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Nowi's Husband

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Everything posted by Nowi's Husband

  1. I like this cause it's a reward for my units rather than just something for me to use, they deserve it for all they have done for me, I'm glad they are happy.
  2. I wish it would happen, I'd pull for singer Tiki and Mamori to add to my loli collection.
  3. I am most pleased with this reward, loli hot springs scene :)
  4. My infantry team is just Nowi. Cavalry is Elise, Reinhardt, Xander, Frederick. Reinhardt took the sword and Frederick got him out of there, later he took the blue mage. Xander with TA2 and Bowbreaker took the rest with healing from Elise. Flier is Witch Nowi, Myrrh, Summer Corrin, Valter. Myrrh with DC baited and killed one of the archers and the blue mage. Nowi took Narcian and the green mage. Then I just had them kite around the remaining enemies getting hits in a retreating into the mountains in fear of the remaining archer, this one was a lot of fun for fliers. Armor is Amelia, Black Knight, Effie, Henry. Effie tanked everything on the first turn and took out the sword on my turn, bring repositioned by Amelia and healed by Black Knight Reciprocal Aid. Amelia with DC and green tomebreaker took the mages and Black Knight took Narcian.
  5. Well I've done all I could. Think I'll vote WTharja in the next round to give Witch Nowi CC and her weapon.
  6. Got this in 40 orbs. Myrrh has DC now from the regular Hector since I have better Hector.
  7. My infantry team is Nowi. Cavalry is Elise, Xander, Cain, Frederick. Repositioned Frederick to go take out the lance without getting in the range of Xander or the mages. Flier is Witch Nowi, Myrrh, Valter, Summer Corrin. Witch Nowi took the right side with flier buffs, TA and Green Tomebreaker for the mages, and Quickened Pulse Moonbow for the sword. The rest cleaned up what was left. Armor is Hector, Henry, Effie, Black Knight. Black Knight had TA2, Hone Armor, and Goad Armor to beat the green mages while using Escape Route to retreat from the Ignis charged sword. Henry took the lance, Effie took the swords (with 1HP to spare after eating Ignis), and Hector took the healer. This was the hardest, I blew 3 stamina potions trying various skills before I thought of Escape Route, I was trying to get Black Knight to take everything on the right like Witch Nowi, but it wasn't happening.
  8. I still want more Nowi, especially a Bride version, but if we are moving on from Fates Awakening I'd like some other lolis to get a chance.
  9. "I feel like I could take on a whole army!"
  10. This is my 3rd 5*+10, the last for a long time since I only have enough Maria for +4. It's all for boosting arena score in AA.
  11. Singer Tiki would be the best reward ever. Loli emblem could use a refresher unit.
  12. My infantry team is Nowi. Cavalry: Elise, Xander, Abel, Frederick Flier: Witch Nowi, Myrrh, Summer Corrin, Valter Armor: Amelia, Black Knight, Henry, Effie
  13. I like that the first two bosses are Bartre and Fir, lets me vent my frustration on them for being so common and horrible pulls. Maybe in the later stages to up the ante we can get bad pity breakers like Merric and Clair.
  14. I'm using dragon loli squad: Nowi, Fae, Young Tiki, Myrrh. Would have went full Nowi but I only have one extra besides the main +10 and Witch Nowi.
  15. I hope it's not a seasonal one, since those don't give two free pulls from the gauntlet banners.
  16. First thing I did before quests was beat it with Nowi and Witch Nowi. For infantry I used Nowi, Fae, Young Tiki, Nino. For cavalry Elise, Frederick, Abel, Xander. For fliers Witch Nowi, Myrrh, Valter, Summer Corrin. For armors Amelia, Black Knight, Effie, Henry.
  17. Makes me happy to see Witch Nowi on the list at all, I knew she wouldn't win when I used all my votes for her. Out of the top 4 Ike is Warding Breath fodder for Nah when she gets in, Hector is DC fodder for Nowi to be able to use Light/Dark Breath when I want, and Tharja is Close Counter and a new weapon for Witch Nowi. Really hope it isn't Azura, she broke my pity rate going for Sanaki when no reds showed up.
  18. Looking forward to Eliwood since I don't have a 5* blue armor.
  19. I've got Fjorm, Ike, and Water blessed Nowi ready now. Might give Fae an Earth blessing to round out the colors.
  20. Took like 30 stamina potions cause I'm such a bad tactician but I got Chapter 7&8 done with just Nowi. Went all in on defense for the multiple Hector and Lucina fights, SB def refine and CD. I'm stumped on 9-12 with the Nowi solo, the turn limits are killer. Will probably just add in Witch Nowi. Skipped to 13.
  21. Aww, no red tome to give to Nowi for a Valentine's present. Time to save orbs.
  22. I think it would be nice if the Valentine's units had skills related to supports. Some kind of stat boost, or maybe being able to warp next to them regardless of health.
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