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Nowi's Husband

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Everything posted by Nowi's Husband

  1. Seems normal to me for a dad not to want any guys near their daughter. No guy could ever be good enough for her, and no matter how they try to act like they will treat her right he could just be using her. No dad wants to see their daughter get hurt like that.
  2. Nowi being called Eternal Youth is perfect, it's a lolicon's dream.
  3. I want to support Black Knight and Takumi but I'll go with Black Knight since I already supported Takumi in the hair gauntlet. ID: 1871174208 It seems even more strange that Zelgius doesn't have his red armor, he's no "good" guy by this point.
  4. I'm very happy Soren is getting something, he's a pretty major character to get screwed over with a generic silver weapon. I hope it's a green version of Dire Thunder to simulate his Adept skill. As for Leo, I'm just hoping the refine effect brings him to the standard of Gravity+ with AOE debuff. I don't have Eirika so I don't care what hers does.
  5. Nowi and Witch Nowi pulled through as usual. Can't really think of a way to solo it with only Nowi, too many enemies rushing towards the fodders.
  6. I should know by now not to press my luck if I get something at the start, like Grima in 5 orbs. 239 orbs, including $75, down the drain without getting any more Grima's for Ward Dragon fodder. I give up, sick of spending at the moment. And I just know that means Witch Nowi will be on the Legendary banner in a few days.
  7. I got him twice while trying to fix Sanaki's IVs. Fed one to Nowi for Warding Breath and trained the other. With this new one I will save him to feed to my daughter Nah once she gets in. I like Ike, but I'm not merging someone with such amazing fodder.
  8. Got Grima on the second pull, +Spd -Def. I'll probably keep him around as an arena bonus unit then feed him to one of my dragon lolis.
  9. Witch Nowi could use a refine to Grimoire, after all the Fujin Yumi is just a better version of it with it's refinement.
  10. I want possessed Delthea with a warping skill if we get more of these.
  11. Sara to add to my loli collection. I've never played Thracia though since I can't read Japanese so I'm not attached to the characters.
  12. Nowi finished up Book 2 by soloing Chapter 1&2 (3&4 already done with Witch Nowi), then moved onto Paralogues. So far 1-10 and 13-14 done. Julia and Deirdre won't stop Nowi, nor can 9-10 4 turn limits stop her. Brought in Witch Nowi for these last three sets (11-12, 15-16, 17-18), I'm not a skilled enough tactician to do it solo Nowi.
  13. Griffon Knight Nowi, Nowi emblem could use a physical unit to deal with high resistance lances and it would complete the color triangle.
  14. I'm glad Grima isn't blue so my waifu isn't powercreeped just yet.
  15. Nowi and Witch Nowi vs Chapter 9-10. Had to try several times to get the positioning right, Witch Nowi had to end up with exactly half her health through the last stage for Axebreaker to take out Titania and there are Savage Blow users everywhere. 11-12 was easier since I didn't depend on Witch Nowi as much, she mostly was there to give Drive and support buffs. With that Nowi has completed her conquest of Book 1.
  16. I'm going to use Nowi, Ninian, LA Hector, and LA Lilina. Ninian will be replaced by LA Eliwood when I get him. Can't wait to see the new seals, I have about 200 coins saved up.
  17. My infantry is just Nowi. Armor is Amelia, Effie, Black Knight, Henry. Amelia took the dragon, Black Knight the axe, Effie Navarre, and Raventome Henry the colorless. Flier is Witch Nowi, Myrrh, Valter, Summer Corrin. Myrrh flew up to take the dragon and one of the daggers, Nowi took the axe, Valter took Navarre. Cavalry is Elise, Xander, Cain, Frederick. Xander tanked everything the first turn then we retreated to the bottom.
  18. I don't have any issue fighting dragons myself in AA. Just bait them with the melee weapon that has WTA and SB + QR is useless. And I'm talking unmerged units vs +10 dragons, cause I frontload my high merges in the first team. But dragons can't get WTA over colorless due to lack of Raventome equivalent that all other emblem teams (horse, armor, flier) have access to.
  19. I hope they don't make Laguz into colorless melee units, cause dragon emblem would have no way to deal with high resistance colorless melee units. It would be back to the way it was before weapon refinement where units like Niles, Innes, Brave Lyn, and Kagero were a massive pain to deal with.
  20. Voted fanservice cause of Witch Nowi, that outfit is delicious. I hope if she ever gets another form it's still just as revealing as the current two.
  21. I thought it looks pretty and sleek in Awakening, here it's more cutesy with the belly and soft looking tail. Not as cute as Fae or menacing like Myrrh but balance is fine.
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