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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Both Oracle games are worth the try. Though Iirc youre not really a fan of Zelda.
  2. Like Lucina said, she's a worse Nowai, and Nowai wasn't good to begin with. Very bad for maingame, which is what I base my ratings on. 1/10
  3. FE2 seems so bad ._.
  4. Sure, as long as it's his Final Smash or something. I don't like Mewthree though. And @ Acacia- that's very interesting. Even if he is irrelevant today, I think that solidifies his return. Nintendo and Sakurai wouldn't get rid of a character like that.
  5. You forget that he can still get the level lead before Veteran is removed in Chapter 3 though and has every single class option still. E lances would hurt, if it couldn't be forged and there weren't str tonics and pair up :/
  6. A lot of people in Smashboards are jumping on the Toon Link will be cut bandwagon. But there's a lot of stuff that I think will make him stay. He's very relevant, with a lot of games he represents. An upcoming HD Wind Waker remaster. Conductor Link being in a stage is just the same as DK being in 75M. Sakurai himself has said that he thinks Super Smash Bros. needs two links representing Zelda. Decloning him is easier than some might think, he has a lot of tools that the other Link has never used, like the Skull Hammer and the Deku Leaf. As for ROB, I dont think he will get cut either. Didn't he save Nintendo from bankruptcy way back then? I think the most likely cuts are Lucas, Wolf, Lucario and Ike. Sad to see Lucario go, because his aura mechanic was interesting. Would prefer and welcome Mewtwo with open arms though. As long as it's Melee mewtwo and not that stupid 6th gen Mewtwo.
  7. Avatar without Veteran is still probably better than the rest of the cast, not joking. Veteran just makes it overkill.
  8. I was going to tally stuff today. But I'm feeling a bit ill. If someone wants to tally the scores, i would appreciate it. Or we could just wait til tomorrow. Day 39: Nah
  9. It was just an example from the type of play I know. The Avatar can do anything any other character can do, but better is what I mean. A Knight called Kellam->Avatar can reclass to Knight and roflstomp him. Oh look! Ricken and Mirieil can use Rescue if he/she goes Sage. Nvm! Avatar can do that too. Oh, these 2 girls can get Galeforce without reclassing, do want. Oh wait, Avatar can reach it faster and can actually use tomes!
  10. How is having Dark Mage in her class set a con? Just don't use it. She already has the 2 of the best classes in the game + very likely Cavalier. Might also have myrmidon if Stahl's child.
  11. Well, battle save level rigging is lame :p Also, Ilyana iirc, needs the tigers to not proc too much hp, which makes it all the more annoying. 75% crit while doubling is actually ridiculously likely to happen btw. While Nolan's 45% str and 60% spd proc'ing together for all the levels is stupidly unlikely. Nolan woud also need 5 levels before then (which im not sure he can get, probably not) to double cats. I'd say even ILYANA is more likely to 4 turn that map.
  12. Not sure. I stopped playing and admittedly didnt try very hard :P
  13. I'm sorry, but Sumia can't even be compared to Avatar in any way. Avatar outclass everyone by miles in their classes. Like, Dark Flier Avatar gets Galeforce by Chapter 16 in LTC (just an example) vs Sumia and Cordelia never getting it. Panne isn't comparable either, despite how broken she can end up being.
  14. Sedgar and Wolf kinda suck though. I think pair up is a big thing on why FE13 encourages solo'ing.
  15. Umm, how does FE4 solve this, exactly? Isn't that the game famous for Sigurd and Seliph solos? FE13 is a joke in this too. Shadow Dragon is a lot more team oriented than the others you mentioned. Who, exactly is solo'ing stuff in that game? o_o Anyway, I think the solution is like, dondon said, subobjectives since they require you to have a split team to accomplish them. Making enemies better and not allowing your units to be solo masters is also a way. EDIT: Ugh, forgot about Warp. Technically you can Caeda Warp solo FE11 until Medeus where youre better off Tiki Nagi'ing.
  16. No. Nolan needs str spd every level. Edward just needs enough levels on average to get 3 spd iirc. Iron Sword Crit forge + Wrath is more reliable than str spd every level. Since Eddie has 75% or so crit in that mode and only needs to face 1 tiger at a time. The cats can be troublesome to double though iirc, but he has a lot more chance to double them than Nolan. Ilyana needs a rigged mag and spd .99 BEXP level before she faces the tigers.
  17. Technically, there's no way to avoid them seeing combat though. Since they dont have canto. There's always this wyvern that attacks Janaff after taking to Naesala.
  18. Hey Integ, can undrafted Janaff/Ulki be attacked in FE9? Rule says they can be used to get the Knight Ring in Chapter 19, that means they can counter in EP right or at least be targetted by the ballista. Because there's no other way I think.
  19. Does Janaff/Ulki get attacked by Naesala in Turn 1 EP or does he talk to them? Its' been a while since Ive "recruited" the Knight Ring. I want to see if I can 2 turn the map with the Knight Ring since I can't 1 turn without it anyway due to no Reyson chanting.
  20. > Implying Down smash and upsmash look like good moves :p I'm more worried about that forward air with massive Marth-like range and the down air PROJECTILE spike.
  21. He/she has the ability until Chapter 3 at worst. It's true that it is optional afterwards, but that's not the point. The fact the skill exists in the first place is dumb.
  22. Chapter 3? What happened to the others? I must've missed the links to the vids
  23. The player that was playing against Sakurai DI'd into the dsmash though. I figure it's like Peach's down smash from melee: Broken when someone DI's down, otherwise just 13 damage to a player that doesn't crouch cancel it.
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