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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. I was doing my daily arena with the free matches and I don't have any swords however, out of habit I bought 3 matches using an orb. At least some the damage will be mitigated from the Rokkr Sieges. However, the worst thing is that none of the matches were good scoring.
  2. Free pulled a +Spd -Atk Nagi from the BHB banner. I have her at +2 however she is really good fodder so I am a bit conflicted. I will just manual her and wait.
  3. Ia that confirmed? That's really nice. I already set my projects. I just wonder will every unit be able to go to 10 flowers? If every unit can get 10 flowers then for fliers my project will be Hel, for Cavaliers it's going to be Eliwood, for Armors after I am done getting +5 Legendary and Brave Edelgard I will slowly give them the +10 treatment. For infantries it's definitely a race between FF corrin, Sothis and Fae.
  4. This is one of the best things introduced to the game. It will save me many orbs when trying to pull for optimal natures. The ones I have in my mind right now are. Sothis +4 from +Res to +Spd -whatever L. Edelgard +1 from +Spd to +Atk -Def Fallen Ike +1 from neutral to +Spd Flame Emperor +7 +Res -Hp Brunnya +5 +Def L.Chrom unmerged. +Res/+Atk -Hp Mila unmerged from +Hp -Atk to +Def -Spd Bramimond unmerged from +Atk -Hp/Spd FF Corrin +3 from +Atk to +Spd Spring Iddun +1 from +Atk to +Def/Res Ashnard +4 +Res -Hp These are lots of units however, they are pretty much my key units that need this boost. This feature will save me countless of orbs in the future.
  5. CYL is as good as I expected it. A bit disappointed to be honest at how their weapons are the standard. At this point Edelgard emblem is complete and has 4 axes and 3 of them are armored. However they have new BST and most likely 2 tier 4 skills as Lysethea showcased. I am not disappointed from the technical side. Will use the free summon and the first spark on Edelgard and summon exclusively on green. The extra sparks are nice and if I could I would spark the Lords. However, since I won't be pulling in all colours it will be harder, also I don't even have a crazy annount of orbs as I spent many on the mythic and Hero fest banners. I will grab as many Eddies as I can and then wait until she becomes resparkable through the Twitter voting thing or we have CYL as a hero fest like this year. This new mode seems boring to me so far but I will wait. More flowers is a nice thing however, it takes very long to even get the original 5 so I don't know how much it affects me. I will just try to get Fae from 10 to 15. What I am wondering is who will get that treatment. The traits changing is an amazing thing I am looking at my barracks and the possibilities are endless and the number of orbs I will save is also crazy. I just hope they are not as slow as codes and coins. We don't need another slow earning resource.
  6. Perhaps, well not knowing Japanese and being thirsty for info doesn't help. I wonder why it's Japanese only.
  7. Saw a live event from the Nintendo mobile channel while scrolling through YouTube. I don't know Japanese but seeing Fehnix during the middle of August makes it pretty obvious that this is the second Feh Channel that was mentioned earlier this month. It is in about 22 hours from now. Is that the case?
  8. CYL is begins on the 18th so the detailed banner trailer will be on the 17th. So when can we expect the second Feh Channel to drop and other than the Brave banner and the features of the update what else do you think it can talk about?
  9. That's a pretty scary Flora actually. I wonder if something similar could work for Astra offense alongside Cecilia as a team to take some specialised foes (Also thank you for the Bob Ross reference). On another note today I got a Larum and since I collected her flowers I want to fodder her for Disarm Trap. However, I am conflicted, should I give DT to Eir so that she can break structures and Pots as well as Reposition to safety allies without fear of traps or should I give it to Leila to Warp safely (That's her main gimmick after all)? Also for a neutral +1 Duo Ehpraim (W 5 Flowers) will a build like this work? Guard Lance+ (Res) Reposition Sol/Noontime DC Lul Atk/Def Atk smoke QR Will something like this work as an enemy phase build (insta Guard and extra stats are nice I think).
  10. I got a Larum today from the free pull. Didn't have her so that's nice I guess. I already have enough dancers for AA so I am thinking if I have any dagger that appreciates Disarm Trap (Eir and Leila are the ones I am considering).
  11. To be honest I have never been a big Swiftie. However, I heard Folklore and I loved it. I am a big Lorde, Lana del Rey fan and the album reminded me of their music. My favourites from the album are Cardigan, the last American Dynasty, Betty, exile, invisible string, August and seven. However, the entire album is a gem. To answer your question, I actually have a very similar experience. About a year ago I missed Lana's NFR and didn't even realise it was a new album until a month ago for some weird reason (big brain fart I guess). Now it is a favourite but I find weird how I didn't notice its release for so long, especially with all the Grammy talk.
  12. Got my second crown this week by taking advantage of the fact that we had a wind season with Eliwood as bonus. This week I am using Hel as bonus and my usual core (Flame Emperor, Fae, Aversa). I am lacking however lots Dueling swords I am standing at 0 now. Is there any way to farm them or something. Also the new maps are made for fliers.
  13. Also someone like Thales could be the GHB since he is relevant mostly during the war arc. I just hope it's not a normal character like last year. Also looking carefully at the calendar I noticed how I wasn't interested in anything at all except CYL so I think it could be easy to try and save afterwards for October's Blue and Green in the Legendary banner.
  14. CYL is on the 18th. It will have Forging Bonds so tickets are expected also it will most likely have sparking and if the free summon is a thing then we can get 2 units. GHB is going to be someone random I guess (hopefully it's a TH character to match with the units of the banner). That's pretty much the only thing I care in the calendar, I am with 65 so far. After CYL there are dancers that I don't care about/like.
  15. For Cecilia I decided to go with Tome of order (TA) Reposition Glimmer Distant Defence/ Atk/Def Solo (when available) Lul Atk/Res (when available), GTomebreaker 3 Atk smoke Distant Defence/QR She can be a solid Astra tank that can counter some non red teams. Atk/Res Solo and QR fodder seems to be the best utility right now for Flora. I have a +1 lying around and I tried giving her a chance but I found her too circumstantial to actually be threatening (she must get a refine in my opinion).
  16. Today I got 2 more Cecilias and I realised I have 15 in total. Thankfully one was 5* +Atk (from the new power banner) so I didn't have to spend feathers. I now have her at +Atk +1 with her tome (TA refine). How can I build her as I have never build a raven tome before?
  17. Did my final pulls in the Hero fest hoping for a Sothis and while I didn't get any, I am not that salty about it as she still will reach +4, I will have a neutral +1 Ephraim at the end of it while also giving L.El HB4. I am really satisfied will my pulls. From now until mid September I will be focusing on CYL as Dancers and the legendary will be easy to skip.
  18. Managed to pull a +Hp -Atk Ephraim (of course that would be his nature) I am pretty happy with him however as I already have 2 from the redemption thing I foddered him to to L.El for HB4 and I will still have a neutral +1. Hopefully I manage to get lucky with a Sothis tomorrow so that she can get to +5.
  19. Will use B.Veronica as bonus or maybe Eyvel for some HM grinding as I won't get any new banner hero. The rest of the team will be new units like L.Edelgard, Leila, Mirabilis (soon to reach 6000 HM) and Hel. Phantom Res looks boring and now that we have Spd/Res solo that also grants a pretty big Res boost I think it's redundant. Hone dragons is also fine I guess. I am personally excited about the new Lul Atk/Def 5 Axe but the only one that can use it properly in my barracks is L.Edelgard.
  20. A big skip, currently I am pulling in the Hero fest for one Ephraim and at least one Sothis (saving orbs lltill the last day). As I think it's worth it. The interesting units (Tibarn and Veronica) are both in classes that I don't like/use. Tibarn is a beast and Veronica a Horse. Since Ephraim is easier to pull I will use an Ephraim for HB4 on L.Edelgard. I will simply free pull on green and leave.
  21. The hero fest ends at the 8th or 9th of August, the orbs are distributed at the 11th and the units at the 12th. They also mentioned that they will fix it afterwards so that new players don't face the problem. So most likely we can keep summoning pitybreakers and get the corresponding units afterwards. Best time to merge Sothis. Old pitybreakers are a merge and she herself appears at 5.00 definitely better than November that she next appears. Glad they went out of their way to make up for it. At this point I don't care that much about CYL that much, I simply need to spark. Especially since if I keep summoning on red with some luck I can even +10 her possibly (+3 now).
  22. The 3 girls were made feathers as I desperately needed some at the time and I already had manuals with all these skills. Will I still receive 2 Ephraims and a Sothis? Also really happy IS addressed this properly. Now if we pull in the Fest more old ones we will receive more focus heroes or now that they made their announcement it's over and we better stop pulling until the maintenance?
  23. Had a small rate in the mythic banner so I went for it hoping to fix Edelgard's +Spd but I ended up getting a +Spd -Res Hel. Getting her and with the supeboon was a nice thing. The -Res kind of haunts me as I wanted to use Hel in general content and now that's a big no I guess. I think I will stop here on the mythic banner, October has both Edelgard and Hel returning so I can fix their natures and give them merges then. The free pulls in the rest of the banners gave me several Sol/Noontime fodder and I appreciate that a lot. The Hero Fest was unkind as it gave me a Delthea, a Katarina and a F. Morgan and all at -Atk. Really hope they do something to compensate the whole mess.
  24. Really excited about the CYL2 refines. I use Veronica in Anima Defense so a buff to her is appreciated. Whatever her refine is about I hope it gives her stats as well, part of what makes Camilla so threatening is the fact that she has huge offenses for a staff, it would be nice for her to have a spectrum joint drive buff kind of effect. I also have a neutral Hector so he will be seing some use if his refine is good. The Nul-Follow up idea is interesting however what I immediately thought of was Aymr's effect Atk/Def -6 on foe (or lower perhaps) and prevents follow ups. Celica seems will be the winner most likely as her weapon already comes with +1 cooldown per hit now she gets 7 Hp after combat and some extra CD. Also the icon of her weapon has the 4 colours so I expect it to also give some stats. Ephraim gets 7 Hp per hit and extra stats from what we can tell (was hoping for more). But he is already pretty good I guess.
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