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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Btw, the way to make Archers better without going into ridiculous territory: Increased exp gain so that their chipping rewards them with enough exp to stay afloat. Chip actually mattering. Not terrible bases. Dangerous few enemies as opposed to an army of them. (lol FE13) Dangerous flying enemies that only they can handle reliably. A reward for using them long-term. The bolded one probably being the most important. They're notably better in the FEs with dangerous fliers like FE6 and 12.
  2. I'd argue FE9 Rolf is better than Virion. FE10's definetely is. Wil is also probably better and at least tomas can reclass.
  3. Err, I was sure I had posted my progress on this but I can't find it.
  4. Yeah. Btw, it's funny, you were tied until Rhyyyys ruined it. EM is dumb like that. Everyone gets the same TC until some chapter blows it.
  5. Probably even less than that. :p Like, make him just another character like the rest. Not central to the story.
  6. It wasn't nearly as bad as FE13's. At least the Avatar there isn't the focus of the story at any point except the Prologue. FE13's is like, the main focus in the last few chapters. And then there's the boat incident that I hate the FE13 Avatar for. Avatar: Oh look, I just burned an entire fleet! Everyone: Omg yeah awesome work Avatar!
  7. It's mostly that chip was actually useful. In FE13, there's too much enemy density in its Lunatic for Virion to reliably chip. Sniper was also actually a nice class to have around for dem wyverns and dracoknights. Also, if Avatar were to return (which it will), then I want it to be better implemented: More customizable stats (ala FE12), but the bonuses aren't as big. Ideally, I'd want an specialization (+10 growth +1 base), an aspiration (+10 growth) and a flaw (-10 growth -1 to 2 base). As well as decreased growths and no Veteran. Dialogue options ala Mass Effect. I constantly feel like the Avatar isn't me when he's being his usual Sue-self in FE13, I feel like implementing a system like this could help make him feel more like you. Story importance on the same level of the FE12 Avatar.
  8. I meant the celerity carrier...the cavaliers double someone with half spd. And Ilyana doesn't beat Soren lol. Ilyana saves no turns in Part 1 except 1-8 depending on the team and her spd problems are more obvious than Soren's. Soren has 3-P and 3-1 to contribute in, capping spd by 3-1 with BEXP.
  9. A one way trip to a Mental Institute (lol).
  10. The DS version has a fixed party always. You get more party members throughout the story that you just can't switch in to later. It's kinda dumb to me because I hated one of the characters in the party and would've liked him out. IIRC, the SNES one is like that, too. The GBA remake allows you to switch around just before the final battle.
  11. Bolded: Play it without auto-battle? It's pretty awesome that way. Remember it's optional. Anyway, I would recommend: FF12- this game has very good gameplay. The story is meh, but if you value gameplay more than that, this will be your cup of tea. Lots of sidequests and exploration to do. A nice battle system and hunting missions will keep you entertained for quite a while. It's not my favorite, but I appreciate it's gameplay a lot. FF9- This game was my first FF. And boy, it's a good one. Lots of things to do, nice story, nice gameplay, interesting cast of characters, good music. This game has it all. FF13- It's linear, but the story and gameplay are neat imo. Autobattle could make things boring, but it's optional. The battle system is pretty fun to me with it's paradigm change mechanic. Be warned though, aside from the it's linear as fuck complaints, I have another one: There's this character called Snow that ruins any scene he's in by shouting: "Seraaaaaaaaaaaaah". Ugh. It gets less linear in Chapter 11 btw, but sadly, that's a long way off. Not a bad game though. FF4- Pretty cool. Classic FF gameplay. I dont remember much of anything from the story so I cant comment on that. I just know I had fun with it. The DS one has stupid stuff like not being able to switch your party members though. I hated that shit. Since I wanted the epic YANG on my team instead of that stupid Edge ninja dude they forced on me. Gah.
  12. If there's an Avatar, for the love of God, let him/her not have an OP skill like Veteran. I hope Pair up is removed and Rescue command comes back. Pair up is too OP. I also hope the next Lunatic is more about teamwork than mindless move and end turn. I also hope Seizing makes a return, because it was awesome and much better than lame defeat boss that can be trivialized. I feel like FEDS had the right idea about bow users, sadly, FE13 ruined it once again by giving us Virion. I feel like Paragon/Veteran being the Archer skill instead of Skl+2 wouldve made him actually good. I hope the next game has useful archers.
  13. Yeah, you need a lot of shovers for that. Alternatively, a Celerity dude with 9 move and 2 shoves on that unit so it can drop the Soren bomb. Good luck getting to the boss being doubled though.
  14. Lol Grima. I solo'd the game with Ricken (Avatar until he joined) like 1 month ago, get on my level.
  15. Yeah, and he wouldn't have been able to 6 turn Ch7 without that hand axe...
  16. I like Deliverer Discipline Kjelly. Sadly, I dont like pairing chrom with sully.
  17. Implying I was being serious.
  18. Stop spamming. 1 strike to Reggie, the guy below Reggie, Folt and Dragon Boner.
  19. But that was because every single enemy could kill if they hit, right? Guess I will just rig it until Cordelia and Sumia can actually die.
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