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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. 20 orbs and a free summon and nothing interesting. I will keep pulling until I get one 5* and take my leave. As Fallen banner could come soon.
  2. To be honest I also would like some other news with it. The April update is still hollow apart form the refines to my knowledge. I mean they perhaps have included clues about future events (Mythic Baldr). Is another Feh Channel possible but with actual news? But it was a great tribute to the whole series so I can't really complain much, seeing all the Lords (and Sothe) in there was pretty nice.
  3. That art is gorgeous. It makes me want a morph banner with Sonya, Ephidel, Limstella and Nergal perhaps, but I doubt it will ever be the case. I wasn't aware that Limstella was genderless, beforehand I always thought of them as a female due to the feminine name and in-game sprite.
  4. I sometimes use defensive Mythics in offense. For example this season Sothis is bonus and the only other bonus units I have built are Julia (who is -Atk) and Flame Emperor (armors in AR are big no so I don't even consider him). So having Sothis scoring wise is like having Julia (both scored 142 when in the team). So I was changing between the two of them this season (Julia was mostly used due to my liking for her). Also I am glad at how they portrayed Braimond, with great art, multiple VAs and a good skillset, but Robin does scare me quite a lot this month.
  5. Will join the only one I have Iddun. But I would join her whether I have anyone else or not.
  6. My thoughts exactly. The only year one unit I want a refine for is Fae. Something like Sun dragonstone on her would be crazy. About the pool changes I would like something like a distinction between 3 and 4* units. For example newer heroes and some old ones (fodders like hinata or buildable ones like Fae and Nowi for example ) would be 4 * only and some other more useless ones should be 3*. About 5* I just don't know how to fix that pool.
  7. The refines were announced without anything else I wonder if that means that we will get a channel, perhaps to talk about the changes to the summoning pool as it is this time of the year they do this always. Also really happy for Eirika as I have a +Atk -Hp version of her (the free was foddered). But I hope her status as a free unit will not hurt her chances of getting a good refine.
  8. I have Spring Iddun at +1 +Atk right now and all available orbs are gone. I am currently at 3.25 at the spring banner. I wonder if I should try for Iddun with all I can or stop now and try to gather an orb or two for the Mythic (the potential of Ashera is quite interesting).
  9. My team is Spring Iddun, Legendary Eliwood, Peony and Brave Camilla with physic to keep armored boots active. Honestly, she is awesome.
  10. In the BHB banner I got a free Edelgard now she is +6. In the spring banner with the paralogue, TT and BHB orbs I got a +Hp -Atk Igrene, a +Atk -Hp Anamnesis Eirika and a +Atk -Hp Duo Iddun. Will continue pulling for a merge for Iddun however, she has a really good nature and I don't mind her like that.
  11. I am so excited about the new Duo hero. Two dragons which I love as a unit type and it is a reference to one of my favourite endings in the series with the two of them. I will put everything I have so that I can get a +1 copy of them. I am currently at 20 orbs so I doubt I will do much but I will try nonetheless.
  12. The bonus unit will be normal as she is +9 and needs some more Hm and Sp. If I get duo Idunn I will use her instead. Also I hope that the fact that seals got reduced for Ephemera doesn't mean that Orbs will be reduced as well.
  13. My first ever +10 in the game she is a monster in AR, Coloseum, and in every mode in general. I have this account from Alm's banner (the previous one was lost) and she was the first grail unit I summoned. I took a break from her when she got to +6 however I then continued her and she got +10. Soon enough Fae will be completed and Flame Emperor is the new grail project from now on.
  14. Looking forward to Altina, also to the BHB as it could be another Edelgard or a dimitri. The Mythic banner is going to be really interesting.
  15. Free pulled today a Neutral Azura merged her into my old +Atk one gave her three flowers and I am surprised at how good her offensive powers are.
  16. The second was just a thing I mentioned, I have another use for it. It was a random manual I had forgotten about.
  17. So for flame Emperor I have all available skills. Swap, DC, Special Fighter, Armor March and the QR seal. However I am lacking some things. Aether which is due to the lack of fodder and a Slaying Axe. So do I have to promote a beruka and make the killing axe saying or is there another unit that has the non + version at 4* to help Amelia give it to Flame Emperor? Also what are some special suggestions until I have Aether?
  18. I used some codes to get Armor March. I pulled a random Nagi from the banner, I still have a spare DC from Hector. I have nearly all necessary fodder for flame Emperor available. I only need a Slaying Axe now.
  19. Though I too believe Ashera is going to be the Mythic I kind of do hope for Dheginsea as dragon laguz have not yet arrived, or Ashunera as I like when heroes make background characters like her, Naga and Altina playable and she also receiveved a new Cipher card but Ashera is far more likely.
  20. I like their addition and I personally would like to see units that are not the typical fast Desperation nuke to be able to separate themselves from fast wrathful dazzling staff healers like Camilla or Veronica that also can hit pretty hard. Candidates are for me are Ashera since she has the whole Order thing going for her so being neutral in the Weapon triangle does fit her theme. Brave Lysithea as I think that it will be the perfect way to make her colorless without being a healer. Other candidates are Vled and Braimond. Another interesting option is Freyr and Freya from book 4 as we have fairies for all colours but they are far more powerful than them it seems it is natural for them to be Colourless.
  21. The ladies of the banner all look really good and I hope I pull one of them, I would prefer Lysithea or Annete since I don't like using cavaliers at all (even in mainline games except Geneology I rarely use cavs) and I don't have a proper horse Emblem team. For the Flame Emperor I have a spare DC and I will use the codes to give her Armor March and VF until I get Special Fighter. For weapons I will go with Res refined slaying axe and healing specials and Aether.
  22. Formas are boring and uninteresting as they can't be used for fodder or be used as merges and the lack of assets is something that can hinder the potential of some units. Also the amount of monetization within one month is really scary. The Feh Pass got introduced which I won't talk about and now another feature locked behind a pay wall. I understand that this is the nature of the game and that they are desperate for money but they make it too obvious and in the eyes of a F2P player this looks plainly bad. Resplendent and forma heroes, QoL features and resources are being locked behind a pay wall. Though I could just be cynical for no reason I will currently save divine codes as I am not too keen in any of the paths. Colourless tomes are a nice addition and it makes me look forward to a potential Ashera, Braimond and even Brave Lysithea (as Dimitri could be a Lance, Edelgard with the Seiros sword and Claude with an axe).
  23. So I guess after the event ends and for the period of a month? Still wished irmt was a Xenologue and permanent.
  24. I actually hope that with the flame Emperor's addition finally the Armor skills will be available in the grail shop. Bold and vengeful fighter and armor March. Maybe not all of them but they could give them one. I also just finished my current armor dragonflower and in a season or two Aversa would be complete so I am all ready to begin investing in them when they become available.
  25. I didn't expect Sothis to actually challenge Altina seeing how she won the previous rounds. Do we know when the winner will be gifted? Tomorrow after the results or it will take some time?
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