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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Everything. Seriously though. I would change the Avatar's brokeness. I would change the story a lot to make it less "Avatar OMG" I would change how the story handles it's villains, give them a lot more background I would change Archer's Skl +2 to Paragon. I would make Rescue unbuyable. I would change the objectives in a lot of the maps. I would change the game's map design almost completely, because they're mostly terrible. I would completely overhaul the knight class. I would change the stupidity with shafting characters because they have no supports. I would change almost everything, except the music actually.
  2. Their niche is moving 2 more spaces.
  3. Male: Gary Stu/10 Female: Mary Sue/10
  4. Hmm, looking at FEwod's map of Chapter 3, what if titania lifted Ike turn 1 and stood in range of every enemy there, ORKO'ing them. Then dropping Ike in the Marcia area and canto'ing. Turn 3, Ike talks to Marcia and ORKOs the Hand Axe fighter (somehow). And then Titania ORKOs boss (needs Level 2 for this or a crit). Ive confirmed that Level 2 Titania is impossible with conventional strats before the Ch3 boss, she gets Level 2 after killing the boss in Chapter 3. Chapter 7 is an error for sure, but I apologize to Lucina for thinking he was trolling. I would try to prove this strategy myself, but I don't have free slots due to my transfer files. Anyway, so Reyson is banned still, eh? I'm actually a bit afraid to continue, since Randa might change his mind.
  5. That's not really a ghost. She said she'd be a ghost if we needed more players but later wanted to team with CR.
  6. Where? I dont think goasts work in tag team if theyre a part of the team...
  7. Lucina unloaded the draft ._. Very awesome partner, CR.
  8. If I may ask, why are you feeding stuff to terrible longterm units like Maribelle and Gaius? D:
  9. Day 38: Severa My waifu's daughter 10/10 Severa is one of the better kids imo. Her mom is really good so she will inherit those stats. She has a lot of dad options, comes in a decent class and has a totally rad class set. In my experience, she makes the best Hero ever, being able to Galeforce stuff and capping str and spd in Tier 2 Level 15 or so, like a boss. 4/10 +1 bias 5/10
  10. 3-3 Pass didn't save a turn. Titania Ike is always 7 turn.
  11. I read this as Pimp my Part ._. and then I read it as again but this time it was Pick My Part. Anyway, not in.
  12. I did. Just haven't logged. I gave up after no one posted progress. Think I left in Chapter 14?
  13. It worked for me. Even the General and Armors to the south moved (and the Peg to the right, which I had to lure so Spear wouldnt run out on it).
  14. The Adept Halberdier moves before Oliver in Enemy Phase. Since I ORKO'd the halberdier to the right of him and canto'd to 1 range of him (Oliver), he attacked me before Oliver.
  15. And his Gatrie and Shinon can fly so they avoided the inevitable penalty in the Ch3 3 turn. The only way to get Marcia with only Ike and Tits is a 4 turn since he has to stay a bit behind to protect Gatrie/Shinon and THEN he can go talk to her. There's also the issue of Titania needing the Hand Axe because she can't ORKO the boss cleanly for a 3 turn. Ferrying Ike is out of the question too, since that means Titania's way is blocked and Gatrie/Shinon are left helpless AND WILL get attacked before boss moves. Anyway, Chapter 17-1 2 turns Marcia flew up and had just enough str to ORKO the halberdier if he didn't proc too much def and hp. Soren got 2 mends in during the chapter. Titania and the others helped clean up. Chapter 17-2 3 turns Marcia flew to the arrive tile. Soren got 3 mends in with shoving and making Lethe take damage Turn 1. Chapter 17-3 10 turns Soren gets to C staves in Turn 2 and also C Fire for Meteor. He starts spamming Ward and using Thunder in Enemy Phase. The others trained with enemies as they could. Chapter 17-4 1 turn Adept Halberdier moves before Oliver, that's great. Marcia only needed 1 smite from Mordy to reach. Astrid promoted with the only kill she could get during the turn. Soren got a Ward in too. I think he needs 5 more wards. EDIT: Stopping here until we determine Reyson's fate.
  16. Not really. I'm not in a position to lose. Lucina's counts are bull so he isn't actually beating any of us.
  17. They're still pretty bad and you would be wasting Lon'qu on Maribelle :p I forgot about Owain, but it still doesn't speak highly about Brady.
  18. Huh? I could've sworn Wyvern Rider was always default for Yarne since whenever I use him, he has it. I guess it's because I've paired his mom with Fred and Lon'qu. Just pretend that line doesn't exist, it doesn't really change my score, since those are (to me) her best husbandos anyway.
  19. So, allow him I guess? Would let me 6 turn Ch18 and 1 turn 19
  20. At the moment, I thought Soren or Tormod wouldn't make it back to me for Rescue and Sieging (Reyson helps them get Rescue) But since I got Soren and he's going to get B staves due to early promo by Chapter 21 anyway...
  21. Hmm, she has 19 str after Chapter 16 lol. I'll have to get creative, no biggie. And yeah, I drafted based on Reyson being dead so I'm not sure I want him in. Hmm...let me think? EDIT: Instead of spearing the halberdier, I'll have to make Marcia kill him in PP with a forge and then send it to the convoy and equip Javelin for EP.
  22. Wow Intelligent Systems. Brady's growths suck more than I thought. 76 33 48 53 51 65 26 45 This is with Lon'qu as a dad. That's pretty much his highest spd growth. With Chrom its 48. He has the worst personal bases of any other kid, his mother sucks at stats not mag lck res and his staff rank is even worse than every other kid's C rank in actual weapons. I may have been too generous with 0.5/10. Like seriously, even reclassing him will only yield a unit with terrible growths and bases that. Promoting him will make a Mediocre Sage/War Cleric.
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