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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Probably 8 turns. Did you kill the stationary thief?
  2. That felt like more than 7 turns lol. I was like: "Whoa, its only been 7 turns?" when you showed the turncount at the end.
  3. I couldn't let Farina lose to Tibarn! I'm glad I was on time to tie it lol. Tibarn got sniped :D
  4. Yeah, it's sad when a DLC told me a better story than the actual game >_>
  5. Why I hate Awakening: 1. The story is completely terrible. I didn't care for any of the characters except Lucina to some extent and that was mostly because of my Marth bias. 2. The Avatar is just wayyyy overdone in this one. Sure, the FE12 Avatar is Sue-ish too and a great unit, but it wasn't as "OMGROBIN can you please sign me an autograph?", you know what I mean? And he's just so broken that he/she can solo the game. 3. The disconnect with reality in the game makes it look like every character in the game is a loony. Seriously, no one ever feels any remorse over any of the enemies in the game and just proceeds to more comedy. Almost never saying anything serious. The things that actually ARE supposed to be serious, like emmeryn's death end up being a joke because you're likely to not care for her after ch7. She definetely doesnt have enough char development to warrant an emotional song in Ch10. 4. The Pair up system is completely bonkers and I miss my Rescue function. Pair up had the adverse effect of what they wanted to do. Sure, it means you will deploy more units than usual, but due to the way it's designed, one of the units is very likely to be the lead forever because of the exp gain. The other unit is just....there, doing nothing but giving bonuses and attacking every once in a while. 5. The amount of bullcrap that can make you downright invincible. Unlimited Nosferatu? check. Unlimited Rescue? lolcheck. Overleveled unit with a high def cap? Check. Grinding? Check. 6. Which brings me to another issue: Grinding and it's effect on the game. The RNG making skirmishes block shops was soooooooo rage-inducing and very limiting (and a massive middle finger) to challenge runs. Whenever they appeared in tonics shops or the Rescue shop in a challenge run, you would have to wait an indeterminate time to access them. This is just plain terrible design imo or maybe they were trying to shove Skrimishes down our throats. 7. The bigger-than-ever gap between Flier's movement and the other units. 11 Move Griffons? Check. 18 Move Dark Fliers? Check. What? Generals? What's that? Oh, those guys. Yeah, they have 5 move screw you. 8. The map design. It's designed so bad that usually all you have to do is move an overpowered unit up and watch as 10 enemies all go to the unit and die. Repeat until everything dies. Chapter 23 and 24 are great examples of this syndrome. You really aren't ever presented with actual challenges. Just enemies coming at you and dying. Usually they are in groups too, which makes some classes completely unviable. The presence of such an enemy AI usually means your Archers are useless because there's way too many enemies. And there's also the fact that some maps could just be completely ignored due to the presence of buyable Rescue staff. IDK who thought buyable rescue staff was a good idea, because it wasn't. Especially in a game that consists of Defeat Boss in every map after Chapter 12 until Chapter 23. 9. Almost every character is a gimmick. Conclusion: I hate it because it's a broken game. It was only fun playing it blind the first time even though I had issues with the story. After I realized just how broken everything was, it lost me.
  6. :P nah, I don't want to start anything. Just wanted to point that out!
  7. >ZM words things as if Cynthia is objectively the best >says it's his opinion
  8. Ah, I see. Yeah that would've sucked. And whoa, a 5% crit. Must've taken quite awhile to get that RN, huh?
  9. Haha. It's ok though :P. Is there a reliable way to do it?
  10. Yeah, that line makes sense. But uh, yeah, that looks impossibru. What do you mean by Artur by the door on Turn 3 btw? Oh...I know what you mean. If you open the door with someone the Skeleton might attack instead. Keyword: might. IIRC, he's a pacifist. EDIT: I'm glad I'm not the one trying to 3 turn. Good luck lol
  11. It does when there's such a huge move difference...
  12. Derp, I think I got it wrong. The 21,17 is probably where the AOE ends, actually, so it's probably the chest until the southeastern bottom of the map. EDIT: Makes more sense.
  13. AREA 0x8 label23 [12,11] [21,17] 12,11 is the Chest near L'Arachel and Dozla (holy shit that's far) and 21,17 is literally the southeastern bottom of the map. Yeah, I don't think 21,17 is possible. But 12,11 could be, maybe. It's pretty far though.
  14. I can probably check out what area Vanilla FE8 triggers that event in. I changed that in my hack so I need a vanilla Fe8. Give me a few minutes.
  15. Yeah haha. I tend to switch their roles too. There's an AREA event that triggers the AI of a door key skeleton to open the door and changes the AI of the enemies there to aggro. See if you can reach that area in Turn 2 somehow. (since the Door Key skeleton wouldnt die in EP 3). I think you could also try the right path of the map if all else fails.
  16. Ethryn is ded. Also, nice to see the cynthia hype dying down.
  17. But Macellan has unique utility! Dat door key. I'll take your word for it. My experience with the game tells me they suck. But if you say they don't, I'll trust you. EDIT: Whoa! I hadn't looked at the poll for a long time. Why is FE4 winning by so much now? o_O
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