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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Honestly, I really don't care about Fallen Celica as no matter what they try to pull of she still won't be able to compete or at least have a niche over all the swordies that surpass her in every possible way. Other book 2 units can utilise a possible refine way more productively. The ones I am thinking are, Bownoka, Original Michy, Flora, Horse Chrom, Ishtar, FlyNino/Karla, Lewyn, the Adrift bunch in the distant duture, the Muspel generals (Laegjarn and Helibindi mostly), and last but not least Surtr and Ophelia, those two need refines desperately. But I can see Celica this month. I just want Fae to get a good refine soon enough and maybe Flora somewhere down the line as I remembered I have a +1 that could use one.
  2. My bad, it talked about seasonals so I presumed it was in the middle of October. Still I can see a potential channel.
  3. Though AB isn't gone I do believe that a new mode is coming soon enough and it may even be linked with that new hero type the datamine revealed. It being a weekly rotation would be weird but if the rewards were nearly the same, I really don't mind it. I just hope that they give a free unit of the new hero type somewhere down the line to help players get started in the mode or give them a small boost, similar to how there aren't any free pair up legends something that at the beginning of AB crippled my ability to score high. Regardless in the following days I expect a channel to release similar to how it happened in October (it also was in the middle of the month I believe). They will talk about the seasonals, the new mode and the new hero type. Channels happen every two months meaning that a new one is probably around the corner and afterwards in August the CYL one will take place.
  4. Honestly, this book has to be my favourite so far. Book 3 was great but I feel the ending was way too rushed and the villian being another "force of nature" like Surtr was boring. But so far things are looking great, we are at the "middle" of the book and already we are to the nightmare world and Plumeria is out, meaning that it won't be as rushed as 3 and Freya doesn't seem to be a villian that's bad for the sake of it also her relationship with Freyr and the children "abducting" make her at least to stand out. The pacing and story is solid as well, I was reading the story again during the quests and it wasn't as boring as 2 and 3 (to a lesser extent) were. I think I like Book 4 so much mainly because it subverted my expectations (in a good way) as to what Fairy Emblem would be.
  5. Personally I am not looking forward to this. Duos are fine, as they are only an offence thing and unless we are talking about Alfonse rarely you will see them in defence maps as their skill is a pretty big factor to their performance, but at the same time their skills are pretty fun and spice things up. What I fear is that we will end up having another new hero type locked to seasonals or generally to super premium units which means unless there is an Ephraim situation we probably never will get an easily accessible one. Also considering how non necessary duos are they might try to fix that, which means that a new mode or something might capitalise on them. But I guess I am being way too negative about them.
  6. Congrats, she looks amazing. Where do you think you will you be using her?
  7. I have maxed the HM from about 15 units (the ones I use most of the time). Currently I am going through the boring and tedious process of completing all the Grandmaster Tactic drills (using guides), finishing all blessed gardens (did it) , and clearing up any chain challenges I only am left with the Paralogues. I find HM grinding quite tedious and time consuming with rewards that aren't that "immediate". However I must grab more feathers as I have 11 4* Cecilias, 9 4* Nowis (both of them have all available natures ready), I must also promote to 5* Ashnard and Gangrel when he arrives as far as units go. When it comes to skills there is a Cordelia (Galeforce) and a lightning breath I need to fodder.
  8. I remembered her dialogue with Freyr where she was more playful and associated her with a more young appearance. However our of all the book 4 OCs she and her brother seem the most "mature" to me.
  9. I also would like her to look more like Mila however from her lines so far you can kind of tell she is "young". Regardless she is the only fairy I will spend orbs to get as I really like her design a lot. Hopefully she becomes playable at some point through a new heroes banner and does not get the Hel treatment.
  10. Easy skip, I don't care about any of the units gameplay wise. Mirabilis is interesting and will be an amazing debuffed however she is Anima which is full and doesn't truly need anything else as far as my defense is concerned. I don't understand why fill out all 4 Anima heroes while Astra has only two, one being Naga which has to be the worst mythic hero? She would have been very good as an offensive hero and an amazing replacement for the lackluster unit that Naga is. Anyway I will use only the tickets and the free summon in Red or Blue to hopefully get lucky and pull a Mirabilis to use or Anna/Say'ri to fodder. From what the meet the heroes page showcased Gangrel will most likely be a dagger unit wielding a levin dagger I guess. Does anyone know what's the weapon that Emmenym uses on her introduction?
  11. I get people why don't like the new way of implementing OCs but I actually like it. The idea of making them mythics is fine, however I really hate the fact that they take up spots in mothly banners that other mythic candidates need way more. I also don't like putting them in a banner afterwards like the Muspel generals as it means that by the time we are done with the book we will be getting OCs in a benner or two afterwards and they won't be so relevant anymore. Having them as mythics that make their debut in a regular banner seems to me like the best choice. IS can release them whenever they are actually relevant and as Emmeryn showcased it doesn't stop them from releasing 5 new heroes per banner. However, some of them should be free. For example, Mirabilis is shown fighting in our side during the cinematic and she will be present during the story, so why isn't she free like Peony? Same thing applies to Fjorm's siblings to a lesser extent.
  12. When are we expected to get the teaser for the new heroes?
  13. First time I stayed in T21. I was surprised as I didn't check the rankings but it is extremely welcome. Mila this season scores similarly to Julia so I can maybe get another crown, T20 is guaranteed at least and I am fine with that. If I drop to 20 however will the crown be kept or I will lose it? Generally how do they work?
  14. The most definining one was when I first played heroes, as it pretty much introduced me to FE. I was reading the stories/descriptions of the characters and I was interested in them. Then my first or second pull was a 5* young Tiki (perhaps this is part of the reason as to why I like dragons so much). Then I gave up the game as I was pretty bored, joining again a bit before the Alm banner where I got him. By the time the CYL banner released I was actively playing the game. Other moments where when I finally got in T21 for the first time, after the hell that was T16 up to T20 I was really happy. Also finishing my first 5* +10 Aversa which is one of my favourite units. Today I received my first crown so that is also something I guess.
  15. Fist time on Tier 26 and my first Golden Throne most likely, I would be at 27 but today I got a loss. Had I gotten at least one defence win I would have stayed in T27.
  16. These two completely skipped my mind. Still, being seasonals is limiting their availability a lot as they are available twice per year at the very best. But my point still stands that flying bows which clade is guaranteed to be doesnt have lots of variety and options as a class and Red doesn't have any of them. Also I don't want him to be colourless as he would be a competition for Leif and Alm and more broken colourless bow Legendaries would be something I am not looking forward to.
  17. I would say that Claude is a possibility as a red flying bow. We don't have many flying bows and there isn't a coloured one so he could be the first (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). Also Edelgard with Aymr is green and Dimitri with Areadbhar will definitely be blue so to have a Lord of every colour it would make sense he is red (I am not counting byleth).
  18. This and the next month have really good banners. This month in Red could have Sothis, with Lysithea/Eyvel and possibly a new hero along and blue Azura, Chrom and Peony makes it hard to pass. Also July's Altina, Ike, Roy and Thrasir, Edelgard are amzing. However I have to pass all of these (also skip Winter Sothis merge). I am waiting for August as it will be after CYL and it has DC fodder alongside Eirika which is +4 for some weird reason. Colourless has has Bramimond and Mila and both are +HP -Atk so they desperately need merges. Also Double the special of August will have Alfonse which is a unit I really want to use.
  19. Spend 5 orbs and I got a Mila. She has the worst possible nature (for me at least) +Hp -Atk. The same nature as Bramimond. August's colourless is going to be a must.
  20. I don't think we will get a FEH channel this month or the next one. We will get one at the end of July for August it will talk about the update and CYL. This is how it happened in the previous years.
  21. Yes they always do. If you can't find it in-game the current or the upcoming month's legendary/mythic speculation thread will have a full on timetable of all the reruns. In-game it is in the notifications in the banner announcements, you must press more and there is an option called notes on this banner it is there written. To answer your answer directly, Julia is in August and Leif in September.
  22. Tried with 15 orbs didn't get anything so I might as well stop. Edelgard's banner also at 20 summons hasn't given me a single 5* and as there isn't time to go for 40 I will stop on both. Maybe I will make a random pull in Red or colourless but that's it for the most part. On another note, the dream of +10 Brave El slowly fades away considering how the rerun drained my orbs and I doubt I will have at least 1200 by August but I will try.
  23. These are pretty much my own predictions. June has a red Legendary (Selioh or Sigurd) along with Lysethea, and the fillers are Ced and Eleoneora. I could see a possible Ashera being blue as she is Ashunera is a better colourless and ashera is associated with light so she could be blue.
  24. That was a really fun abyssal. I used Spring Iddun, Legendary Eliwood, Peony and Brave Michy. Iddun handled the top of the map and baited for the rest of the battle the Firesweep archer and the staff and slowly killed Mila. The rest were taking down the bottom of the map. Michy handed the kills and Eliwood's Atk/Spd ruse and Peony's Gentle dream supported them. I had lots of fun with this one as it was not simple tanking but required more interesting tactics.
  25. IS really should have notified us beforehand about the new hero revival in a way. I was really unprepared (like the previous banners). I thought I had plenty of time so I made bad uses of my orbs and tickets but I soon enough realised I didn't have much time, so by the looks of it I won't be able to do the 40 pulls which is a shame as I really wanted an Edelgard merge (she is +6 right now). I am at 19 summons and the total greens were I believe somewhere around 5 and all the rest were Red and Blue of course not a singe 5*. Had I noticed the time limit then I would have gone for full summons and maybe I could have gone to 30 at least now I don't think so. At least the mythic is a skip.
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