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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Really happy Mila is in the game as she was one of my most anticipated Mythics and her art is amazing as it feels (as many have pointed out) right out of an old school rpg. As a unit I don't think I need her as my light setup is pretty much closed and consists of Eir, Peony, Brave Michy, Fallen Ike and Bonus. It is working extremely well and having to manage when to use her over one of the other Mythics is more trouble than it's worth. I prefare Peony's Gentle dream and flower of joy and Eir is desperately needed because of the Res buff and extra healing, Ike does the tanking and Michy inflicts penalties on everyone and nukes stuff. I don't see any reason to use her over any of these guys if I want to be honest. Don't care about blue exept Julia which I got as Fallen this month so I don't feel I need another one, Green with Annette is interesting as I would like a chance to get best rallybot however I don't want either an osian or Hector that much. Red is divine, Eliwood and Lercei merges and Lif is an interesting unit. Colourless for me is not so exciting as I have an Alm which I don't like that much as a unit compared to his amazing wife and Leif is interesting but really never caused me many problems to feel the urge to try to pull him and Mila is not as necessary in my opinion as a new Astra hero would be. So it boils down to some Red pulls with colourless backup maybe unit I hopefully get one of the reds.
  2. Another month waiting for Fae's refine. What at least gives me hope is that because of how much it is delayed it will be really good (as far as I am concerned a copy of Gwendolyn's weapon would be perfect but anything would be great). However, Myrrh also deserved one since she is a 5* exclusive and her weapon may be good, but nowadays it is falling behind a bit. Something like refined Gleipnir would be great as great flame would be a small Zephyr breath. Stopping follow ups, penalty nulification and the penalties on the enemy would reduce reduce damage, increase her damage and help activate the base effect. Another idea would be making the Def difference smaller like 2 or 1 and the refine would grant a follow up for the same def difference along with Iote's Shield. Don't care that much about the rest.
  3. Yeah, I am not a big fan of this. The red Fallens are mostly here to stay in my raiding parties so I would like more bonus time for them. However, I still appreciated having the offensive mythics as bonuses as I have all of them and it allowed some more creativity. After this rotation of bonuses I might stick to 140 lift per match unless there is Water season so that Fjorm can shine. Anyway, today Fallen Ike was spectacular. He helped me get through the day without a single death and the bonus stats allowed him to even double resplendent Eliwoods and survive Ophelias. The last slot went to either Legendary Julia or Legendary Eliwood. I mostly used Eliwood as he has Atk/Spd rouse and the bonus doubler stats helped Ike a lot.
  4. When it comes to Arena I try to maintain T20 and maybe one day reach T21. This was the first week I stayed in T20. I always use a core team of 3 units and the necessary bonus unit. My core consists of Aversa, Fae and Flame Emperor. Aversa has her max score, Fae requires either two 300 SP skills or a personal weapon and a 300 SP skill and Flame Emperor needs the last merges (I started building him last week and he is +7 so that's impressive for me) and also a 300 SP C slot. I have an available DC and Joint Hone Spd from Duo Marth and Hector which I never use or from the codes (I am reaching Hector). However before making rash decisions I will wait for Fae's weapon. My playstyle is enemy phase oriented. I use Fae and the Flame Emperor to kill units in enemy phase Aversa for support and if the bonus unit is not so good then I feed them a kill using Aversa's help.
  5. Will go with the Dark Knight as he is the only one I have, he might be a lvl 1 4* however he is going to lose anyway so I will go to team feathers after his loss.
  6. I used my 10 orbs alongside the tickets to get an Edelgard however, I didn't get anything. I hope IS stops releasing all my favourites one after the other.
  7. I'm glad I am not the only one. I plan on making her +10, however I doubt I will have enough orbs by mid August to do so.
  8. Did the 40 pulls and got the Ike. I changed his nature to neutral +1. This was a very good banner. I got a +1 +Atk Fallen Ike, +Def +1 Fallen Julia and a +Res +1 Eyvel. Now begins the saving period for Brave Edelgard.
  9. Did 3 more pulls and got a +Res Eyvel. I am very happy as out of nowhere I ended up with a +Res +1 Eyvel, when I get a DC I will give it to her. 1 last pull remaining and I will begin saving until mid August for CYL. As much as I wanted a Michy, the Brave one does the nearly the same job.
  10. Thanks, staying in T20 is going to be my goal then.
  11. This season has to be the best one so far. I am certain I will stay in T20 for the first time, my score is 3790. Do I have any chances of staying in T21 (don't think so but wanted to confirm) ?
  12. Julia or another unit that needs HM (W.Sothis or duo Iddun) with L.Eliwood and Peony will do the trick. Bonus will be the 4* Hinata as the 5* one is fodder for the Flame Emperor. For Autobattle I will use Altina, Flame Emperor, Legendary Chrom and bonus Hinata.
  13. I also saw this (possibly) on this guy's You Tube channel. And I think that also confirms that dominance grants true damage like Lunar Arc and not Blade tome damage. Micaiah is truly broken, I might consider pulling for her after the 40 summons (I am at 35 and tomorrow I'll be at 36). @DiovaniBressan congrats on Michy, have fun with dominance.
  14. Her bow, A and B skill are really great to have and you sould keep them. Slap Reposition, Moonbow and maybe Swift Sparrow seal and she would be good to go and the C slot is relatively open.
  15. At the Fallen banner I am at 35 summons, 5 more to go for Ike, I believe I will have gotten him before the next light season begins. In the bridal I threw 4 orbs and got a Tethys and an Azama (both 3 star of course). Priority is the Fallen right now. However, depending on my budget, I might make a pull or two to trey and get a Michy but I am not that sure.
  16. 32 pulls, 8 left to go, the pull was a neutral Eyvel. Under normal circumstances this would be a meh, however I am now playing Thracia for the first time and I am having lots of fun so I was really excited to get her.
  17. The only interesting reward aside aside from the usual (orbs, coins feather etc.) is Hinata and his axe as it is a new and Interesting toy for the flame Emperor. The seals are pretty uninteresting. Although my Adrift Camilla I think has the other one so I could at least have it there but overall pretty uninteresting. As for bonus units I have none of them. I will use the 4* Hinata as bonus (as I doubt I will freepull any of the banner units) along with Fallen Julia, Edelgard (she will be replaced by flame Emperor along the way) and Peony.
  18. Thank you people, this is my new headcanon from now on.
  19. No 5* freebie but the Fallen banner gave me another Julia +Res -Hp, despite what I was originally thinking I merged as I also didn't have any use for her fodder. 9 more to go until Ike merge.
  20. For a bridal banner it's nice getting actual "couples" instead of random girls (mostly) because fanceervice and profit. Nailah/Rafiel are nice. The garments of Hinata and Oboro look really good. I get why people are mad about the duo Michy and Sothe, but I don't think too much of it. The more you try to apply real life logic to fiction the more confused you end up being. Unitwise Nailah, Oboro and Rafiel are boring and I don't care about them. Hinata comes with an axe version of Oboro's weapon, repricorial aid, Atk def bond and Close Guard. I will give his axe to the Flame Emperor as another alternative. Michy is pretty good, stacking Atk and res, having her typical double effective time and now being coloueles meaning she doesn't get Colour disadvantage and can be a better nuke, especially with her Duo skill with allowed her to take down the most tanky foes (at least I believe). However, pulling strictly for her is a bad idea especially when considering I am still going for the 40 summons in the Fallen banner and CYL is coming soon enough. Also I am using CYL Michy A Lot and her mixed offensive and supportive role is something invaluable and I sint think she is that worth pulling. One last (dumb) question she is a flying unit due to Yune's powers etc Does Sothe fly too or simply walk over rivers and mountains?
  21. I really hope so too, make them a broken duo unit to try and make up for the lack of alts Sigurd and Deirdre have. Also having them with the Hoshidan/Eastern outfits would be way more interesting than the Western ones we have had for 3 years or so. But I doubt this will be the case.
  22. I like the Japanese style for this year's bridal banner. However, I generally dislike the bridal theme and the banner itself most of the time is pretty boring. Also I don't see however why fates has to be there just because the banner has a hoshidan theme.
  23. Ended up in Tier 25, I lost one match and a unit a previous one and that's why I didn't go to to 26. However, this is the first time I went that good in light season and it's all thanks to Fallen Ike.
  24. I went for green in the revival banner hoping for Armor March as I didn't pick the Olwen manual (or a random Edelgard pity breaker would be perfect but I should stop dreaming). I got a Gunter. In the Fallen banner I am at 29 summons, 11 more to go for the free Ike. I made 2 more pulls today and I got a Raigh and an Athena at least I have another Moonbow fodder.
  25. Edelgard is well liked I think, if she wasn't she wouldn't be so controversial. Many people disagree with her methods for doing things and that makes them hate her, while some other people like her and defend her, both exist and that's why there is such a ruchus over her. Also I don't know about the early popularity polls however in CYL she was first meaning that she has a bigger following than we may believe. I mostly agree with what was mentioned about the difference between Edelgard and Arvis. I do believe however there are some small similarities, for example both of them are willing to work with the evil cult to achieve their goals and that is something they don't like. Both have scenes where they mention to the cult leader how they don't care about their goals, Arvis saying to Manfroy how he won't help with the resurrection of Loptous and Edelgard as Flame Emperor telling Thales how there will be no salvation for their kind. Also Arvis after his conquest of Jugdral for a period he bacame a great leader, something that Edelgard also is mentioned to be in CF where she managed to win the war and her system made Fodlan better (the ending says something like that). This is where the similarities end, as in the future with Julius being taken over by Loptous and the Sect gaining even more power and at the end becoming nothing more than a figurehead, Arvis saw how he failed and needed to pass the troch to someone. However, we see Edelgard during her conquest not afterwards, we don't know how she felt after the war only her actions (taking out the Agarthans and having a successor). Arvis did similar things to what Edelgard did during his conquest (invading other nations, killing lots of innocents with Sigurd and his army being part of the victims). I doubt during that time he felt the need to atone for his crimes or give power to someone else, if Sigurd was magically saved and asked the throne Arvis would most likely burn him again. Which brings me to another point, many people bring how Edelgard doesn't surrender or atone for her crimes. I would be disappointed if she did because that would contradict with what her character is established as, a prideful and a bit arrogant woman who wants to forge her path no matter the consequences, she believes that her dream world is the perfect one and she doesn't trust anyone to do this, only after she knows she lost she is willing to give power to someone (indirectly) by killing her. Also it would be pretty bad overall and anticlimactic if she was speaking of her dreams like that, caused an entire continent-wide war and suddenly she was sorry about that and wanted Dimitri or Byleth to become rulers of a united fodlan because she did bad things (things both of them have also done to an extent).
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