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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Do weapons like L!Julia's Virtuous Naga work counting only the visible Atk stat or can skills like Light and Dark help activate it? I am stuck with a -Atk one so activating the weapon against 52 Atk enemies or less isn't so reliable.
  2. Dimitri and the other lords will most likely get a legendary/war arc form and the brave alt, Personally I believe "Kill every last one of them'' Dimitri will be legendary and Savior King Dimitri will be brave. But I don΄t think that any of the lords are fitting for a Fallen banner as it is supposed to be about characters being controlled by an evil power or something like that. Even AM endgame Edelgard would be a surprise to me, but cosidering the F!Corrin they pulled last year, I am not that sure.
  3. I think May's new heroes banner will be Fallen Heroes. There are a lot of candidates like Julia controlled by Manfroy, Greil under the medallion's influence, Gunter taken over by Anankos, dead Gustav, Three houses has some candidates depending if they go for spoilers or not (for example, revived Nemesis or Berserk Rhea), perhaps Demon King Lyon (a beast unit or something). After the free 5* in the current fates banner I will start saving with that in the mind. In Julia's revival I will spend something to get a copy or two but I am not that sure as Sothis might come also this month.
  4. I think that's the point, in my eyes at least. Good/successful villains don't always have to be moral/good people or make you feel sympathy for them. Now I agree that the game tries to make you feel sad for him especially at the end with Rinea's murder (something which I didn't like that much). However, that's a thing with the game, as a villain berkut is successful because he makes you want to beat him and stop him and that's a feeling that few antagonists create nowadays and he has to be one of the highlights of echoes (for me).
  5. I actually liked the design, it seemed original with that eye orb thing. The human like and droopy body also mede him stand out to other dragons for me at least. Different tastes I guess. Not a big fan of the mask thing though. To be honest, I voted mostly with the thinking that he still isn't in the game and the results perhaps could be used for making a banner (a farfetched replacement or something like that).
  6. I was torn between Julius and Anankos, Julius because I like his character in general and his story is also really interesting. Anankos because he has a really cool design (best dragon final boss for me at least) and he pretty much is the small amount of lore fates has impersonated. Ar the end went I with Anankos as he isn't in the game as of now while Julius is already.
  7. Free pull in the New Power was a 3* Clair as there weren't any red orbs. Today I also got to 20 orbs and made another round in the rev banner. I ended up getting another Midori and a Kaze so it was a good session. They became manuals along with Gharnef and Hana to pass all the skills to either L. Julia or Brunnya and Kaze has many units wanting that C slot so he waits for now. 10 more summons to go until Lilith.
  8. I think I worded it in a wrong way I meant to say that I find her base kit kind of bad and enemy phase with DC is better for me. I actually thought of a build for her. Rinkah's Club Reposition/swap Bonfire/Aether DC Close call/repel Atk smoke Warding stance (swift stance outside of AR as Eir and Peony won't be available to buff her) She will be supported by Corrin with Refined Yato, Spd Res link (that random Nina was useful), drive def and drive res. Along with Eir and Peony she will have as +Spd +1, 51 Hp, 59 Atk, 57 Spd, 53 Def and 43 Res. Making her pretty scary About Julia, the second and third build are what I am gravitating towards as Corrin and Eliwood could support her and fix things. Also she won't be used in AR, mostly I would say abyssals, as with the third build and Eliwood she would be pretty wild. I also was thinking that the legendary one could also pull of something similar Virtuous Naga Reposition/Swap Iceberg or Moonbow Close Foil Light and Dark Atk smoke QR as I have a +Def one. She will be countering physical melee and due to the B slot she won't have to worry about dragons. Also Weapon and A will be giving her extra stats against ranged opponent too when activated. Though I first need a Close foil.
  9. So I am a bit troubled with Rinkah. I just don't know what tο do with her statline. The one I pulled is +Spd -Red which is a fine nature for what she comes with. And the bane doesn't concern me as I still have 15 pulls in her banner and I could get lucky. With her high Spd I was thinking of Close Call/Repel which is fine, special would be Sol/Aether (Bonfire in AR), However, I am not sure of the rest as Distant foil is pretty bad when compared to its close counterpart or normal DC, however her neutral Res is way too bad. What C slot and SS can I use to raise her Res so I can safely use DC and allow her to take one magical hit (Sol heals her afterwards)? And something else, below is my Julia currently. I build her up today using an unwanted Kiria, a Midori and the Nino manual. In a week or something she reruns so I will try and get some more merges and now that Fae's flowers are finished it basically is just her and Sothis for flowers also note that she gets Corrin or Legendary Eliwood support when used. So expect her stats to be a bit higher than the ones shown here. My question is, if it is better to keep this +Spd nature and try get Lul Atk Spd and with Atk smoke (Spd smoke of fine too) call it a day or should I go +def, keep this Lul, give Atk smoke (when I get it) and swap the seal for Qr. I am 90% sure they have a neutral nature. Think of it like the free brave selection. There is a limit to the blue/visible buffs as only the highest one applies. Invisible buffs from drives etc. can stack as much as you want. One example is what some people are running in AR defence, fliers with the defensive invisible flier buff (I forgot its name) giving the team a massive overall bulk. If you refer to visible buffs then you most likely gave her the maximum number. If you are talking about invisible ones then perhaps you didn't check the conditions of the skill and it's not active at least that's what I think.
  10. I say either healer Elincia or healer Michy in colourless, or Bolverk (whatever Garon's axe is called) Xander. Male Corrin as King of Valla could be also be the case as he fits in all colours if they make him a dragon (but I hope for a Omega Yato one). Whatever the case I will try my best to skip because Fallen Heroes could be next month.
  11. I actually didn't read the whole thing and voted for two random refreshers and not for a duo. I voted azura and Ninian. Would have voted Azura and Shigure if I had red the whole thing (after their heir of fates song at the end).
  12. Free lead was Chrom, there were one colourless and 4 red orbs. At least Flame emperor got Aether for free (wanted a Julia merge though). In the fates banner I summoned 25 units so far, by Wednesday I will have reached 40 (it could have been Tuesday but I am lacking one single orb). Anyway the important stuuf I pulled so far were. +Def -Spd Midori a good nature but I wanted that A slot for Julia so she got foddered. A +Spd -Res Rinkah, which is weird as I don't know what to do with her. A +def -res Nina that got foddered to Male Corrin for the B slot because I didn't want her in my barracks (she is a bad pity breaker that wasted space). A fine summoning session but I didn't get a Lilith to have a +1 after the free one or the last Fae merge. At least Julia is now back in action.
  13. She comes with Atk/Spd bond which due to her wings of mercy effect can be useful, however if going for enemy phase I think DC is way more important that 5 Atk Spd that don't make much difference. When being within 2 spaces of her support partner only with her weapon and C slot a neutral Lilith has 62 Atk, 50 Spd, 33 Def, 36 res. If she is adjacent to partner then just add +1 to all stats and if in AR count bonuses from the Myrhics, also the support partner could be Male Corrin (a really good support unit) so add +4 from Yato. With a solid stat line like that dying to a random archer or mage that could have been taken down just for a bond skill is limiting her potential in my opinion Atk least.
  14. I am personally hoping for a +def one as it gives her equal def and res and it is a good choice I think for DC/enemy phase builds. My concern is the B slot, as a flying dragon she has limited options in general when it comes to skills.
  15. This is the case exactly for me too. Aversa is the queen of Astra, so Iago will be Light. Also I will try to find some Sabotage skills and Ploys for him to benefit from Eir's res boost. And he will be pretty good.
  16. Forest and Midori are pretty uninteresting. However I will try to get a midori to give Julia Atk/Def Rally, Close foil and Chill Atk. Rinkkah is pretty interesting, though I am not sure about her res as I find it too low and unlike someone like Shanan her weapon doesn't fix it. Lilith is awesome. Her Atk is workable, her spd is at the levels of winter Sothis her res is really good. All I want is a +def version. With Noontime DC, Atk smoke and Eliwood she will be a monster. Iago has an interesting tome he could be nice for AR, will definitely +6 him somewhere along the line (and use him in Dark most likely due to the extra Atk and Res but I am not sure).
  17. I will go for the 40 summon thing for this banner, get a guaranteed Lilith and then save for fallen heroes next month. As I never touched the Archanean games the special banner won't be that interesting. Midori has a really good weapon that would be scary on someone like a +10 Norne, with a 2 cooldown special or with heavy blade/B. Lucina support. Personally I am going to be using the rest of her kit for Julia as Naga tome already covers dragons. With Lul atk/red, Atk smoke and QR she will be awesome. Rinkah, I don't care about her that much. To use her though I would revamp her entire kit and she would be properly invested in after Kana so it doesn't change things that much. Forrest was done dirty, a shame truly. Another male demoted in an (almost) full female banner since Valentine and his statline is making things worse. But for the 135 orbs thing I will be pulling. I am so excited about Lilith, her weapon is phenomenal hopefully she has trainee boost to make up for being a flying dragon. She can't use Galeforce to take advantage of her movement and as an enemy phase unit she has double effectiveness and to cover one the seal is filled and does not have any good B slot options (Luls, Nuls, Special fighter). But I want her regardless.
  18. Enlightened Bylass was my choice of teacher. I would go with Cecilia but I never used her in Binding blade so I have no experience of her.
  19. In the Guidance banner my free pull was a neutral Olivia, my second Flying dancer. Slapped her Moonbow and wings of mercy and along with Peony and Rinea they are ready to help any nuke kill stuff. Problem is I don't have any nukes.
  20. One of the better channels. The 30 year celebration is nice, I will go in green for free DC, or a Julia merge, or her mother. Out of the Ghbs Julius excites me the most as he will be +6 now. And generally free stuff is appreciated. The Summoning changes are really good, obvious demotions and a free focus after 40 summons 135 orbs in new hero banners, so 160 in seasonals I think. It really is a nice change (guaranteed +1 Brave Edelgard was my first thought). The new banner is nice as the last fates banner was the beast one (and I hated that one). Lilith is going to be my focus because Dragon. Also will close counter finally be in the pool with midori? Young Marth and Caeda are nice but I don't care that much.
  21. I do believe that the Channel will be pretty soon (by tomorrow's reset it will be here). The previous one was mixing the 30 year Anniversary with April fools. I doubt that's the only thing they have for 30 years of FE . I expect a teaser for the banner (they did this with Halloween, Thrasia and Valentine), Summoning changes like removing some 4/5 to 3/4 but I want year 2 units to be kept, especially with the new refines being really good. The accessories of the first beast banner and Kliff's hat.
  22. Go in the shop section. There from the Pass page go to the website. In the home page of said website the next resplendent is shown. After Sophia, Azura is next in line. It is also in the notification board at the end of the notification about the current one, though the website has art and some voicelines.
  23. I got from today's orbs a +Hp -Atk Bramimond. I certainly didn't expect him but now the Mythic Banner is most likely over for me (unless I make some random summons here and there). As much as I would like at least one Camilla or Bramimond merge, Robin is way too scary, also with -Atk he has the same Atk as Sothis and he could be used in Abyssals.
  24. Sweeped through Infernal using the amazing Duo of Eliwood and Peony along with Brave Michy and Winter Sothis. Both with 52 base Atk got constantly the buff. Abbysal was going good until the last two enemies. The range of the green Manakete was the same as Braimond's and its defuffs were a big trouble as Atk and Spd were necessary to double and kill Braimond, with a dance and a Galeforce on PP as enemy phase EP Braim destroyed everything. However, Michy with repo saved Eliwood as she allowed him not to get debuffed and reach Braimond.
  25. I am a bit confused with the penalty nullifing weapons and skills. Like Legendary Chrom, Spring Iddun and tier 4 Bonds. I don't understand how they work especially how do they react against panic. And descriptions are not very helpful.
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