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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. Right know we don't get any Tab Battle quests with Orbs was reward yet, none of the 8 current stages have orbs as reward, which in the previous Tab Battle, the reward for Floor 1-5 was 1 Orb, which is a downgrade of January's Tab Battle, which had 9 stages with 1 orb as reward. Unless we get all the missing orbs in the Tap Battle quests the the day we get the Floors 81-100 stages, this will be the worst Tab Battle, which already is one of teh worst modes in FEH. IntSys reduced the amount orbs in monthly quests, in Forging Bonds, and in Tap Battles... I wouldn't be surprised if we get less orbs in the next Tempest Trials too, in trade of Aether Raids or Heroic Grails.
  2. Yes... it's a sign... that Tap Battle will probably be where we willl get the rerun of the accessories. Maybe Tap Battle will not have new accessories for now... only reruns. Will the next Tap Battle have the EX Ylissian accessories, or will have the Brave Heroes accessories? Who knows...
  3. Oh, Sue is the one I have the higher friendship. Sue, with 1432; Thea, with 699; Lugh, with 600; and Idunn, with 534. Well... right now it's Sue's 2x time.
  4. You mean in a banner, right? Because we already have Valter as a Wyvern Knight who uses a Lance. That's right. Mia in a broom wasn't the motive that made me want to summon her. Well... Fallen Heroes was a special case... two of the three units in the banner were alts and Hardin is a armored unit, with the higher possible BST at that time, with a Distant Counter weapon, and also has a Brazen Skill and Bold Fighter, both skills types previous found in only Seasonal Heroes at the time. There weren't any possibility of demotion in that banner, but Kaden or even Velouria in the 4-Stars Pool woundn't be game breaker.
  5. Yeah... we can only get 1*-2* units from the Askr Trio (prior May 2018) and the Normal Hero Battles.
  6. A change for FEH that I would like is to be able to promote 3-Stars units directly to 5-Stars. We need to promote a unit from 3* to 4*, and then from 4* to 5*. Why not 3* to 5*?
  7. We need to be able to forge accessories, or have some quests with the rerun of these accessories, and if the player already have it, a 300 feather will be the reward instead, just like the repeated seals.
  8. I changed my offensive team, so now I am using 2 Eirs, with a max score of 160 lift per battle. Two battles that I had with this team I lose 1 unit, scoring 140 instead, which is ok for me, because I could lose 1 unit with my last team and scores 120.
  9. I like this type of Accessories, since they work in almost every unit, different from accessories like the Heron Circlet or Kutolah Band, which I don't like the way they look in most of the units
  10. Oh, would be bad if IntSys keep a unit like Thea in the 5-Stars Exclusive pool. Vanguard is a useful weapon, but a lot of units has Ignis, Steady Posture is on Reyson, and no one uses Seal Skills. I can see Lugh doesn't being demoted since he has a Rally Up Skill, but Thea screams demotion.
  11. I got Leo from one of the Tickets... it's not bad! I will keep him just in case I need Quick Riposte in the future.
  12. I am sad with this situation. I thought we would have a Kaden demotion or a Velouria demotion... I never thought about a 3rd option, where none would be demotede, since we had the demotion of Reyson in January, a Flier Dancer which can have 3 movement range... IntSys didn't demoted one of them just because they are Fates units? Also, there are people believing that since we didn't get any demotion from the beast banner, we will get two demotions from the current banner (Binding Blade). I dont' believe on this...
  13. And we'll probably never see her again... at least until the end of Book 3.
  14. Yesterday, I would say that Velouria wouldn't be demoted because she would be a high BST infantry unit on the 4-star pool (168 BST), but then, with the Version 3.3 update, we got Rutger, the next GHB unit, which has 168 BST. Velouria has a quite powerful weapon (Special Cooldown-2 to unit and support partner is pretty good, especially if her support partner is a unit who has Special Spiral or Galeforce), useful A-Skill and C-Skill. Kaden has a weapon which is a supportive weapon and don't give him any other bonus unless he is transformed, and meh B-Skill, which I believe is the weakest of the Link Skills, and Goad Beast, which is as useful as Velouria's Ward Beast. Of course we can be surprised tomorrow, like what happened with Ares and Lene last year, which I thought the dancer would be the demoted one but instead we got the demotion of a great Cavalry Sword unit, with a Weapon with Cooldown reduction and Special Spiral, and Brazen Atk/Def 3 at 4-stars. About Kaden... For my Kaden, I gave him Fortify Cavalry and Atk/Spd Link, and for Panne I gave her Fortify Cavalry. Kaden and Panne buuf each other's Def and Res with Fortify, and Kaden uses Swap to buff both Atk and Spd, which results in +8 to Kaden and +14 to Panne, because they have ally support.
  15. This is a good one. I would reduce the 50% to 30% to make it more viable, since the 30% reduction is the same of defensive terrain. This would be Spur Defensive Terrain.
  16. I still believe Kaden will be the demoted one, which will make me happy. I really enjoyed his style, and he works pretty well with Panne, unit that I plan to invest only if Kaden gets demoted.
  17. Yes... Fallen Sharena would be controller by Hel and forced to fight her brother and friends. She would be sad. And yes, it's possible to Fallen Sharena to be free from Hel's control and return to be herself, even in dead version... But I prefer Sad Dead Sharena then "Hey Summoner, it's your old pal, but dead, Sharena! Let's do something fun! I mean... I don't feel my heartbeat, but that's ok, it's not a huge problem. Let's go!" If IntSys did Fallen Celica with a moment that last for a minute or two in Echoes, Sad and Depressed Sharena is the one I want.
  18. Sharena is so cheerful and optimistic that... having a Fallen Sharera would be amazing! Fallen Sharena would be the opposite of her normal version. Seeing a dark version of such happy character like Sharena would be so interesting. The two alts that I want to see are: King Alfonse and Fallen Sharena.
  19. I was making the calculation of how many battles I still have for this season, how many lift I can earn and how many I need to reach next tier... And the conclusion is that I will not reach next Tier this season. If I don't destroy any resource structures, I will have 8 battles until the season ends... and since the max I can get is 140 lift, if I get 8 perfect battles I will get 1.120 lift. I need 1.000 lift right now to reach next Tier... And there are the defensive loses that I may get... Well... No promotion for me this season.
  20. In the Trailer, Hel appears scything Sharena... If this happens, will Sharena become a enemy unit?
  21. Yeah... me too. I wouldn't be pissed if I get pity broken by one of them in a future banner. Yeah. The older games, like Binding Blade, are great games. I still need to finish it. I started some time ago but I didn't finished because I needed to do something else and I don't like to return to this type of games months after I started and stopped. I would prefer to start from the beginning. The only old game that I tried to play but didn't enjoyed was Genealogy of the Holy War. This one needs a Echoes treatment.
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