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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Lucina canonically beats Lon'qu. So Lucina it is. Plus, she cosplays my fave lord.
  2. Make it an actual Bows only like my FE12 run or else. No hand axes until bows or any of that crap.
  3. Your Avatar is the character you made. Which you seemed to have named Andy and is a Grandmaster currently. Go to your inventory, select Second Seal and use it on him then select Sorcerer. Then go buy 20 Nosferatu tomes. You can suddenly still beat the game.
  4. Roy has to battle Geylance? Youre screwed.
  5. It's kinda hilarious to see Shanna ORKO'ing Wagner.
  6. Sure, Im up for being the mediator for that match. :)
  7. This is bullcrap. I used Frederick extensively during my latest run and I also trained Virion (wanted to try him out) Cordelia Stahl Chrom Lucina Avatar(though limited by her -def intentionally) and cherche. My team never suffered from being underleveled ever. Later on I also used Galeforce BowKnight Severa Tiki and Sayri.
  8. I ALMOST had a heart attack when my removable disk started formatting. Good thing I didn't lose everything. FE12 also runs lagless in this new comp, which is awsum. Expect the quality to improve, possibly sound and all too :D
  9. I am so sorry everyone. My previous comp finally died (im almost glad) and so I was left without comp for nearly a week. That's why u haven't seen me around updating stuff. Good news though: I'll update this now. It seems warp has been nerfed to half mag range. Next: FE11 *How to make Falchion THE way to kill Medeus. Both *Class changes: Hunters vs Archers. Knights vs...everything. Class Set A vs Class Set B. Class Growths. Class Bases. Mage Bases. Stuff like that. FE11 *Gaidens changed? Early boss stats nerfed heavily? Javelins/Hand Axes MT nerf ala 12? Enemy def drop? Characters: Discuss changes on FE11's- Marth (again), Cord, Bord, Castor, Darros, Julian, Lena, Matthis, Navarre taking into consideration the following: 1. Gameplay changes can affect previously established balance. 2. We don't want to make good characters bad. Instead rebalancing the bad to be good. Nerfs shouldn't be drastic enough that the previous good character is now bad or completely obsoleted. 3. Don't fix what isn't broken. 4. Don't let bias get in the way. And changes on FE12's- Warren, Linde, Palla, Julian, Bord, Cord, Wrys (rejoin), Yubello, Yumina, Sirius, Ogma(rejoin)
  10. This explains so much. Love the Marth and Lucina ones. I never did understand...
  11. Melee is objectively better in almost every way. Even though I like all the smash games and I like both melee and brawl almost equally.
  12. Oh, I forgot: Treat every defeat boss as Rout Enemy because those maps aren't challenging otherwise lol. Also yeah, u should try it.
  13. I'm pretty sure Maria can be a warper with like 8 or so staff uses. EDIT: Also, dat Malicia...I would vote for her, if, you know, she was present. The poll didn't localize her
  14. Sorry, wasn't the intention. I like both FE10 and FE13 (though i've been on and off with this one in particular), was just giving them a shoutout for their rather suspect writing.
  15. In my quest to enjoy the game again, I decided to replay it in Lunatic with a gimped Avatar (+Mag, - Def) she was still useful but can't wreck everything in EP. I relied a lot more on actual teamwork than the usual Lunatic playthrough. I was using Stahl/Kellam pair until Cordelia arrived and then it became my standard Stahl/Cordelia thing, Frederick/Sumia (Fred's still going strong in Chapter 13 what), Cavalier Chrom/Avatar (Chrom being the good one in this pair), a rather spd screwed Wyvern Panne (Cherche came with better spd base, which is ridiculously improbable, I'm probably benching her for Cherche, which is weird), Libra, Olivia and I even used Virion at some point but had to stop due to deployment slots. It was rather fun. Problem is I bought Pokemon Y so gg FE13. Anyway, I recommend playing like this in Lunatic if you don't find it fun anymore: -No deaths -No grinding on anything. -Avatar must have bad asset and bad flaw , preferably defense so it can't tank, ever. -No buyable nosferatu, buyable Rescue optional, up to you if Sol is allowed. It's a lot more challenging and fun this way.
  16. FE9 for sure. FE8 comes close. FE12 too. Shoutouts to FE10 and FE13 for worst-written.
  17. If the Avatar makes it into Smash, he better not have Veteran and Galeforce (lol) or he/she will be so banned.
  18. That's a way too literal translation. I personally like to think he's talking to the cast of his games and telling them to look out for him. Something like: Everyone, watch over me! Or something.
  19. Also, it's not like Provoke/Shade are consistent. Stay as true to the game as possible :P
  20. ^ You mean Tiki? Because she has actual bases.
  21. Yes, yes it was :D. Took a lot of figuring out and I had to make use of even Yufailure. I have 55 uses of Rainbow Potion at the moment. Ambitious strats like these make full use of the Rainbow Potion. It's true that I might run out or have less uses in lategame than usual, but I think I can manage. I can just use less Rainbow Potions where they are unnecesary to shave turns. I guess. But I'm trying to prove a point, is all. We're back! This map is one of the harder maps in the game in Lunatic IMO. The Pirates have 30 atk and are very threatening and the reinforcements make sure that taking it slow during the first turns is a bad idea. I managed to 5 turn with only 1 Rescue staff charge used, which is a feat that no one has ever done before. I had to make full use of every character, including Yubello for this clear. I also wanted to maximize exp for units, but due to some variance on the Armorslayer Thief's movement and a dodge from Catria, I didn't get as much staff exp on Malicia as I would've wanted. This strat is very very demanding. Chapter 4 is completed in 5 turns with only 1 Rescue charge used. Notes: Rainbow Potion uses are absolutely neccesary for this clear. Another 5 turn can be done where you rescue the Avatar in Turn 2 and have him attack the Hunter. He must be a Dracoknight and be strong enough to take on 3 Pirates at least. Turn 3 he goes to the fort to heal and block the pirate reinforcement then he kills the Hand Axe pirate, Palla the Hunter and Marth the Silver Axe pirate near boss. If Palla hasn't proc'd Spd before, she won't double the Devil Sword thief with a RP use, in that case, Linde will need to finish him off. EDIT: The final clear might not be the same as the vid, because I just noticed Castor wouldn't have been OHKO'd by the Pirate he needs to tank (I guess Pirates can have 29 Atk instead of 30 after all, unlucky me I never noticed because they always proc'd 30 when I actually checked them), saving the Rainbow Pot use. EDIT 2: 53, not 55 uses left derp.
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