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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. I think that as an armor unit with built in armored boots she would be more interesting as her normal version is pretty similar to what was described. Now, if Marth wins I would like him to be pant less of course and instead of a sword called falchion he could have one named blade of light to reference the title of the first game. It would be similar to a falchion appearance-wise (Like Roy's binding blade and dragobind).
  2. For Dimitri it could be his promotion outfit that looks similar to that of his father. Edelgard could have either her promotion outfit or the one you fight her before the timeskip or her father's and be a mage or something.
  3. Thanks for showing support, there is still one day left however, if you are unsure about that last vote you could help our Empress.
  4. I am not sure but last year it was either way later after the voting ended that we got the final results or during the FeH channel for the anniversary, but don't quote me on anything I could be wrong.
  5. Edelgard for day 6. Hopefully she doesn't fall from top 2. Also I really hope Seliph and Rhea do well as I like them both.
  6. Thank you kind human for supporting Edelard, rememeber the empire needs you.
  7. This has happened today several times and it almost allowed me to vote that's why I thought it was worth sharing. I don't think it's supposed to be this way since it sometimes dissappears.
  8. Day 1. Edelgard. Day 2. Edelgard Day 3. Rhea Day 4. Edelgard Day 5 (today). Edelgard Also did this occur to anyone else? I went to the ballot and I saw I could vote for day 6 and I normally went through the process of voting up until confirming my vote. Then it said an error occurred and put me back in the main page.
  9. Went all out for her today from several accounts to help her giving a total of 5 votes. I really do hope that she can at least remain in the top 2. (If I am the only Edelgard fan I have to do things properly myself) Edelgard for the Win!!
  10. I am with you when it comes to Dimitri, these are exactly my thoughts for him. About Edelgard, I am a bit curious why as to why you dislike her, I personally like her to the point I consider her one of my favourite FE characters. I would be interested in taking a look into a different opinion about her if you don't mind sharing it.
  11. These are my thoughts exactly, there is so much competition from Lysithea, Eirika and so on that I am afraid she could even fall from the top 2. I can give her up to 23 votes until the event ends. What does twitter think about Edelgard? I mean that she is the top female currently but I have not seen her mentioned a lot which is what scares me.
  12. Today as I said I voted Rhea tomorrow I will go for Edelgard despite the mid vote results, I just hope both ladies place high. Tomorrow by this time we will be having the results right? Here's my battle ballot so far.
  13. My hope/expectation is a Dimitri Edelgard Eirika and Marth/Claude banner and with Rhea on a high enough spot to send the message that we want her in the game, unless the people voting her are a minority which I don't know about as I don't look on places like Twitter.
  14. Voted for Edelgard today again I propably won't be voting academy one as I will give tomorrow Rhea a vote and day 4 Edelgard. Then the mid results will come out and perhaps this changes things.
  15. So I don't understand is there some sort of rivalry between Edelgard and Rhea fans that I don't know about? Also when do mid vote results come out, on day 3 or 4 and before or after voting starts?
  16. Really like that there is support for Rhea, though I won't betray Edelgard, I will spare the last votes for her or even some now to boost Edelgard after the mid vote results.
  17. Three houses characters are counted as one, Edelgard's total votes for example will be a combination of her two appearances. Also byleth normal and Enlightened are also counted as one, it was mentioned in the notifications, as they missed it in the website. But the version that gets the alt will be the one with the most votes. So yes dimitri, will get the crown.
  18. This banner went pretty smoothly so far. In day one I got a neutral Kiria which is the unit I wanted from the banner. I also got a Valentian Catria +Spd -Atk and a Mareeta merge. Pretty happy so far.
  19. I went for war arc Edelgard since she is my favourite lord and villian not only in Three Houses but, FE as a whole. Will keep it up perhaps changing in day 3 for her academy phase. When the mid results will come out I will give Eddie one more vote and then the rest to the most most popular between, Seiros and Rhea but I'll see when that time comes.
  20. What are some units that can be potent super tanks? I don't really understand how can 70+ def/Res is possible, the best I have is 52 with Fallen Corrin and Sothis. Also, talking about Sothis, this is her current build. Is this build good? For General content with L.Eliwood she becomes a monster, but in AR defense I am not sure. As I do not have proper buffs. What are some ways to improve her? Also what are some units other than L.Eliwood and Azura that can give her buffs properly (both are legendaries so they can't be run always).
  21. Bonus unit will be Itsuki or any of the other banner units, the rest will be L.Eliwood, peony and a Dragon. By the way chill Res is a great seal.
  22. Personally I wouldn't like the Valentine to be 3H as some characters would become seasonal only, but even if we have a 3H banner it's not going to be timeskip, it's too early. But I really do believe DLC is a possibility just for promotion. Whenever the DLC banner happens, they could have the 4 ashen wolfs and a random argathan like tomas or solon for GHB, the previous 3H ghbs didn't have any direct ralationship to the banner units.
  23. These look all like wonderful units, I am personally like Kiria and Eleanora as they really are unique. What are Itsuki's skills?
  24. With the announcement of the new DLC. Perhaps the second banner of February (the one after the Special heroes) could be about the DLC characters to promote it in a similar way to TH and TMS encore. Since its too early for timeskip for me. My only doubt come from the fact that by the time the banner would come out wave 4 would have released and the hype might even be gone.
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