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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Lucina's score I threw out because of only one sentence and that sentence doesn't tell me much. Like why is he bad in said area or why is he good in the other? Which is why I told him to explain but he didn't. Note: You can rerate a unit if I throw your first vote. That's the whole point. "Donnel is better 10/10" Of course that's trolling. "Worst than Counter Brady 0/10" Is a joke, so I'm obviously going to throw it out. "great classes and skill options, and the third best kid in my opinion. Great stats as well. Though his paralogue is the hardest in the game especially considering his meh bases, even if you bother to train Olivia." Very contradictory, just give me more reasoning and maybe take maingame into account, if only a bit, because to play postgame you have to beat maingame. Your post was obvious trolling as usual, Reggie. So don't mind me if I ignore the troll instead of feeding it. The last post was very contradictory to what he had said before regarding postgame, which leads me to believe he's now trolling. It also has a bias going over 10.
  2. Pretty much. Like, his bases with a Firestone are: 18hp 25atk 7skl 8spd 1lck 12def 5res That's pretty terrible for Chapter 8, where enemies are in the 15 AS range. He will get OHKO'd and doubled by the Generals of the map and barely survive a hit from others but will die anyway due to getting doubled. FE11 Bantu is pretty terrible too, due to lack of easily obtainable Firestone, but 25 Atk chip from 1 range isn't so bad there.
  3. ^ I second that. Needs more fanart. EDIT: Yaranaika EliwoodxGuy
  4. The guy that said Nyna is trolling right? She directly aids to her clear of the chapter with Rescue or even Again. Anyway, I say Wendy for sure. 4 move in a game dominated by mounts due to huge maps. Gets ORKO'd by everyone forever despite being an armor. Her bases being absolute trash. Growths are as mediocre as they come for a growth unit. Her only real, practical use is chipping a wall and then giving her Javelin to someone else and be benched forever. Like, even her "chip" sucks since she will never hit and if she does, it's like 3 damage at best. At least Sofia can claim that she'd good vs status staves and gets a Guiding Ring. Also, my list would look something like: FE6: Wendy FE7: Wallace FE8: Amelia FE9: Ena (it's worth noting that this one can still be useful in something like 0% growths, being the only Ashnard killer though, it's tough to choose this game's worst, but it's her or Brom if not, imo) FE10: Fiona, Kurthnaga FE11: Lorenz FE12: Tomas/Sheema FE13: Donnel/Brady
  5. Yep, I will be mixing up though. I don't attack blindly. Though I guess Wifi does that to everyone sometimes. Btw, wanna play now?
  6. You were probably Falco and I Marth. I tend to attack at mid range with Marth so that you feel pressure to not laser me and if you want to illusion, youll get interrupted by my attacks.
  7. The thing is, I allowed postgame to be a factor to please those that like the playstyle. But, those that play postgame also have to get through maingame, so it shouldn't be the only factor. Those that play maingame only, don't have to do postgame. At the rate it's going, he might even outscore people like Sully.
  8. Stop putting words in my mouth. I wanted postgame to count to please those types of playstyles. But I'm just saying, playstyle has no say in this. I'm throwing them because of their untold massive bias. Severa and Cynthia are better postgame than Inigo, yet they received less than him.
  9. Because it shouldn't be the only factor, and there's untold bias in them? I already explained Severa, I wouldn't count them, but Lucina and Dragon boner were the ones to tally that. If you want, I can just kindly go back and tally it myself with what I think shouldn't count.
  10. It is too much even for postgame. The same people that gave Cynthia (arguably the best kid aside from Morgan) 6 and 7s are giving the inferior Inigo 10/10. Some of them also smell of trolling, so I discarded them.
  11. How is Postgame Inigo worth more than the likes of Severa or Cynthia though?
  12. There a bunch of posts that reek of untold +8 bias.
  13. Yeah... Frederick says: Explain. No No Your score makes no sense in relation to what you said about him. K, no. Went from "omgpostgameisbeingcountednooo" to this, yeah.... NO
  14. Maybe, yeah. It doesn't help that I gave him Provoke too early, but maybe I can prevent it. Like, If I make Soren get far enough to Meteor/Bolting one of the dudes blocking Ike's way (and only one of them block him).
  15. Ok, no changing your mind now. Chapter 21 5 turns Hard strat to perfect, but rather easy once I did. Basically, Neph shoved Soren once. Then Lethe shoved him to the right instead of Smite, then Mordy smites him up. Ike uses Pure Water and is rescued by Tits, who cantos up then left. Soren moves up then left right next to Tits and rescues Marcia up. Marcia takes Ike, uses a Pure Water in the spot and then cantos to the first tile of the pond. She countered the Sage with a Javelin in EP, Soren healed her with Physic then attacked him again in PP but didn't kill him because he was healed by the Sleep Bishop in the Ena area. This basically meant that the Bishop would heal him again eventually. Marcia went to Tuaroneo and dropped Sonic Sword!Ike to her left side. Tauroneo put him in Wrath Mode with one attack (fucking hell that hurts) and he starts Sonic Sword critting Armors, but only killed 1 of them. This was enough to make the Bishop target them with Physic next turn though. Anyway, Marcia kills someone and cantos towards Ena with Laguz Lance. Ike full moves up and uses Elixir after equipping Regal (12 uses left). He gets hit by Tauroneo's spear and almost gets to half health, then he kills the 2 Generals that attacked by entering Wrath Mode and critting with Regal. Marcia countered Ena in EP and Laguz Lance'd Ena, adepting for the kill. Turn 5, Ike seizes after I get some more exp with the others. Chapter 22 1 turn Rolf is shoved, a priest is shoved and he obtains Bolting. The others get some kills before Soren explodes the boss with Meteor. I was looking into the possibility of a 3 turn with my team for Ch23. Might be doable if Marcia one rounds Petrine with Adept Killer Lance (gives her a lot of chance to ORKO actually) but I stopped since I gotta go soon. Mordecia and Lethe <3
  16. PR does have a scene. It died for a little while, but it came back up. My tag right now is Light. @ Pikapikapikachu- there are vids but they're so old lol. I'd rather get some newer ones next tournament.
  17. I'm starting to regret letting postgame factor in
  18. I doubt Noire is in the same level as a Rescue staff user. Day 41: Inigo In the same scrub league as Brady. Doesn't exist forever unless you go through the trouble of marrying Chrom to Olivia. And even then, he won't exist for a while due to a terribly hard Paralogue. His bases will be sucktastic because of Olivia and his skills won't be much better assuming no grind. LOL Lck+4. Terrible unit but better than Brady at least! 0.8/10 -0.8 bias for 0/10
  19. I changed the time of day when it gets updated for my convenience. It used to be the night for me and Im going to sleep early lately. 32 minutes left, though I might as well just post Day 41 since i doubt anyone else will rate.
  20. Despoil is Player Phase only. It sucks ass.
  21. 1st-4th. 4th being rarer. 2nd being the most often.
  22. Pikaaaa, get on IP chat

  23. Because I am a competitive player. :p Been attending tournaments in my place for years.
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