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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Does the Guard Axe exist in the game or is it new? Since that's the weapon the Flame Emperor most likely has. It would be pretty insane if the FE got a new weapon and 5 skills similar to Itsuki.
  2. That artist also drew Legendary Tiki. I immediately recognised the style.
  3. Will go with the tickets and an orb or two for Annette or Lysithea. But I don't care if I get nothing. What I care about is the flame Emperor, I am so excited. She may not have a prf weapon but I am still going make her the next grail project. Also if she is an armor then things will be better as I don't have an axe armor.
  4. So happy Sothis won. I fully support her, however I doubt there are much stuff she can do to win against Altina who decimates her opponents. As shown previously.
  5. I have a question. Are defiants worth using? They unlock from the master classes meaning that they are hard to get and that makes me wonder if they are actually worth the trouble of getting and using. What's the point of staying in low Hp and endangering your units like that?
  6. That was amazing to watch. I also use a lot of dragons and I cleared this abbysal using Sothis with Eliwood, Peony and B.Micaiah. Vanishing Julia with dragons is pretty satisfying.
  7. Personally I hope anyone of the three can pull a miracle and take Altina out as I already have a +Atk one and a merge does not raise her Atk or res and she has bad fodder. But I do see her winning this whole thing, seeing how she is always so far.
  8. Pulled a green in the revival banner nothing. Gathered 13 orbs from the monthly quests and the VG pulled in the legendary banner but nothing.
  9. Sothis won. That's really good, I hope she can also pull this through. However, in the final round I doubt there are many things anyone can do to beat Altina. And it's a shame that both of my wanted winners are fighting now in round two.
  10. Stones/Blades and Awakening/fates for me. Lilina and Nino are a useless but Amelia is Armor March, Ephraim will be +2 and Hector is DC. Then from Fates awakening path as Grima's VF is nice fodder for some of my armors. Xander is CC for Brunya and Corrin is whatever as I no longer have that old one to merge though I will keep him when I eventually get him. I wonder why they are called "normal" Combat manuals though and what is the part one for. Like the idea of the monthly codes.
  11. From the VG orbs I got a +Hp -Def Chrom. That's fine, but I hope I can get a second blue 5* through sheer luck.
  12. Red looks really good as I want to get an Altina merge and get Roy finally. Green is also really good due to Thrasir and Osian/Nagi (hopefully) and a potential Mythic.
  13. Had 280 saved orbs orbs, these are the 5*s I got. +Res -Hp Sothis +Atk - Hp Duma +Res -Atk Eirika +Hp -Spd Corrin +Res -Def Sothis +Atk -Hp Eirika Overally really good pulls, Sothis is now +3 +Res and she is a bigger monster than before. Corrin is +3 +Atk (Atk because all other were +hp). I now have two anima Mythics and Eirika is +4 +Atk (and I never pulled for her, only for the other reds that were with her). I just have one complaint. Why no blues? Any of the blues would be live savers but I got no blue 5*s at all. I will now snipe in blue with whatever orbs I salvage to get a Julia or an Azura.
  14. So his stats are out, it turns out in the video his +6 Atk from To Change Fate wasn't active. His stats are the following. He seems good enough, his Res is a bit low for my liking and sniping for natures isn't something I am willing to go through.
  15. I think many people are comparing him to Lucina (for obvious reasons) however she is a strictly player phase unit with a kit that supports such a play style. However, Chrom on the other hand has 2 Skills for enemy phase (CC and the Rouse) and one that works with his weapon for reducing the Atk Def of his foes. Lucina mostly outclasses him in PP because he is meant to work on EP. And Chrom most certainly isn't made to strictly nuke as if my calculations are correct he stands at 36 base Atk which, despite Support and B slot fixing this a bit, it still isn't that impressive.
  16. Personally I will pull for Chrom because with his kit and good Atk he will be an excellent unit to use alongside L!Eliwood. He does not care about panic, has on his base kit CC and and inflicts massive Atk/Def debuffs during combat to the enemy. With QR or steady Posture/swift stance Sacred Seal depending on his statline he could be one of my most used units for Abyssals, in game content and even in AR with the support of peony and Eir (hopefully azura too). Essentially, as an enemy phase unit he does fit my playstyle quite a lot, which is mostly about having a unit like him with Eliwood and have that unit take everything.
  17. Despite me waiting for Micaiah or dragon Corrin, Chrom is a fine choice and he also had a long time to get an alt so its all great. Also he seems to be a mixed phase unit and I like those I will be using him if I get him. Red. Why Phina? Yes, I don't disagree she can be a nice unit for vantage and she still is a dancer but I don't have either Special Spiral or Null c disrupt so she will be a waste. Sothis however needs merges and another nature so I will go for red. Blue is really good. Julia and Azura are units I need to merge and finally use respectively. Chrom also is a new hero and a good unit as well. Also I am glad that Close counter is finally available in the monthly pool as Brunya has been waiting for ages to get it. Green is skip as I don't like any of the units. Colourless is simply awesome. Merges for Alm and Corrin is more than I could ask for and Duma is good to have as I want a second Anima Mythic. Overally this is a nice banner, I have currently 270 seved orbs and by the time the banner begins I will be at 289 I think. I don't know if I should spent all of them here or start saving some of them for Brave Edelgard who I intend to +10.
  18. Ike has a DC weapon so I doubt he will be getting a refine soon enough. At shis point I am just waiting for Fae and maybe Cecilia from year one as I have already given up on DC units and staves. From year two I wish for Laegjarn as Niu does need some help in my opinion.
  19. I didn't quite get that heritage part (nearly none of her ancestors are playable so far only Altina and her sister if count her) or do mean her outfit? Regardless something tells me that whenever she comes or whatever she looks like she will be very broken.
  20. If that was the case for Micaiah I could get behind it. Something like a double effective wrathful staff with a follow up or debuff effect, a personal special or healing skill, dazzling staff and perhaps a new tier 4 ploy would be amazing. She would be way more interesting like that compared to Corrin.
  21. I personally hope for King of Valla Male corrin as a colorless dragon. As staves have fallen out of usage quite a lot when it comes to me, also they are harder to score good in modes where it matters and I like dragons quite a lot. Also male Corrin does not have the amount of alts female has (he has 3 she has 4).
  22. Today I got my last Cecilia now I have all the necessary copies to make her +10 and all possible natures. What is her ideal nature what are some builds she can run? Or should I wait for her weapon?
  23. I hope so too, I have broken all my previous orb gathering records for this month and it would be a shame if Berkut is in the banner to pity break me when hunting Azura and Julia (I would be alright if they decided to finally put fallen one here but at this point they just skipped him), while Petra on the other hand is an interesting unit and a character I enjoy.
  24. I agree with Ishtar as she is next in line. However, before Berkut arrives Petra must arrive firstly as Hilda came in January. I too think the legendary will be Colourless. Green can be a surprise as I think the hero fests are going to be an excuse to skip the braves.
  25. The free pulls got me nothing however I spent 18 of the orbs I had for the legendary banner to get a Kana and I did. I am really happy, hopefully she is early in the divine codes to get a 2nd merge. I am at 214 orbs for the legendary banner as of now. And all F2P orbs since the beginning of the TTs thank you anniversary.
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