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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Aww, that boring game (to replay imo) won :(
  2. It might be just to have a target with which to crit everything in Chapter 25, idk. Wouldn't a sage be preferable for that?
  3. I think either Cain Hardon or Barst. Hero would improve Barst, but he might appreciate a few more levels with a good str growth first. Cain would be aother Dracoknight, and hes one of your most solid units.
  4. An excuse to post this vid is always good I say.
  5. I can't wait for the vid! Probably the chapter I most want to see. Btw, are you gonna be using Palla?
  6. If youre not gonna rpelay the game, then go with a save for merged class sets definetely. Opens up options a lot. Voted H3.
  7. True. As long as, say, I don't wait til lategame to build Sullyxvirion or something like that, I should be fine...I think. Should probably start considering what pairs to do. I get a bunch of the females early on, so I should probably focus some of earlygame into building their supports. Noting that I don't neccesarily care if the pairings make optimal 2nd Gens, I just want to recruit them, should probably do something like: LissaxVirion (both arrive early and I want to bench them as early as I can) OliviaxChrom (oh god whyyy) unless I can pair up olivia, which ive never managed in a run. I will really miss having a good Lucina >_> MirielxI have no idea probably Dicken? MaribellexVaike? Gaius or Lon'quxCherche Lon'quxPanne or FredxPanne Sumia Fred or Sumia Henry depending. Stahl Cordelia or Kellam Cordelia Nowi Gregor should be easy to build Hmm...I wonder who I should pair the Avatar with? Tharja with someone that isn't Avatar. Probably Libra or whoever isn't paired yet.
  8. Biggest problem is potentially having to deploy scrub mothers in later chapters though D:
  9. I've been asking myself If I could theoretically recruit everyone in the game without any grinding. Would require a lot of planning. Might make a Lunatic Playlog trying to recruit every single character (including Gen 2) without any DLC, spotpass or whatever. All in one run.
  10. Wendy is OP. We should ban her from LTC altogether.
  11. It's a great game, it's my favorite :P. It's a lot harder because of various reasons. The Rainbow Potion and stat boosters are super cool in casual play imo and i personally love them for LTC, as they enable crazy strats to happen and I like distributing stat boosters. The stat boosters are perfectly fine, since they cost a lot, from a rather limited money pool and helps a lot of characters fulfill stuff they wouldn't be able to do in Lunatic. Like, for example, a Seraph Robe makes Linde viable. And an early Speedwing makes Ryan viable, etc. The Rainbow Potion is very powerful, but I personally like it a lot. I'm probably the only one.
  12. You can also just use Tiki and a Dragonpike Shiida to finish the boss early. You're now almost done with the game! Early congrats. Are you planning to play it's sequel next? Or are you gonna finish Sword of Seals?
  13. I beat it yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot. Was wow'd by the simplicity, yet cleverness of most of the puzzles. The game never actually had me stuck anywhere, which is a shame, but it was so enjoyable that I didn't care.
  14. 1. New Mystery of the Emblem This game is the definition of my ideal Fire Emblem. Challenging, yet manageable difficulty, multiple difficulties, fun yet simple gameplay, characters I enjoy using, multiple features that increase the replay value for me (multiple Avatar classes, reclassing, others), a nice soundtrack, base conversations, a base prep arena, a scaling difficulty (enemies keep getting much stronger every chapter, unlike most FEs, which still have unpromoted enemies even in lategame at times), well made maps that challenge the brain with their situations at times (Chapter 5 Lunatic immediately comes to mind with its enemy placement literally boxing you in and giving you lots to think about, like not wanting to kill Jeorge, but needing to lure the Snipers anyway to get to the Hammerne and the designers were pretty sure you wanted that staff). The only thing that I could ever find disappointing is the lack of later joining character balance. But then again, all FEs lack balance so...This game is single-handedly responsible for making me better at Fire Emblem. 2. Radiant Dawn This game is one of the most entertaining FEs to me. Has a lot of interesting concepts, like battling characters youve controlled before in the story (Dawn Brigade vs GM, I didn't know which to root for at times). Micaiah was a very interesting lord to me and I don't view her as a Sue. But for fear of invoking another Sue war, ill stray from that. The gameplay is really fun, the maps all have something that made them stand out to me, making me remember each and every one of them after my first playthrough. Who can forget stuff like 2-P's sky battle? The music set the tone incredibly well in most maps. Seeing the GMs again and the changing perspectives and story-telling was pretty cool to me. I liked Part 4 a lot back when I first played it, as I thought it did the whole "we're alone, isolated and only we can save the world" thing very well, especially with the music they used in the prep screen and the maps. The other parts have grown on me more through subsequent replays and have made Part 4 the least favorite for me now though. I'm not exactly sure why. Anyway, one of the issues that plagues this game is also the super weird balance and the presence of stuff like Laguz Royals. It also has shaky character development because of the support system. 3. Path of Radiance This was my first Fire Emblem. And man, am i glad it was. As the game that introduced me to the series, you'd think it'd be my favorite, but it isn't. Other Fire Emblems have managed to surpass it as you can see. Still, this game is truly one of the most well-done in the series in my opinion. Sporting a really lengthy story that is actually rather well told, a rarity in Fire Emblem. I came to love the cast of this game so much. The characters all get a lot of development through a combination of supports, story and ike base conversations. The atmosphere is incredibly. It's a very gripping game, with a strong narrative and mood. The game does have it's issues however, like: *completely awful voice acting ruining otherwise memorable cutscenes, *unbalanced terrain more heavily favoring fliers over every other class in the game. *the difficulty is rather lackluster even in the highest difficulty possible for america and in the JP Maniac difficulty, it is made more difficult in a way that shouldn't be done: Giving more def to the enemies. *some of the later chapters can be rather boring to play through.
  15. Say'ri is an ok unit gameplay-wise, Pre-Tiki. Post-Tiki she's one of the MVPs. Idk wtf ppl mean when they say she's bad. Prepromoted with 29 spd in Lunatic at a point where it's ridiculously hard to double Heroes? Yes please. Gets surprising amounts of exp with each kill (30)? Yes please. B swords? Yes please. Can reclass to get wings and her chapter even has an Arms Scroll? Yes please. I mean, ok, she only supports the Avatar until Tiki, but that isn't stopping me from just slapping Kellam or someone useless into her and call it a day. Anyway, I like Say'ri because she's cool. You can't beat my reasoning!
  16. I think u can buy chest keys in some map shop but im not sure.
  17. We would know if you need a trained Horseman in warpless LTC if Horace finished his run!
  18. Happy Birthday Sumia. Thanks for...uh, all those skl spd lck res levels you get. It's the only thing you do well! Oh, and thanks for getting OHKO'd by everyone still as a Falcoknight in Lunatic. Love you for that. Very useful.
  19. I have class in approximately 2 hours. So, I can be the host for a match until then and then get replaced.
  20. Just letting you guys know that I'm gonna be gone all weekend. Because smash tournament. Don't count on me for any matches before Monday. So get another mediator for that D:
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