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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Since Kana's weapon is quite fun to use I might spend a bit on her BHB rerun to get a merge, I won't be spending nearly anything at all in the new banner to save for Sothis/Azura/Julia. Just a Kana is all I want from her BHB rerun. Also I wonder what sort of units could be Manuals for Divine codes. I would like Nailah, Kana, Edelgard and Fallen dragons (merges and Nailah for fodder), but I know it is just dreaming so early.
  2. Free pulls got me nothing, but I ended up getting a free Kana from the ticket I had forgotten I needed to reddem. Another dragon is certainly nice to have especially with her weapon.
  3. I think the problem is 3H content has not flown into the game naturally at all. Since its release it has received one promotional banner and one filler where not so many people pulled intensively due to CYL3. Since then almost nothing 3H related happened in Feh and people want to see more of this game and they show this by conquering CYL4 and even a hero rises as showcased in the midterms. Of course at some point in the year there will be a flood of 3H stuff as they realise it's really popular however, around book 5 where the recency bias would not be so strong especially if they give the game too many alts (not counting academy and war versions) , perhaps the reaction won't be so good to this game. Not saying SoV was handled better, releasing all the big guns so early and now mostly living by seasonal and legendary alts to an extent. There needs to be a balance that none of these two games have achieved when it comes to their representation.
  4. About the new calendar's banners I will pull on any banner with Lul Atk/Spd for fodder or a solo/rouse banner hoping to get Edelgard merges (she is +5 by sheer F2P luck). However, knowing this is unlikely to happen I will be saving for the legendary banner as I want so far all blues and reds from there.
  5. I ended up going with the infantry galeforce team Mareeta, Edelgard, Duo Ehphraim but instead of a dancer run normal Silque that I had trained up.
  6. Got from the TT orbs a Velouria, now she is +1. Will stop pulling in this banner now and start saving for the February legendary banner.
  7. This my final battle ballot, everyone I voted were units I would like to win the Voting Gauntlet. Today I went for normal Sothis as she a unit I use a lot and I need merges of. Also Mythic Sothis's Wallpaper has to be the best one undoubtedly, it simply looks wonderful.
  8. From the 1000 foes quests I finally managed to get something from the hero fest, a Hector (DC fodder) I am thinking of Itsuki but If Valentine's Alm or Rudlof come home then one of them will be the one to receive it.
  9. Exactly, they are pushing it to you everywhere, in the training tower before battling, in the summoner support screen, in the quests they are the first that always pop when taping the fountain and the numbers that never go away, it really is annoying and it shows how desperate they are when it comes to people buying it. I mean at least intraduce a trial or something like this so that people can test it out and see if it's actually worth it (I am always doing trials before subscription based services to see if they are worth).
  10. I didn't understand that discount thing that was mentioned, can someone please explain it to me? Also in the customer support screen what is the difference between Enquiries and Feedback?
  11. About the banner leak Also I don't like that they force the Feh Pass quests on your face it's just bad, I don't mind having some perks for some people that are interested in them whatever they are buying them but having them like that is simply irritating to say the least. At least put them in the last page, or don't make them stand out so much to non owners. I agree at least only a half month one just to test the service out before buying it (one hero, half of the total rewards) I am thinking of sending feedback about these and the auto play stuff, though I doubt that while being F2P my opinions will even be looked at.
  12. Like the Thorn Lance a lot but what grabbed my attention was Alm's weapon. I am already imaging it, him with DC, L.Eliwood, peony and a Dragon with the same Atk. But I don't care if miss him as there are a lot of stuff I want to pull this month.
  13. Will we have a teaser for the banner with the skills or no since the meintenance is going to bring the update along? Also from how will Alm's axe work as I didn't understand?
  14. Will use one of the Silques with my new infantry galeforce team or Sothis/Eliwood/Peony with a Silque when I am bored. I don't know what I will do if I get a new unit.
  15. Got with the orbs today a hilda which is nice as I like her and I didn't have her she is +hp -def.
  16. Voted for Alfonse again today to boost him a bit. I am thinking of sparing a vote for Leif one of the following days as he is last and a good unit. Afterwards Lif and Winter Sothis.
  17. I don't know how to take videos of gameplay but since Lif's Abyssal was the first one I cleared on a unit's first run since I built a proper team I thought about posting about here. This is was my team. Notes that Sothis has Summoner support
  18. They could be removed if no longer you have the pass. But it could be like a purchase that you buy the pass once and you get them always. I don't know it was a guess I also didn't pay much attention to that part of the channel so I might have missed something.
  19. I don't think that's the case, or I didn't understand well. Resplendent Heroes and their bonuses will be kept after the subscription has ended. The summoner supports are one of the other bonuses of the pass keeping them afterwards doesn't make sense.
  20. Why Edelgard? Would any player really like to have a copy of her that desperately? She isn't that good fooder and there are better units that fulfill her role. Looking at the positions of Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude and Byleth it seems like some people voted based on their preferences for the Lords and not besed on performance and fodder. Surprised to see normal Sothis in there but I guess she is a defensive Mythic. The rest are really good. Why not any duo though? I guess I will be supporting Alfonse since Altina and winter Sothis are in good positions. She still is rare as a seasonal and a good unit you can bless her so she can be used in whatever season you want to and has really good fodder. I believe she is worthy of a spot in the VG.
  21. Voted for Duo Alfonse as he is in my opinion one of the best duo heroes combat wise. Though his duo skill might not be as good for others, it serves him perfectly and can be pretty useful for certain teams and units like special spiral units not named Ophelia. He also is a very good fodder in Special Spiral and the rare close counter.
  22. @Anacybele Congratulations, he seems like a really powerful unit (this double +10 looks amazing).
  23. Got from today's orbs another Byleth, now she is +3 +atk (because all copies of her were +hp).
  24. Voted for Sothis today (high BST, good fodder). Tomorrow I will go with Duo Alsfonse.
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