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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Fallen Corrin, Savage breath Future vision Sirius DC/CC since they have the the same description and only didef in the inheritance Special Fighter Solitary dragon(it could be Solitary dream) Whatever SS.
  2. Free pulled a second julia and I merged her, I made two more pulls and got nothing so I will wait for her next banner to go for her as I am at 3 orbs from 13.
  3. Seeing how I got a Duo Ephraim, I will stop now despite being one pull away from 3.5 as there are are many good banners this month.
  4. My playstyle is pretty simple, have a super tank with as much support it is possible. For dragons I have, Unit, L. Eliwood, B. Micaiah, Rinea And for non dragons Unit, L. Eliwood, B. Lucina, Ninian So he will have quite a lot of support and far greater res than that, also I would like at times to have him doubled so with Lucina he can proc Aether. Also thanks for the Hector tips hadn't thought of Atk res bond.
  5. I have been thinking that if Bruno happens (which I doubt considering that he has a version in the game), he will be most likely a blue cavalry mage as he appears in book 1, but what about his weapon? Most OCs have their weapons unchanged when being playable so will Bruno get a Vantage 2 tome or he will get a refine forcing you to use divine dew for him, which is a precious resource.
  6. I'd love for us to get a free duo for the free unit as I wouldn't want us to have another new hero type introduced. Just give them an extra unility to explain them not being in the main pool as their Duo skills are not enough. Also for story I would like them to talk about, *spoilers for chapter 13 of book iii* Eir's homeland, also for 3 whole books we've been talking about Embla's curse and Bruno's look for a cure but we never have any progress with that one, also Loki and Thorr are now just hanging in the back along with Alfaðör I think his name is, I wonder what will be their role.
  7. Tell that to my Naga (I am still getting over the fact that she can't use Lul Atk/Spd). In the new banner I got an Ephraim that is +spd -Res. Now the point is that the only blue enemy phase unit I have is Naga so I wanted to run DC on him. Will it still work, or should I go for something else, not Galeforce as he kills a lot of enemies with his high Atk or Eff Dmg. I was thinking of, Also about Halloween Hector, what specials, C, and SS can he run with DC/Vengeful Fighter?
  8. I got a +spd - Res Ephraim (the reverse nature I was after if I got him as I wanted to run a DC build). And I am pretty happy will continue for another 5* as I am at 3.50 or I could even leave it and focus on orb gathering (sothis and potentially Lif and a Julia merge take priority).
  9. We had made exactly the same final pull. I was at 9.50 and with no orbs so I hoped that my last pull would be a 5*. I had no Colourless or blue orbs so I pulled in green and I got a 3* Libra. I had gotten previously a Lucina and a Tiki (I swear this girl is cursed, in every banner she appeared I got her but afterwards no matter how many orbs I spend I never get another 5*). A good banner overally, now I hope the upcoming banner is farfetched so that I can skip and save for Sothis/Lif (if he is the mythic).
  10. I am at 9.50 on the banner with no orbs I will use the daily ones for a final pull and call it a day. Tiki truly is cursed I guess, in all her banners I get a copy of her and she is the last 5* unit to appear .
  11. So I got today a free Laegjarn that is +Atk -Def and I don't know how to build her. Her weapon is so situational that it becomes useless as being dependent on the enemy is pretty bad my opinion, but I want to use her as she is my only melee flier and that is the only thing my Flier team lacks. The rest are Naga, Brave Micaiah, and Brave Camila. Any help with her?
  12. I made 6 pulls in the legendary banner and nothing, will keep going until the new banner is revealed. My free pull in the BHB banner was a Laegjarn, a welcome surprise as I was waiting for a meele Flier she is +Atk -Def. Now that I don't need to fodder her for anything I might build her for the flier team.
  13. Lif has a weapon that works like a bolt tower as after combat it deals 20 damage to closest allies within 3 spaces. That already gives him quite some utility as he can set up desperation, vantage, Brazen, bash assault, Escape Route, martyr+. And all this in a quite easy way that that just requires him to have allies nearby and go into combat, what's even better is that he is unaffected as he could be more of a tank (guaranteed follow up and +4 to all stats, it is pretty clear I think) , and also units like Aversa, Bridal fjorm and QR tanks that want high Hp won't lose it if they are near as he will give 20 damage to the closest allies and not all within some spaces. He could be better than Berkut in giving ally damage as he doesn't require the enemy phase or to have ranged allies as enemies. I might be overestimating him but it looks like a broken ability to me with the right teams. I certainly hope it's Lif as Sothis is my top wanted unit right now and I will pull in red anyway so he will be nice to have.
  14. Why not give her both? Summer Ylgr has flashing blade so you can give her flashing blade 3 from Ylgr and from Mareeta FB 4 and Nul Follow-Up Perhaps since both are infantry dragons and Blue and are Mother-Son they will have the same weapon similar to OG Eliwood and Brave Roy with Durandal. But I am not so sure.
  15. Do you think that Male Kana will get in the next refines a moon dragonstone or something similar? Though I am still waiting for Fae and Cecilia refines as I am merging Fae and have 7 copies of Cecilia. Edit: I mistook this for the Refine thread and someone had already asked this question, is there a way to delete this post?
  16. That's another way to look at this, that they are fixing current pity-breakers as gen 1 units can't pity-break you on new banners. I just personally hoped that Fae or Nowi were somewhere too as they also need refines, or that they gave the male version the weapon too similar to the Robins as it is a bit unfair and stingy on their part.
  17. I am so angry with Kana, they jumped some gen 1 units to get her a weapon, they could have at least given it to Male Kana too as the Robins did, but noooo he is a grail unit. What annoys me more is that they skipped other dragons like Nowi and Fae that need new weapons (lightning Breath is fine but, having another option like adult Tiki is nice). A shame, I don't like this as they are putting a mid gen 2 ahead of others which means more gen 2 will come and will slow down older units. Also we have 2 dragons that a lot of people use (Nowi mostly) that will get shafted, kana will get a cool effect while the 2 will get boring refines (at least I believe so). Also when combined with the fact that the new 3-4* do not get new stats it does seem that they are not so FtP friendly when it comes to units, as the good and solid ones are locked behind 5* rating. This is the first time in the 3.5 years (I think it is so) of Feh that I am complaining so vocally about something dragon related (and generally have doubts so much I believe/I'd like to believe)
  18. Typical stuff Lighting breath+ def Swap Aether Fierce breath Quick Riposte Infantry pulse Steady stance When I get her some more merges and flowers along with a +Def nature I will res refine her.
  19. I am glad I am not alone. Also funny thing about tiki is that always she was the last 5* I pulled in every banner she appeared. So I am pretty lucky with her. My Fae is +1 +res so far but she already has her skillet ready and is waiting for +Def nature and merges.
  20. So had 13 orbs made two pulls, first was a Jacob and then a Fallen Tiki. Now I have my +spd Tiki at +2 Merges and 5 dragon flowers. Depending on the numder of orbs I have until the BHB begins then I might do some more pulls in blue/colorless or just wait. The free pull in the Guard Banner was a green as I had no focus color so I got a +Atk Fae. Nice as this is my second copy and I would like to make her my merge project. I need to save a LOT this month to make sure to get a Sothis on the Mythic banner as my experience with TH made me like her a lot.
  21. I wonder if Lif will be similar to male Byleth or Eir (since he could be a mythic) and is introduced in a banner/event before the mythic banner and is added afterwards to the banner as the examples did, or skipped for a later date to put picnic flora in the red. This will allow to put flora in the banner and in December end the picnic banner and have Lif playable before book 4 begins (he could be a mythic as well). This will allow Hel that is actually a good Mythic Candidate to be in the Green. And have her around the same time we had Surtr (end of November, before book 4). January is very late for her and the Book 3 hype will have faded, so adding a B3 OC will be just dissapointing
  22. The new Mythic is definitely going to be Lif, which is nice as I am gonna pull anyway on red for a Sothis so he will be nice to have. He is going to be a pretty good unit as his weapon will garnt 20 damage which is pretty good in AR and for a lot of things. Blue is also very good as I would like to merge Fjorm, have another Julia or have a minor impact and a tiki for her a slot for a merge Project I am thinking of. If the Green is the one mentioned then I will pull in there too, Laevatain is a better mirror Impact fodder than Julia who I would like to merge because she is one of my favorite FE characters. Hel will be good for the Flier team that needs a meele unit to fill up. Lyn is bad but I must really unlucky to get her out of the possible heroes in the banner. I will skip colorless as don't want any of them.
  23. Theory crafted this build for a +1 +7 Legendary Lucina, for a more defensive, offensive mix of of a ranged unit (I have more than enough ranged desperations). Thong Future Vision Moonbow Minnor Impact Lul Atk/Spd 3 Whatever C Hardy Bearings I feel that Lucina can be more than a simple desperation nuke. Reason I have her with Link skills unitl I get a Sirius.
  24. Had gathered 70 orbs from the Legendary hero battles and from my gatherings. Got a +Def -Res Lucina from my first session and now I am pulling for another blue or Colorless hero. I will do this however on Friday or Saturday to manage to gather some orbs. I really hope my next hero is another Lucina as I have a cool build in mind with her and I generally lack good non pair up legendaries currently, or an Azura because Azura, Marisa too will be fine for her C slot, and all colorless are busted (tiki alm need merges and Leif is new).
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