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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. I think the fallen heroes theme is nice to have and it doesn't do much harm as it is the only way to have these alts that at least are canonical in some form. Stuff like the bridal banner serve no purpose to me as it only is fanservice (or I am simply not aware of May being connected to brides). Also there never have been demotions from these banners, all the units have always been 5* exclusive so this is nothing new. Lastly, the GHBs always have personal weapons that are pretty solid and the units themselves always offer some utility. Also I had some thoughts concerning the units. Corrin might have trainee BST like his female self and end up at 178. Most Dragon Corrins and even Lilith I think had it. Ashnard hopefully is good and does not get the same treatment other GHB male wyvern riders got. Lastly, about Ike how will the effect work with Panic? For example, he has a -7 Atk debuff from a Chill and he is also panicked, he has +5 Atk from his C slot that becomes -5 because of the panic. His base Atk will be reduced by 12 points, so will Chaos Rangel grant +24 during combat to make up for all the penalties or +14 to only fix the the chill and how will bonus doubler be affected by it?
  2. First they release Legendary Edelgard and said banner gives me only a Celica and a 10.00 pity rate, then they release Fallen with Julia on it and she shares with Ike the star of the banner. I wonder if the mythic will be Anankos or Ashera just to make me suffer even more. I want to save orbs to +10 Brave Edelgard but IS releases my favourites one after the other. Regardless this banner is interesting but boring at the same time, Corrin is a blue copy of Female with guard and I have to say that being Colourless has saved her countless times so I am reluctant on blue as many new threats are green. Lyon is purely anti ranged which is not a Niche I like. Julia is one of my favourites and I like her the most as a unit and character our of all of them. Dark Scripture, Rally Atk/Def+, Noontime, Close Foil, Light and Dark, Atk smoke or Panic smoke and an enemy phase seal (I have a spare midori Manual just for something like this) . She would be perfect and with the 40 summon thing it will be no problem at all. Ike is also really good and I could see him being really useful due to his incredibly good skillset that has nearly everything. I will do the 135 summons to get any units and the free one will be Julia as I truly want her and I want to be guaranteed to get her. Skipping the Bridal and Beach banners is not that hard as in the 3 years of playing Fae I have never spent more the 20 orbs on these banners. Also few new heroes banners can really catch my attention during the summer where Brave will be coming, so the damage can be mitigated I just have to completely skip the Legendary and Mythic banners as they are complete bait and waste my orbs most of the times.
  3. I'm with Nagi and honestly this is the first time the character I side with originally has gone that far. Good luck to everyone.
  4. I am at 10.00, at this point I don't care about Edelgard I just want a 5* to be able to take my leave. Also having gotten 3 Faes consecutively now while trying for months to get the last one really hurt my feelings.
  5. I would love an Awakening styled game but with Fodlan. Archanea, thousands of years after Marth's wars and after more events, is named Ylise and Marth is a legend. For example thousand of years after Edelgard's war another conflict happened that made the truth of what happened during Edel's war uncertain (keeping the no canon/golden route thing that the developers want). The focus can be Sothis and the Nabateans and the world so many years after this great war and the other event (like Grima's and the first Exalt's battle). We could have Seteth, Flayn be present. No Rhea however as she is killed in some routes or is really weak in some others. It could work with some refinement. Or a war of heroes prequel about Seiros, Nemesis and the Nabateans.
  6. TH is easily one of my favourite games in the entire series, competing heavily with Genealogy. The story, lore and characters are phenomenal and surpass Jugral in that regard (for me at least). I liked the dark theme TH went for as it was also what made me love Genealogy. I just think that TH did it better due to how everyone was morally gray and not inherently evil they are all people who act on treir beliefs, just following them means that some people must die. Foldan as a world is extremely interesting with all that backstory and lore and the characters are really memorable. I would love future games keeping this gray morality and dark themes. Also it offers the entire experience in one cartridge and not as separate games, not to hate on fates but it's was a petty move to say the least. Gameplay wise, TH did some really good things but messed up in certain areas also. New ideas like the Gambits, battalions, the Combat arts that were improved from Echoes, also though sceptical about it the way the weapon triangle became optional was something I admit I enjoyed at the end, adjutants were a pretty fun system to play with. These are the stuff that with some balancing and or just as it is I hope that can carry over to a new title. Also NG+ and Maddening are extremely fun and though nearly all games have this super crazy difficulty, the idea of NG+ especially combined with said difficultly made the experience way more enjoyable and fun. I think that the next game even if a remake should have NG+ as it made the experience way better. However, to say that TH doesn't have flaws would be a lie. The map design is really bad, with some exceptions of course but generally most maps were reused and boring and the fact that multiple replays are a must, some maps become simply unbearable. Also the class system is not so enjoyable, the idea of being able to be whatever you want is interesting but most units end up doing the same things mastering the same classes and leaving creativity out. Also mastering some classes gave combat arts that you could not use outside of said class undermining arts like Astra as there are better classes than swordmaster. I just think that skills were way too passive especially support oriented ones as they only had 1 range. Lastly my biggest complain is how tedious replaying White Clouds is after multiple playthroughs, it becomes a grind and the monastery especially during the war phase can tire you out a lot. I think that exploration in form of dungeons as in Echoes was way better and it made me extremely sad that it wasn't in the game. The classes and maps can easily be fixed for a future game. However, I would like the monastery to either become less tedious or be removed as it drains from the enjoyment (however interacting with the characters like that was really nice). To sum up TH did many things correct and definitely they should move to other games in some form. For example, the story and the new implementations in the gameplay that changed the typical FE formula like battalions, monster enemies etc. However, stuff like Maps and classes should be improved and the base should not be the center of the gameplay.
  7. Things are pretty bad when it comes to the Edelgard banner. All these orbs and nothing, I am at 9.50 and get only 1 or 0 green orbs per session. And now that Fae is done and I managed to get a second Reyson to remove the bane it essentially is waiting for any 5* to pity break me. I really wished I could grab an Edelgard (my ideal scenario is +Atk +1 but I don't see that being the case). Guess I will pull until the banner ends and then hoping that Fallen is gone I will focus on the Brave one. The other free pulls from the picnic and revival got me nothing except a -Def Picinic Lukas (useless fodder bad nature). After getting Lilith and Caeda my luck has been pretty bad.
  8. I guess I didn't explain myself properly as I wanted to be quick. In my opinion at least, both of them have nearly no flaws expect their gimmick (which can't be considered as a flaw especially in the case of Petra). Not that I don't realise that they have merits, for example Petra fighting for Brigid and being more of a "Hostage" in there is something that gives her depth. Also both of them have some nice supports however, I felt that they were not developing that much compared to the other character. It is an opinion I formed quite a while back as it's been a while since I last used them so things could change as now I am replaying Black Eagles.
  9. This will be long. 1st. Blue Lions 2nd.Black Eagles 3rd. Golden Deer I don't have the DLC so I don't have anything to say about it.
  10. That's a pattern I don't like personally. Legendaries are full of important characters and for filler they have great one non lord ones like Julia, Azura etc. However Mythics despite having so many candidates they insist on putting OCs like Thrasir, Lif and potentially Hel and then the fairies. While there are countless characters that can be mythics from the entire Series, especially now that lore characters like Altina and Bramimond can become mythics.
  11. As I mentioned in another topic (I didn't notice this one existing), I want to refrain from pulling in from now on for Brave Edelgard after this banner or a fallen one. However, the following banners from now until July are some of the best ones for me, as at least 2 colours offer units of great value. If the new heroes banner in a few days is fallen then most likely Gunter will be in there so I don't see them pulling an Anankos and the Mythic could be a Tellius one (Ashera, Dheginsea, Soan etc.) or something from 3H like Seiros, Nemesis, Rhea even. If the banner is Tellius (Crimean Knights or Dawn brigade) then the mythic could be Anankos or the something else. My point is I doubt they will go on to make banners in the same month from the same game.
  12. Looking at this schedule the really good/necessary stuff is May, Alm/Leif and Lif/Eliwood. June has Sothis, Azura and Chrom then July Red and Green and afterwards August etc. is as boring as it goes. I really must be disciplined in thought and action as Altina would say for Brave Edelgard to get to +10.
  13. When compared to Bramimond from previous month the abyssal of Edelgard was a piece of cake. The team was the typical duo of Legendary Eliwood and Peony and the two Sothises, the winter and the mythic one. Both stand at 52 Atk so it was easy. Also having Sothis herself take down Edelgard is strangely fun. I just put RegSothis and Peony take down the armor slayer and Winter one with Eliwood cleared the other side. Then move move back to defeat the other enemies and leave Edelgard next to the Armor then RSothis took them down
  14. I completed my second 5* +10 project today, regular Fae. I begun building her January and now she is done. I want to giver her a tier 4 skill and a double rally for scoring purposes but for what I use her for she is more than good (autobattle, other events and Abyssals). Also here is my other +10, Aversa.
  15. Was with 80 orbs but because Edelgard I decided to go for it. Could have gone better but it was fine. Not a single blue orb for potential Ephraim or even Naga. And the green ones were in total 5. The rest colourless and red. However, the only 5* I got was green thankfully and it was a +Hp -def Celica, which I didn't appreciate at the beginning however after she cleared 4 abyssals out of the box I am just hoping a +Atk version comes now or in September. And the one I am truly happy about the last merge for Fae. Don't care about whatever golden week might bring so will keep going for greens and pray that the new banner is Tellius to skip.
  16. I am just concerned over how will she be dealing with the lack of follow up attacks and how that will affect her chances of activation GF. Though yes Aymr is a better weapon overall and gives her quite a lot of Atk and bulk allowing her to be really dangerous even in Enemy phase.
  17. The problem is not Edelgard getting a Legendary version now, the problem is the title for me at least. Also knowing the patterns of IS with the female and BE bias and when also considering that so far all monthly heroes have been Male (Lif, Chrom, Bramimond) it becomes pretty apparent as to who would be the first 3H legendary. This means that the other two will arrive soon enough, I expect the next Legendary to be either Claude, or they could move Peony to make a place for Dimitri in June and August goes to the last one of them. August however can be a filler (hopefully Seliph) as during that period the Lords will receive the Brave alts. About Edelgard as a unit I have been thinking of how to make her more consistent. I am wondering, how will Brave axe be one her supposing she has around 40 to 43 (when considering that a random seasonal had 43, she does deserve that Akt stat with a super boon as she is a Legendary that could appear again in September). Brave axe, Galeforce, her base kit and Heavy blade can give her the consistency she might lack allowing her to kill and activate the special effectively as depending on OHKOing the foe isn't the best thing.
  18. The young Archanea banner gave me aside from Caeda, a useless then Siegbert however, now that he has a weapon refine that is going to change. Whatever the refine I hope I can get lucky and free pull him as the current one is +Hp -Spd, not the best nature out there.
  19. I would like for him to be a calvary sword, based on his promotion. His Tyfing shouldn't be oriented for GF something because then competition will be massive and we don't need more new Galeforce Cavs. Defensive or enemy/mixed phase cavaliers are not a thing most of the time while Galeforce cavs are all around so he could do that. Skillwise, I would like something like the weapon of legendary Chrom but with Atk/Spd and a different activation requirement like, enemy phase or foe is mage, staff or dragon, and remove the effective damage for a slaying effect or make it a typical dual Cav/Armor also instead of Atk it should give res+3 as the original did. Special can be whatever, Miracle is what I am thinking especially if his sword is slaying but it doesn't matter. He should have Lul Atk/Spd in the B slot and a personal A slot that has DC, nullifies cav Effectiveness and grants Atk/res +4 in enemy phase or the guard effect (Julia had 3 effects why not him). The C slot can be whatever but something like a new tier 4 skill is what I say (Atk smoke 4 or something like a joint drive for example ). All monthly horoes have a personal weapon and skill and introduce a new inheritable one. Also what I suggested is pretty tame especially when considering that he will arrive in October the earliest as now that Edelgard got into the game it is only a matter of time before Dimitri and Claude are added in these monthly banners and with CYL4 increasing the BST range most likely and with powercreep becoming greater he could be an even bigger monster.
  20. Is it? Then if staves could use it, they would get another great option as when running healers for mixed support and offense sometimes having some heroes act before you move can be wise. Also you won't care about positioning, or your Hp making it a small swift sparrow in the hands of the player at least. But that is my take on things. About the colours. Red and colourless are as bad as it goes. Blue also pretty skipable as I don't have a use for the units in there except Ephraim, which I already have one and he is really powerful as it is, not needing merges. However, his A B skills are a must for Edelgard, as even if I sacrifice another lul Atk/Def, heavy blade 4 is a tier 4 skill which she needs as she is run in Arena because of her high merges (accidental +6) and frees up the SS which is needed by other units too. Green is the highlight of the entire banner for me, as I don't have a proper mage except Thrasir and Brave Michy so Celica will help a lot. Also Nagi is good fodder and needs merges. Edelgard being one of my favourites and wothher ability to move 3 times I am seriously tempted. Before pulling I will see what golden week has in store and might wait to see what the new banner is, to have a good idea whether it is worth pulling or save and hope for next time she appears.
  21. Yes banner are always revealed there however, are they really going to have a channel while the anniversary celebration is still going technically? In game announcements are are than fine to announce some new packs, a login bonus and stuff like that. Regardless, in a few days we will learn from the refines if there is going to be a channel or not.
  22. I am extremely happy that Edelgard got a Legendary alt. However, I am only at 50 orbs now because of how cruel the rev banner was at the end only to give me an Eirika, also fallen could be the next banner and that means a possible Julia and Anankos and with some waiting I could do the 40 summon thing. Also Eddie herself isn't something I am going crazy skillwise. I am not that keen on player phase units, she could be an exception if double Galeforce can be a thing with the B and GF as a special. I have some thinking do do if I pull or not. I personally hope that next Legendary is either Claude or Peony is moved to make room for Dimitri. Also, will we know the next new heroes before the legendary banner is over?
  23. I will pull only if it is fallen, which I hope it is as I enjoy that theme. Also, I would love to see Fallen Julia with nosferatu. However, Tellius would not be a bad idea. It has been a while since the game had a banner, also if Fallen is skipped for a Tellius (or nearly any banner) more orbs for Brave Edelgard which I had forgotten about.
  24. The only one I have built is Nagi so she will be the one. Also it's pretty fun watching her take almost 0 magical damage because of 47 res stat at base.
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