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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Yeah, it's because of my paranoia with Chapter 20x. Last time I did that chapter in LTC, I was wishing I had more mobile units with a good speed cap. I ended up 4 turning the map because of the lack of horsemans. With Sirius, Ryan and Navarre, this won't happen again, hopefully. Chapter 16 is to be warp skipped though. So I can't really kill him (too far away to reach and I have better uses for Warp).
  2. Where all of these lance users you're all speaking of? As far as I know, Chapter 16 is her join time and there's: Warriors Bow Knights Snipers Pegasus and Falcons (there's very few of these) Heroes Fighters in Chapter 16. Then there's Chapter 17: Heroes Valkyries Snipers War Monks no lance users in sight there. Chapter 18: Griffons Warriors Sages Swordmasters Paladins (ok but they're very few too) Chapter 19: Walhart is a chump, so it's likely over before Turn 2. If it isn't, then there are a lot of lance users, indeed. Chapter 20: A lot of Generals. So only Chapter 19 and 20 are full of lances, and theyre bosskill chapters. So say'ri joining in Lanceland is exaggerating a lot.
  3. I've been thinking, and wondered why I even bother to deploy Gordin just to recruit an unused character when I can just kill Jeorge for his exp and still obtain his shard and parthia. Not deploying Gordin not only gives me more exp to the Jeorge killer, but also allows me to deploy a better unit so it can get exp (like navarre). Hmm...since I'm 1 turning Chapter 16, I wont be able to get the Mercurius, but I might kill Astram for it in Chapter 8. I'll just have to make a lot of plans for it. Might have to skip a few General kills.
  4. Say'ri has some manly bases. She's pretty much a better Lon'qu statistically. Her class set is also pretty amazing. Sadly, her defensive bases are pretty suspect, she lacks supports and her availability isn't too hot. She at least joins at a point where the only lance users for awhile are the Pegasus enemies in C16 until C20 though. Which helps her a bit. She can also supply another unit with a whopping 7 spd. She supports Tiki at least, even though they're far away from each other, I find that support compliments both pretty well (even though Tiki will be the lead in the relationship). 3.5/10
  5. I always do offense even if playing casual. Defense is for chumps like Jedi or Lucina.
  6. Chapter 3 3/12 Frederick pairs with Stahl and he full moves left. Chrom recruits Kellam and pairs into him. Kellam moves right and switches to Chrom and Kellam gets transferred to Sully. Vaike pairs with Sumia and he goes to the right side. Miriel goes to the right too. Avatar is paired with Virion and she goes left. In EP, Avatar is targetted by all the enemies due to her lower def and she ORKOs everything (she survives because of Virion's def + too) and she obtains the Door Key. Turn 2, she trades the Door Key to Sully and uses a vulnerary. Sully opens the door. Stahl and Fred go through it. Sumia kills the Archer of the right side group and the soldier that got weakened dies to Miriel. In EP, an enemy goes for Miriel and the other towards Chrom, they get weakened. Stahl's way is now blocked. So Avatar goes to Sully, switching to Virion and Virion transfers Avatar to Sully then switches to Kellam. Avatar KOs the enemy on the way. Sumia and Miriel get a kill each and Fred finishes the chapter with Silver Lance (PP+EP). Robin Level 10.58 HP 26 Str 12 Mag 12 Skl 12 Spd 17 Lck 06 Def 09 Res 06 Sword E Tome D Fred Level 02.14 HP 29 Str 14 Mag 02 Skl 12 Spd 11 Lck 06 Def 14 Res 03 Sword D Lance A Axe D Stahl Level 02.88 HP 22 Str 08 Mag 00 Skl 07 Spd 06 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 01 Sword D Lance E Miri Level 02.23 HP 19 Str 00 Mag 06 Skl 06 Spd 08 Lck 06 Def 04 Res 04 Tome E Sumia Level 01.79 HP 18 Str 06 Mag 03 Skl 11 Spd 11 Lck 08 Def 05 Res 07 Lance D While I considered giving Avatar the Second Seal right now in Chapter 4, I reconsidered because I remember that I only have 1 Javelin so I need her 1-2 range still. Guess that will have to wait until Chapter 5.
  7. Rate the Unit Day 28: Say'ri begins now. Lucina got a 7.12 unbiased and a 7.26 biased.
  8. We're not waiting for Tiki. She's not second gen.
  9. Yeah. FE13 Avatar hates me. Lunatic Chapter 7 can be a bit tough to get all the items because of the master seal by Feena/Navarre. Without getting the crit with Navarre, the only way to get it is with a Dracoknight, but that lures Astram's heroes too early. And yeah, you need to :P.
  10. And she has a guaranteed C support with Chrom for more speed too. She's definetely not on the levels of Henry even with Oliviamom
  11. A bit on the slow side for an Avatar but yeah :D. That was my goal and I'm glad i got them. Thanks :).
  12. I hope they remove their silly grab infinites. They could retain combos from a grab due to their nature, I don't mind that.
  13. If it's my typical Avatar, then like 13-15. Because my Avatars are uncool like that.
  14. It has nothing to do with Toon Link being in or not. Remember 75 M in brawl had a DK's grandpa. Conductor Link is the descendant of Toon Link, he isn't Toon Link.
  15. No. It's as easy as 1. Each first generation character shall be rated before any second gen(Lucina not included) character. :P
  16. A bit early to promote, but if anyone can get away with Level 12 promotion, it's the Avatar. Palla also promotes because i need Dracoknights for this map.
  17. Yeah, the amount of rigging would be ridiculous.
  18. Miriel and/or Ricken would have more range with it. And they're easier to promote.
  19. Maribelle and Lissa can't get exp in LTC. Lissa was lucky to get 1 heal in Chapter 2.
  20. ^ Reclass her to Cavalier, she gets Discipline, like 6 swings or something ridiculous like that and you have 1-2 range. Voila.
  21. Oh...so that's what she says. I never understood that. Though it was "Fur Release" Anyway, voted for "I'll end this now"
  22. Chapter 2 2/9 Robin pairs with Sully and she kills a Bandit on the right. Frederick pairs with Stahl and attacks a barbarian after full moving up. Chrom+Virion go left, Lissa stands away from enemies but close enough to avatar. Vaike is out of range but barely. In EP, Chrom Rapiers a soldier and a merc on the left. Avatar kills 3 soldiers and a Merc attacks Stahl. The north enemies are lured. Turn 2, Lissa heals Robin and she kills the merc blocking Stahl's path and Stahl goes up, switches to Fred and Fred kills the boss. Miriel kills the soldier and Chrom kills the Merc. in EP, everything dies to Robin and Frederick. Chrom Level 1.68 HP 20 Str 07 Mag 01 Skl 08 Spd 08 Lck 05 Def 07 Res 01 Sword E Robin Level 9.39 HP 25 Str 11 Mag 12 Skl 11 Spd 16 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 05 Sword E Tome D Lissa Level 1.20 HP 17 Str 01 Mag 05 Skl 04 Spd 04 Lck 08 Def 03 Res 04 Staff E Fred Level 1.92 HP 28 Str 13 Mag 02 Skl 12 Spd 10 Lck 06 Def 14 Res 03 Sword D Lance B Axe D Virion Level 2.10 HP 19 Str 06 Mag 00 Skl 09 Spd 05 Lck 07 Def 06 Res 01 Bow D Sully Level 2.20 HP 20 Str 07 Mag 01 Skl 08 Spd 08 Lck 06 Def 07 Res 02 Sword E Lance D Stahl Level 2.45 HP 22 Str 08 Mag 00 Skl 07 Spd 06 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 01 Sword D Lance E Miriel Level 1.33 HP 18 Str 00 Mag 06 Skl 05 Spd 07 Lck 06 Def 03 Res 04 Tome E I'm going to try to raise Miriel to rescue.
  23. Haha. Ggs. I only SD'd at the last stock with Lucario though.
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