree with it? Or some other reason? Right now I have two major scum reads. One just managed to get to L-2 in half an hour, and the other one's been kinda flying under the radar. I figured that, since I want the day phase to go for as long as possible since that helps town out and hurts the mafia since they can't day talk and thus that increases the likelyhood of a scum slip, I would vote for the one who hasn't had a lot of attention thrown his way. This vote shows what I'm thinking, and it doesn't result in someone being in L-1 when the phase has barely started.
  23. Prims: It's really a toss up for me between the two of them, so I voted for the one that isn't quite as close to a lynch because I don't think there's a reason to get close to hammering Manix yet?
  24. Hi I'm here. Yes, I'm aware I said I would have a vote on by phase end. But, at phase end, if you go read back, there was mass confusion as to who we were going to lynch. So, I actually had a page open where I had a vote ready to place in case someone tied up the votes. But, I didn't want to place the vote until we had a lynch target settled. And yes, I get the fact that it still seems scummy that I wouldn't place a vote, but consider this. If I was scum, I'd be aware that not placing a vote would look super scummy. I'd also be aware of the fact that most people were ok with a Rapier lynch so that when he flipped town as he did I wouldn't be the only one to look bad. The reason I didn't put a vote down was because I was ok with either a Helios or a Rapier lynch and people weren't sold. That being said, both Helios (for that D1 play...) and Core are looking really bad to me right now. Honestly, I find the fact that Core put down a vote at the last minute like that far more suspicious than people who weren't voting. That plus general lack of reads yesterday/being willing to go after his convictions and just something feeling off about his posts make me think he's scummy. I feel like Helios has enough votes on him right now, and don't see a need to waste a day phase where we as town has a chance to talk and interact by rushing a lynch so ##Vote: Delirium
  25. Ok then. So right. Thoughts on things happening. Manix is major tunneling and for not a very solid reason. And as people have been saying, he seems to be more concerned with getting people's attention off of him rather than scum hunting. Though, I think at least some of that can be excused because it's hard to scum hunt when you feel like you might be lynched at any point. However, he still seems to be ignoring valid points that would contradict his reasons for voting Prims. SB has been posting a bunch of one liners that haven't really been scum hunting, have mostly been role speculation and self meta, and what few views he has given us are not very helpful. He's triggering my "trying to look like he's helping without actually having to contribute info" radar pretty hard and is probably in my top two scum reads along with Manix. So, between these two it's kinda a split between them and since I'm a little wary of the wagon that's on Manix and would like to avoid putting him at L-1 this early in the phase (We still have like 36 hours or something, right?) I'm going to ##Vote:Serious Bananas Also Rein, Marth's ISO link is broken because he's currently using Bluedoom as his nick, not Marth.
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